Potato varieties Colombo: description, characteristics, reviews, photos

The Colombo potato variety is an early variety bred in Finland and has proven itself in Russia due to its good taste and resistance to many types of diseases. Due to high ratings, this variety has become one of the most popular among Russian gardeners. It is worth considering in more detail the description of the Colombo potato variety with a photo and reviews about it.

From the history

It is believed that potatoes came to Russia thanks to Peter I in the 17th century. To fight peasant hunger, Peter I ordered the spread of tubers among the people. Unfortunately, among peasants this exotic vegetable did not receive distribution. He was planted only by foreigners who lived in Russia.

Catherine II also made an attempt to popularize potato culture among the peasant population. The peasants planted it, ate tops and green tubers, pickled them and did not want to plant potatoes anymore. Later, peasants began to sell potatoes, although they themselves did not eat, being afraid of poisoning. And the peasants did not want to change the light labor of sowing and collecting rye to the heavy harvest of potatoes.

Potato variety Colombo reviews

Only by the end of the 19th century did potato vegetables finally manage to get on the tables of Russian peasants. In the XX century, it became popular on noble and peasant tables.

Modern agricultural technology

Modern varietal potatoes, including Colombo, require a certain soil composition. Potato loves light chernozem. He does not like too much black soil or very light soils.

The acid composition of the soil causes diseases and instability to pests in potatoes.

To maintain the fertile composition of the soil, you need to make cow manure every fall. Mullein is mixed with black earth dust and scattered on the ground. For every square meter, 1 kg of manure is enough. It is not worth exceeding this volume, since cow manure is a nitrogenous fertilizer.

If there is a lot of nitrogen, a strong green tops grows in the potato. But even in the absence of ovaries, the crop cannot be harvested.

Potatoes are planted in late April - early May. If planted earlier, you will have to work hard to help the potato grow in underheated soil.

Colombo is planted 56 days before harvest, as this variety belongs to the early ones.

Colombo potato variety

Hilling and feeding

Hilling is a must when growing potatoes.

Initial hilling is done when seedlings have grown to 5-10 cm. Top dressing is not applied. Before hilling, it is necessary to remove all weeds, tearing them with the root.

The following hilling is performed before flowering. All weeds are also harvested manually.

In the fall, the land where Colombo potatoes will grow is fertilized with mullein.

Before the tops begin to bloom, potassium sulfate and wood ash are added to the soil.

During flowering, potato bushes fertilize once again. Use phosphorus fertilizer. Its granular form is convenient.

Potato β€œColombo” variety description

High yield secrets

In addition to fertilizers and hills, it is important to observe the temperature regime when growing potatoes.

In the southern regions, with a heat of 40 degrees, tuber growth stops. At this time, the culture must be watered with cool water, so that during the day moisture evaporates to cool the soil.

Cold cloudy summers are also unfavorable for potatoes. Harvest in such periods is reduced.

The optimum temperature for growing potatoes is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Description of the Colombo potato variety for high yields advises you to properly prepare planting tubers.

Large tubers are cut with a knife over the steam. Then they are kept for two weeks in the sunlight, at which time the cut is tightened with a peel. After that, you can plant. Small tubers are planted whole.

You can plant seeds prepared in advance. Seeds are taken from the bushes that gave the highest yields.

Do not plant the same variety of potatoes in the same area. Potatoes do not like the same soil and degenerate over the years. It is useful to change varieties or a plot for sowing. In these cases, a good harvest is provided.

Of the potato pests, the Colorado potato beetle is dangerous. A special tool that is on sale will help get rid of it. The substance disintegrates in a month and does not have time to harm the crop.

Potato "Colombo" grade description reviews

Variety Characteristics

Colombo potato bushes are of medium height, can be erect and spreading. Leaves of green color, medium or large size. Corollas on the reverse side have a weak anthocyanin color, which may be absent.

The Colombo potato variety is resistant to diseases such as potato cancer, as well as the potato nematode. To late blight average resistance.

Potato tubers are smooth and regular in shape. The pulp and peel are yellow. Tuber weight - from 80 to 125 grams. The starch level is 11-15%. The taste is excellent.

Commercial appearance of tubers is estimated at 81-98%, keeping quality reaches 95%.

Productivity is about 42.45 t / ha.

This is the description of Colombo potato varieties, reviews about it complement the available information.

Colombo potato variety

Reviews gardeners

Potato varieties Colombo, according to gardeners, has high ratings.

This variety is valued for such properties:

  1. Great taste. Potatoes do not boil too much, taste delicate and not watery, soft and pleasant.
  2. Attractive appearance.
  3. Early ripening. Harvest can be removed a month and a half (40-50 days) after planting.
  4. Unpretentiousness in leaving.
  5. Resistance to lack of moisture. The variety does not require frequent watering. At the same time, the number of crops is not reduced.
  6. High yield. 10-15 potatoes are collected from the bush.
  7. Resistance to cancer and nematode.

Among the shortcomings, the short keeping quality of the variety is distinguished. Colombo potatoes are stored for no more than six months. However, a lot depends on storage conditions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32498/

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