The drug "Liarsin" for the cat: an indispensable tool for the home veterinary kit

Today, among professional cat breeders and amateur cat breeders, homeopathic preparations are very popular, which help to deal with a variety of ailments, while sparingly treating the animal's body. A good example of such drugs is the Liarsin preparation for a cat from Helvet.

larsine for cat
The drug "Liarsin": a general mechanism of action

Means “Liarsin” (for cats, dogs and other domestic animals) is a homeopathic drug with a broad spectrum of hepatoprotector. Available in two forms: tablets and injection.

As a result of treatment with the Lyarsin drug for cats (which are generally positive reviews), the following improvements in the state of the animal’s body appear in the shortest possible time:

  1. exchange and regeneration processes return to normal;
  2. detoxification function of the liver and its general condition improves;
  3. the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of its mucous membranes are normalized;
  4. the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas is stimulated;
  5. increased immunity;
  6. restored, normalized protein, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism in the body of the animal.

larsin for cats reviews
The drug "Liarsin" for cats: treatment and prevention of ailments in kittens and adults

This homeopathic preparation is indispensable in the home veterinary medicine cabinet and professional breeder, and a simple lover of cats:

  • in the treatment of inflammatory and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • with colitis and constipation;
  • to improve the general condition of old animals, in particular, the normalization of metabolism ;
  • in the treatment of non-communicable skin diseases, for example, allergic reactions to food, furunculosis, dermatitis, dermatoses;
  • as one of the drugs in the complex treatment of pyroplasmosis, especially during the recovery period after an illness;
    larsin for cats Price
  • when preparing a cat for childbirth and recovery after childbirth, as well as for the prevention of postpartum diseases and infections;
  • with the prevention of eclampsia;
  • for the prevention of metabolic disorders and its consequences, for example, obesity in neutered males;
  • for the prevention and treatment of stress and the elimination of its negative effects on the cat's body;
  • in the treatment of joint diseases caused by metabolic disorders, or in age-related animals.

Pills or Liarsin solution for cats and kittens are an effective way to reduce the intoxication of the body that occurs when fighting helminths.

In a word, it is a complex homeopathic medicine, as they say, for all occasions. The dosage and duration of medication depends on the age of the animal, its weight, the severity of the disease. In the instructions for the drug "Liarsin" for cats (the price of which in most veterinary pharmacies does not exceed 300 rubles of the Russian Federation and depends on the form of release) all this information is described in the most detailed way. Of course, the ideal option is to consult a specialist before you start giving the cat medicine on its own.


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