What does an encephalitis tick look like? What to do if you are bitten?

With the advent of spring, before going on a picnic outside the city, many people wonder: "What does an encephalitis tick look like?" We answer right away: just like the usual one! They can only be accurately determined at the sanitary station of the city, taking all the necessary tests. The tick season lasts from April to October, but May and June are considered the most dangerous months. It was at this time that there was a high probability of getting a bite.

What does an encephalitis tick look like: photo

what an encephalitis tick looks like

At first glance, these bloodsuckers look like spiders, their length, in the main, ranges from 0.5 to 4.5 mm. Encephalitis virus can be contained in any of them, be it a larva, nymph, female or male. Unfortunately, it is impossible to immediately feel on yourself. Because before the bite, the tick injects its own poison into the skin of the person, which has the effect of anesthesia. That is why a person does not feel that he was bitten. Females are more dangerous, as they bite into the skin for a long time, and without external intervention they do not detach. But the males spend a maximum of an hour on the human body, and then they themselves disappear.

What does an encephalitis tick bite look like?

If you find a suspicious reddened spot on your body and doubt where it comes from, then it is best to consult a doctor. A tick bite is no different from other insect bites. Also, a red speck with a diameter of 1 cm appears on the skin, it only differs by a large hole of the prokus. And if the bloodsucker has been on your body for quite some time, the stain will be much larger with a characteristic bluish tint and pink trim.

How to extract a tick?

What does an encephalitis tick look like?

If you still found this bloodsucker at a meal, the main thing - do not panic! Of course, you will want to quickly sweep it away and destroy it, but there it was: it’s not so simple. What does an encephalitis tick look like, you already know, it remains only to learn how to extract it without harming yourself. Do not rush: quickly remove it all the same will not work, because it is securely fixed inside the wound. Try to gently pull on yourself and at the same time turn the tick counterclockwise. If you do everything right, after 2-3 turns it will completely exit. If there is sunflower oil on hand, then before pulling out the tick, grease them with the bite for about 15 minutes. After this procedure, it will be much easier to pull out the bloodsucker. In no case do not use vodka or acetone, you need a tick alive, otherwise, having felt the danger, it will inject even more poisonous, and even infected with encephalitis, saliva into you.

What to do with the extracted tick?

what a bite of an encephalitis tick looks like

So, here you are with him. You already know what an encephalitis tick looks like, but you still don't know what to do with it. In no case do not let it go, do not crush and do not burn! It’s better to put the tick in a jar and take it to the laboratory, so that they will take tests for encephalitis from it. If the analysis is negative, you can leave with peace of mind. And if the virus is confirmed, you will need to do all the necessary injections to avoid the development of the disease.

How to protect yourself?

Going into the forest, now you can no longer think about the question: "What does an encephalitis tick look like?" It is best to pay attention to the clothes in which you go to relax. It is desirable that all parts of the body be closed, the cuffs should fit snugly on the legs and arms, the socks should be long, and they should be worn over the trousers. Let you look awkward, but not a single tick will approach you. On areas of the body that remain open, you need to apply a special spray to repel insects and ticks. After a walk, be sure to examine yourself and your loved ones!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32502/

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