Red Book of Kostroma Region: animals and plants

The Red Book is the main document that contains materials on the current state of rare and endangered representatives of the plant and animal world. Based on these data, scientific and practical measures are being developed to protect and reproduce scarce specimens.

Red Book of Kostroma Region

Red books are of various levels (international, national and regional).

Red Books of the Russian Federation

Work on the Red Book of modern Russia was started back in 1992, although the publication itself was published only in 2001. Since then, Regional Red Books have begun to appear, relevant only to a particular district or region. The Red Book of the Kostroma region also belongs to such publications. The animals and plants listed in this annotated publication are of interest to the population of not only the Kostroma region, but also the inhabitants of the entire Russian Federation.

This article will provide a short list of animals of the Red Book of the Kostroma region, as well as a list of plants and birds. A concise description of each species individually will help you better imagine the beauty and splendor of the natural world of nature, which should be protected and protected.

Kostroma region

Kostroma region is located in the north-east of European Russia. It is located within a moraine-hilly, sometimes even marshy plain.

The region is famous for its water resources. On the territory of the Kostroma Territory, about three thousand rivers flow, both large and small, the most important of which is the Volga. Most of the region’s territory is occupied by forests, mainly coniferous. Therefore, one can only imagine how rich and diverse the flora and fauna of the region is, the habitat of which is so diverse and diverse: these are turbulent river flows and thin shallow streams; these are dense forest plantations and moist grassy meadows.

What species of flora and fauna does the Red Book of the Kostroma Region protect? Photos and descriptions of them will be submitted in this article.

Fauna. Vertebrates

Representatives of the wildlife of the Kostroma Territory are those for which forests and tundra are a comfortable habitat. According to official data, in the region there are three hundred and sixty-six studied vertebrates, eighty-six of which are considered rare or endangered.

The animals of the Kostroma region listed in the Red Book are, first of all, birds and rodents. Although there are predators among them, such as European mink.

Red Book of Kostroma region animals

European mink is a mammal from the marten family. Lives on the shores of fresh water bodies with gently sloping shores, overgrown with grass and alder, feeds on fish, crayfish and frogs. Sometimes it can even feed on poultry.

A distinctive feature of this species is the swimming membrane between the toes. The length of the body of the mink ranges from 28 to 43 cm, and weight - from 550 to 800 g.

The European mink is famous for its valuable fur, therefore the Red Book of the Kostroma region decided to take it under state protection. A similar decision was adopted by other Red Books of Russia.

Fauna. Short list

The rare endangered vertebrates of the Kostroma region also include:

Mammal Class:

From the Insectivorous Detachment - Common desman and Shrew-crumb.

From the Batwing Group - Red Evening, Pond Nightlight, Ushan, Two-tone Leather and others.

From the Rodent Squad - Ordinary flying squirrel, Garden dormouse, Forest lemming, etc.

Reptile Class:

From the squad of Squamous - Breaking Spindle and Quick Lizard.

From the Serpent Squad - Ordinary coppers.

Class Amphibians:

From the Tailed Squad - Siberian Coral Tooth.

From the Order of the Tailless - Red-bellied toad, Common Garlic, Lake Frog and many, many others.

Therefore, if you want to hunt in the Kostroma Territories, be careful and carefully study the Red Book first, so as not to accidentally destroy a valuable and endangered species.

Fauna. Vertebrates. Fish

This advice applies to all fishermen and lovers of spinning, because the Red Book of the Kostroma Region also protects rare fish. Among them, mention should be made of European grayling from the Salmonid order.

plants red book of Kostroma region

European grayling is a freshwater fish of the Salmonidae family, which has a special unusual color and lives in cold and clean reservoirs. Its length can reach 60 cm, and weight - 6.5 kg. Grayling feeds on crustaceans, spiders, mollusks, insects and even small fish.

It is noteworthy that European graylings have a delicate aroma of thyme (or thyme).

In the Kostroma region, other freshwater fish are also subject to protection: Sterlet, Russian sturgeon, Russian bastard, Gorchak, Ordinary eel, etc.

Fauna. Vertebrates. Birds

Who else protects the Red Book of the Kostroma region? The animals included in this list are diverse according to classes and subspecies. They are very beautiful and admirable for their appearance, habits and role in the environment.

Among such representatives of the fauna, one should pay attention to the winged ones. Which of them is protected by the Red Book of the Kostroma Region? The birds mentioned in it are, first of all, a detachment of Ciconiiformes, the Black Stork being a vivid example of this.

Red Book of Kostroma region animals and plants

The black stork is a beautiful bird of unusual color. Its plumage has a rich black color, against which the red paws and beak seem especially bright and intense.

