How to make a cat an enema for constipation? Enema to the cat: instructions for the procedure

If the owner decided to have a kitten at home, then he must know how to give him an enema. There are a large number of indications for such a procedure. Using an enema, you can remove excess toxins from the body of the animal and help with dehydration. It is in this way that special medicines and nutritional components are introduced to the animal, and the body temperature decreases. It is important to understand how to make an enema for a cat at home.


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and neurological problems - each of the described disorders can result in regular constipation in the pet.

Constipation itself is not attributed to a disease, but to one of the symptoms. It may indicate that the animal has problems with the body or some pathology that is in the initial stage of development.

With constipation, it is very important to begin symptomatic treatment. In this state, the animal feels severe heaviness and other unpleasant sensations. It is important to remember that prolonged constipation in all cases leads to intoxication of the pet's body.

Long-term constipation in a pet

According to statistics, adult individuals suffer from prolonged constipation, and cats are less likely to affect cats.

In most cases, cat owners complain of irregular constipation. The main reasons for the appearance of such a symptom include:

  • poorly composed nutrition;
  • accidentally swallowed a small or large object;
  • a large amount of hair that enters the gastrointestinal tract when licking.

The main signs of constipation in a furry pet are:

  • regular lethargy, depressed state;
  • the pet does not eat for a long time;
  • bloating, unpleasant pains are possible.

Experts say that in normal condition, cats should go to the toilet at least twice a day.


After the owner is convinced that the cat has constipation, you need to start acting. It is important to remember that during the procedure, the delicate mucosa of the rectum of an adult cat, and especially a small kitten, can be injured.

When carrying out the procedure, it is important to observe some rules:

  • an enema should be given only if other methods (for example, drinking plenty of fluids or taking laxatives) do not bring the desired effect;
  • Before putting an enema, it is important to get advice from a veterinarian. The specialist must establish the cause of the occurrence of constipation and determine whether it is necessary to put an enema on the animal;
  • it is forbidden to try to put an enema on an animal on its own, if the instructions for the procedure have not been previously studied and the owner is not sure of his actions. Enema for a kitten and an adult cat is a very unpleasant procedure, so the animal will resist in every way and not allow the procedure to be completed. In this case, the owner’s inept actions instead of alleviating pain symptoms will only worsen the general condition of the pet, and can also lead to a loss of confidence in the owner.

Careful preparation for the procedure

How to make an enema for a cat with constipation? To begin with, it is important to carefully prepare for the procedure itself. An enema is put to the cat by means of a rubber bulb. For the procedure, you will need salted water and a lubricant.

As a lubricant (a substance that reduces friction and protects against possible mucosal injury) it is allowed to use:

  • fat cream;
  • vegetable oil;
  • petroleum jelly.

Lubricant before the procedure, you need to generously lubricate the tip of the rubber bulb. Many pet owners are wondering why salted water is taken for the procedure. Experts say that this prevents its absorption by the intestinal walls. For the preparation of saline, a proportion of 1 teaspoon of table salt (it is recommended to take sea salt) per 0.3 liters of hot water should be observed.

If a cat needs setting not a cleansing, but a medical enema, then instead of salted water, experts advise using other solutions: a mixture with potassium permanganate, tinctures of medicinal herbs.

Symptoms of constipation

Before starting the procedure, gloves must be worn to comply with sanitary standards. If the owner is not sure that he can do everything by eye, then on the nose of the syringe he should note the depth of entry. It should not exceed two centimeters. If the kitten will put an enema, then this distance should be slightly less (from 1 to 1.5 centimeters). The pear should be used in a small size, it should contain 100 ml of solution.

The common question is whether it is allowed to use a large pear, but not to fill it completely. This should not be done, since a syringe of this type will have a thicker tip, which is not at all safe for the animal. To prevent injury, it is important to use only small special pears.

If an enema is used as an aid in eliminating constipation, then the temperature of the solution used should be at around 28 degrees Celsius. Additionally, you should prepare:

  1. Clean rags and disposable wipes. Better as much as possible.
  2. A special stand into which the used solution will drain. Together with the feces of the animal. In this case, the capacity should be selected based on the size of the cat, which will be located directly in it.


How to make an enema for a cat? If we talk about the place of the procedure, it is important to choose a clean and spacious place. The bath will be the most optimal, since it is easiest to clean up after the procedure. But this is allowed to be done only if the cat already knows the situation in the bathroom well and has previously taken water procedures in it.

