IS-5: how to get this tank

Every day an increasing number of players come to the World of Tanks. The game grows and develops, overgrows with new maps, types of weapons and models of equipment. Some of them, by the way, personify the limit of dreams of most players. For example, the same object 730. Its other name is IS-5. How to get the? More about this later.

is 5 how to receive

What distinguishes the IS-5 from its competitors?

Why did he attract the attention of users? No matter how trite it sounds, but literally to everyone. This is a universal tank, capable of both leading an attack and successfully defending. All this he can do his characteristics, which, I must say, are too good for the tank of the eighth level.

But do not rush to type the search query "how to get the IS-5 tank." First you should learn more about it.

Tank characteristics

The car received a hull from the IS-8 with all the ensuing advantages, such as reservations such as “pike nose”, 120 millimeters of frontal armor at an angle, as well as shielded sides that do not miss the damage from cumulative shells.

With a maximum mass of 55 tons, the IS-5, thanks to a 700-horsepower engine, has almost 14 horsepower per ton of weight, which allows it to be one of the most dynamic heavy tanks at the eighth level (at a maximum speed, by the way, 42 kilometers in hour).

how to get is 5

The IS-5 is equipped with the same gun as the IS-6, only under the condition that the D-25TA fires under- caliber shells at the IS-5 . And this is actually an out of the ordinary event. Prior to this, only Object 260, another Soviet representative, had such a privilege.

By landing an experienced crew on the tank, the player can achieve a fairly high damage result per minute - more than 1850 units. This despite the fact that the IP itself has a margin of safety equal to 1550 units. And the same IS-3 - the closest competitor - can inflict only 1750 damage per minute. The difference of a hundred points does not seem so big, but on the battlefield this can play a decisive role in the victory of a team. And the more damage done, the more credits the player will receive in the end. And making money is the main task of a premium tank.

In fact, the IS-5 is an IS-3 devoid of "children's ills." The third "Joseph Stalin" had one weak spot in the frontal reservation - the roof of the tower, which pierced everyone who is not lazy, especially the high German TT. But the fifth model has no such drawback. In this regard, the IS-5 is much better armored.

is 5 wot how to get

After these arguments, many probably wanted to become the owners of this tank. But how to get the IS-5?

The only minus of the tank is not the preferential level of battles. IS-5 gets to the tenth level, where it will be pierced by almost everyone who is not lazy. But he will be able to fend for himself.

And even after that, you can safely assure that the Yandex request “IS-5 WOT how to get” will not become less popular.

What will the IS-5 be issued for?

As a result, it turns out that the developers added a premium tank to the game, practically devoid of minuses and even surpassing their “regular” opponents in almost all respects. What's the catch?

And the catch is that you can’t buy it in the store for “gold” or real money. But then how to get the IS-5? It will be issued to players for participating in an event taking place on the Global Map. According to rumors, no more than 10,000 copies of the tank will be issued, so as not to upset the already precarious balance in the game. It turns out that the question "IS-5 how to get?" closed.

How can I get the IS-5?

So, in order to become a happy owner of IS-5, each player must either have good statistics in the game, or be somewhat different from all the other players in the World of Tanks in order to be taken into one of the most powerful clans of the game. And after that, his clan should become one of the leaders of the clan war, and only then can the coveted Object 730 appear in the hangar.

It turns out that you should do everything in your power to at least try to get the IS-5 in your hangar. After all, its owner, quite possibly, will forget once and for all about such a lack of credits, non-penetration in the IS-6 style, total damage to the tank roof from artillery a la IS-3 and other “joys of life”.


Well, since the answer to the question “IS-5: how to get it?” Is now known, we can safely say that the tank will become the same WoT legend as Type 59, which once excited the minds of players who wanted to get it, with its dynamics, armor , a weapon with relatively high accuracy, good penetration and one-time damage and, naturally, a preferential level of battles, where the “Chinese” felt like a bully in the sandbox, and now inaccessible for purchase for any currency.

how to get tank is 5

Yes, the T-54 or T-44 are not inferior to him in their characteristics, but these are regular tanks that do not bring any bonuses. The IS-5 is the same story: there is an IS-3, which, in general, is almost the same tank, but it is regular and available for pumping absolutely everything. Can players tell everyone that they have a “third” IP in their hangar? Of course not. Who can’t have it? But about the presence of the IS-5, you can tell anyone and, quite possibly, this fact will make a huge impression on the audience.


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