The bird lives in a forest zone, near reservoirs, avoiding people and residential areas. It feeds mainly on small vertebrates and invertebrates (sometimes even rodents, snakes and lizards).

The black stork winters in south Asia. His favorite pastime is to soar in flight, spreading his wings. The stork hatches the chicks for about a month, and the offspring appears unevenly with each other. Over the next two months, adult birds feed the babies, burping food.

Other birds mentioned in the Red Book of the Kostroma Region (and there are at least fifty of them) are also beautiful and little studied, like the Black Stork. First of all, it is the Gray Heron and Little Bittern, Whooper Swan and Red-throated Goose, Golden Eagle and Serpent Eater, Krechet and Kulik-Magpie, Blackbird Warbler and Common Oak, and many, many others.

Fauna. Invertebrates

The Red Book of the Kostroma Region contains a list of invertebrate animals that require special protection. There are thirty-eight species. These include some Mollusks (Common Toothless and Thick Barrier), Crustaceans (Spring Shinning, Summer Shinning, Narrow-toed Crayfish), Dragonflies (Green Grandmother, Brilliant Beauty, Dryad Carrot), Beetles (German Steed, Marble Bronze, Widest swimmer) , Hymenoptera (Great Birch Sawfly, Common Hornet, Earthen Bumblebee) and many others.

Fauna. Butterflies

Of course, numerous butterflies fell under state protection. Among them is Machaon.

Red Book of Kostroma Region photo

Swallowtail is a lovely butterflies from the Lepidoptera family. Its front wings are decorated with bright unusual ornaments - black spots and veins, as well as a wide black border. And the hind wings have an even more amazing pattern: blue-yellow spots are complemented by a red-brown eye, surrounded by a black stain. The wingspan of this type of butterfly can reach 81 mm in males and 94 mm in females.

Machaons live in meadows of various types, on forest edges and clearings, roadsides and river banks.

The eggs of the female Machaon are laid, hovering in the air, on the lateral surface of the stem or the underside of the leaf of the fodder plant, which can be hogweed, dill, parsley, alder Maksimovich, gyrnicharica, lamb louse and many others. Because of this, the reproduction of butterflies is subjected to great extermination as a result of fires, mowing grasses, grazing cattle and intensified trampling of meadows.

However, in addition to the rarest species of fauna, representatives of the plant world are naturally listed in the Red Book.

Flora. Flowers

Plants of the Red Book of the Kostroma region are truly unique. They amaze with their beauty and unusualness, outlandish charm and exoticism.

First of all, it is almost twenty species of the Orchid family, ten species of the Ranunculaceae family, more than fifteen species of the sedge and cereal family . Among such a variety of flowering and fragrant representatives of the flora, mention should be made of Calypso bulbous.

Kostroma region animals listed in the Red Book

Calypso bulbous is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Orchid family, distinguished by its unusual beautiful flower. A large and fragrant flower, with the head down, reaches a length of approximately 1.5 cm, and has a spotty saccular lip (approximately 2 cm in size). the shape of the lip resembles a shoe, at the base of which there are three bunches of bright yellow hairs.

Calypso blooms in May-June, and fruiting occurs in July-August.

In autumn, a change in the leaf of the flower takes place; therefore, under the snow cover it is still with a fresh green leaf, which indicates the tropical origin of Calypso bulbous.

Flora. Other plants

Plants of the Kostroma region, listed in the Red Book, are not limited only to flowers. They also include Lichens (Lobaria pulmonary), Red algae (Batrachospermum distinctiformes), Mosses (Sphagnum bogs, Trichoman gomalia, Dicranum schistifolia), as well as some trees and shrubs. First of all, it is Lapar Willow, Blueberry Willow, Dwarf Birch and Squat Birch.

A total of one hundred and fifty-six species of plants and plant organisms have been taken under protection. Among them, it is necessary to mention such a fruitful representative of the flora as Vodyanika black.

plants of the Kostroma region are listed in the Red Book

Vodyanika black (or Shiksha black) is a small evergreen shrub of the Vereskov family. It grows predominantly in mass, Vodianiki thickets are found in rocky areas, as well as in light coniferous and tundra forests and dunes.

The branches of the shrub are green, brown or reddish in color, and the flowers have a greenish-pink or reddish-purple color. In the fall, the crowberry produces black opaque drupes, which have medicinal and nutritional properties.

Book value

As you can see, the Red Book of the Kostroma region is a very important and interesting publication. Decorated with vivid illustrations, equipped with brief descriptions and information about various endangered species, it will take its rightful place in your library and help you join a worthy and noble mission - to protect and protect the world around us.


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