The animal may be frightened of its own voice in the bathroom, because here it becomes different because of the tiled walls. In this case, the pet is already experiencing significant stress due to strong physical exertion, as well as strange preparations of the owner.

A strong mental strain experienced by a sick animal can provoke his desire to hide as far as possible so that the owner could not find him.

First stage

The entire procedure for treating constipation in a cat is divided into three stages. It should be carried out exclusively on an empty stomach.

There are a large number of ways to keep a pet during the procedure. Many veterinarians say that during the procedure, the pet should stand, not lie.

It will be best for the second person, whom the pet himself knows well, to hold the cat. You can ask for the help of an adult teenager or a soul mate. If there is nobody in the house who can help, then if the work is done with the left hand, the pet should be placed on the right hand.

Pet holding

It is important to remember that even the most obedient cat will not remain calmly lying on his hand during the introduction of a rubber bulb. It is for this reason that you need to hold the pet as tightly as possible, but without causing him any pain.

Second stage of the procedure

The syringe is filled with a solution to the desired level. Depending on the size of the animal, 50 to 100 milliliters of solution should be used. Before introducing the tip, gently squeeze the pear so that a few drops of water appear. This is necessary so that excess air does not enter the intestines of the animal.

Syringe application

After that, the syringe tip, lubricated with a lubricant, is carefully inserted into the anus of the pet by screw-like movements. With the introduction, it is important to observe a direction parallel to the spine.

After that, the solution itself is slowly introduced. An overdose with the introduction of an enema should not occur, since all excess fluid will pour back.

Third stage

After introducing the prepared solution through a syringe, you should close the pet's anus with its tail and keep it in this state for the next twenty minutes. This period of time is important to observe to soften fecal matter. After 15 minutes, the pet is placed in a container prepared according to its size and allowed all the accumulated feces to go outside.

For best results, the same procedure can be repeated after a few hours.

The main contraindications

It is important to remember that setting an enema for a cat can bring both a positive and a negative effect. In this case, only the veterinarian can accurately determine the disease, during which the use of an enema is strictly prohibited. These include:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process, internal bleeding, or tumors in the rectum;
  • volvulus;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • severe chronic diseases that are associated with internal organs.

Expert Advice

Veterinarians give some recommendations for setting an enema for an animal.

Visit to the vet

These include:

  1. It is best to choose an early morning for the procedure.
  2. During the event, you should talk with the pet, calm him and stroke. A calm tone and proper behavior will help the animal not to worry and prepare, so he will trust more.
  3. It is possible to soften the accumulated feces by massaging the area under the pelvis. It is in this place that you can feel the solid feces.
  4. It is important to pay particular attention to the color of the outgoing fecal matter. If they have an admixture of blood, then this may report injury to the rectum. In this case, it is important to bring the pet to a specialist as soon as possible.

In order not to worry about how to properly administer an enema to your pet yourself, it is best to take him to a clinic with a qualified specialist. How much does a cat enema cost in a veterinary clinic? In each region of the country, the cost of such a service will be individual. The total price is 1220 rubles.

Enema "Microlax"

"Microlax" is an effective and widely known treatment for constipation. The drug is delivered to the pharmacy in packaged form, which makes its use particularly convenient. "Microlax" is a safe drug, so its main components are of natural origin. This tool, created for people, is not in all cases suitable for pets. It is important to study the instructions for the use of Mikrolaks microclysters to identify possible contraindications. And only then use for the cat.

Microclysters Microlax

How does the Mikrolaks enema work ? The active ingredients in the composition of the product help soften the stool and bind air bubbles, which lead to unpleasant colic. Mini enemas include a lot of water and have a viscous consistency, which provides an enveloping effect. In addition, the agent "Microlax" by contact activates intestinal motility.

How to apply

Instructions for use microclysters "Microlax" is simple. When using the drug, it is important to remember about the sensitivity of the digestive system, the weight of the pet and the individual characteristics of its body.

Rules for the use of microclysters

How to administer an enema "Microlax" to a cat? For an adult, a children's dosage of the drug is used. The tube is squeezed out halfway (up to the indicated mark). The therapeutic dosage for a pet is selected from the ratio: 0.2-0.5 milliliters per 300 grams of weight.


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