Cactus lofofora Williams: the birthplace of the plant, description, features of cultivation, home care

Of particular interest among a large number of representatives of the Cactus family is the genus Lofofora (or peyote). According to various data, it combines from two to five to seven species of succulents, which are found in nature in dense thickets of shrubs growing on low mountain slopes located in Mexico and the United States.

The article provides a description, characteristics, and also features of the cultivation of lophophores of Williams (Williams) - one of the varieties of this genus.

Cactus in nature

Plant features

Of all the representatives of this family, the lophophore is distinguished by a rather unusual and unique composition of juice containing a variety of alkaloids. Due to this, it can have a tonic and therapeutic effect on the human body, but only if used in small doses. The use of juice in large quantities can cause hallucinations, so the cultivation of this plant is prohibited in many countries of the world, including Russia.

Lofofora Williams

This cactus is divided into several types, including the chemical composition of the healing fluid. For example, the spreading lophophore has an elevated level of pellotin, while the lophophore of Williams produces mescaline to a greater extent, although they practically do not differ in appearance.

It should be noted that many experts have noticed: cacti of one species can have characteristics of a completely different kind.


Cacti at a young age are very similar to each other, so the diversity of species can be estimated only by adult specimens, especially by those that are more than 10 years old.

There are several classifications of the genus. Typically, botanists distinguish from two to 4-6 (7) species, for example, such as:

  1. Lofofora Williams. The length of its stem reaches 7 centimeters in height, and its diameter is about 12 centimeters. His flowers are pinkish-white (a more detailed description is given below in the article).
  2. Lofofora is blurry or diffuse. The cactus has a spherical, dull, light yellow flattened stem (diameter equal to 15 cm). Yellowish or pure white flowers in diameter reach 2 centimeters. In nature, they are most often found in Texas, where they grow in the shade of shrubs.
  3. Upholstered lophophora. This variety has a bluish-green flattened, spherical stalk 13 cm thick. Lophophore Cactus flowers are white and have a diameter of 2 cm.
  4. Lofofora verdure. This variety has a dark green spherical stem with a width of 20 centimeters and white flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm. Locations are rocky deserts of Mexico.
  5. Lutea and yellow lophophora. The stem is yellowish-green with a gray or brown tint grows up to 10 centimeters in thickness. The flowers are light yellow or cream in color in diameter equal to 3 centimeters.
  6. Lofofora mescaline. This is a small fleshy cactus, growing in length up to 10 centimeters and in diameter up to 8 cm.
Cactus bloom


Lofofora Williams (Williams) has a green-blue stem, smooth fleshy, soft to the touch surface. At first glance, it seems that the plant consists of convex individual segments fused together. There may be five or more such parts. A lot of tubercles are noticeable on the plant stem. Among these cacti there are specimens with puffing pimply scallops.

In the center of each individual segment is the areola, from which a large number of hairs, colored in the color of straw and collected in a dense bundle, come out. The adult specimen has the largest number of hairs located at the apex. There are young growing segments of the cactus growing. In the spring, flower buds form in these places.

The lophophore Williams stands out for its repetitive massive root, which has a large number of thick processes. In width, it is almost equal to the diameter of the stem. Unlike the aerial parts of the plant, the length of the root system is pretty decent.

There are several forms of this variety: deceptive, five-ribbed, multi-ribbed, combed and bushy.

Lophophore Williams Flowers


In summer, cactus blooms. Semi-double, tubular, multi-petal flowers grow up to about two centimeters in diameter. They can be of various shades - from snow-white to pale red.

After flowering, cactus forms red-pink fruits, up to two centimeters in size. Inside are small black seeds.

Growing conditions

Cactus is a plant whose homeland is warm and relatively sunny edges. He needs a fairly bright light, but slightly diffused. When exposed to direct sunlight, the stem may partially change color to red, and the plant itself will slow its growth and development.

In summer, moderate temperature is most suitable for lophophora, although it can withstand heat up to 40 degrees. For the winter period, the cactus should be rearranged in a cooler place (just over 10 degrees), but be sure to consider that in winter it needs light.

Capacity for lofofora

Soil and capacity

Peyote cactus loves loose soils that pass air and water well, and also have neutral acidity. When choosing the right soil, it must be taken into account that its composition should contain one part of the earth saturated with nutritious mixtures and two parts of loosening additives. To do this, you can combine perlite and brick chips, turf ground in proportion. Experienced gardeners advise adding a small amount of bone meal to the soil.

Since this cactus has sufficiently powerful and long roots, the capacity should be high. Be sure to do the drainage. On the surface of the soil, fine gravel should be distributed in a thin layer. They should also cover the root of the plant’s neck.

Cactus cultivation

Home Care

Lofofora Williams is well grown at home, but in order for the cactus to develop correctly, you must provide him with proper care.

Watering should be according to the schedule, depending on the time of year, the temperature in the room, as well as on the condition of the soil. In the summer, the moistening procedure must be carried out two days after the soil has completely dried in a pot. Stop watering at the end of September. Otherwise, rot may appear on the cactus in the cold winter. The best time to start watering is March.

Lofofora does not need additional moisturizing, as it feels great even with low humidity in an ordinary city apartment.

Feeding and transplanting

Plant nutrition is necessary only during the period of its active growth. It should be done once a month. You can use special ready-made fertilizers for cacti for this.

Williams' young lophophore should be transplanted in the spring, once a year. A plant that has matured in this procedure can be subjected only as necessary, and only after the root system has grown so much that it ceases to fit into the container. In the process of transplantation, the lower processes should be cut into ΒΌ part. After this manipulation, the places of cuts must be well dried or treated with charcoal, and then the plant can be moved to a new flower pot.


The easiest way to grow cactus is by seed. Sow them all year round.

In addition, lofophora can be propagated by children. In autumn, they should be carefully separated from the main mother plant and placed on a layer of perlite. In such conditions, they must be kept in the same way as an adult cactus in the winter (do not water). In the spring, children form roots. After this, new sprouts of Williams lophophores must be transplanted into permanent pots.

Cactus breeding

Diseases and pests

The cactus of this variety is practically not sick, and insects almost do not damage it. The cause for particular concern among flower growers is that it creates the feeling that the lophophore stops growing. This is a completely natural phenomenon, since this specimen develops slowly, and its stem growth is approximately 5-10 millimeters in one year.

The cactus of this variety can hardly be considered the most attractive. The stem of the plant has a grayish color. In shape, it is flattened and rounded, and instead of spikes, hairs cover it. He has such a loud glory, most likely due to the intoxicating substances contained in it. However, it should be noted that the hallucinogenic properties of this plant, growing within our country, are much weaker. This means that the concentration of its active substances directly depends on the climatic conditions of the cactus. The plant in the homeland manifests itself in a different way, because it is used to a completely different environment - dense thickets of bushes and calcareous slopes of mountainous terrain.


It is also important to note here that it has been forbidden to grow lophophore of this variety in Russia (and not only) since 2004. Criminal liability under Art. 231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation occurs when growing more than two copies of the plant. This is due, as noted above, to the fact that the juice of this plant contains a narcotic substance (alkaloid mescaline), which can cause visual and auditory hallucinations. For this reason, the cultivation of this cactus is prohibited in many countries of the world at the legislative level.


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