What to name a German shepherd puppy (boy)? Dog Naming Rules

Often, the names of the dogs speak not so much about the character properties or habits of a particular animal, but about the owner’s attitude towards him. This is not surprising, because the name of the dog is chosen by the person, based on this from their own ideas.

Nothing better than the dog’s nickname speaks about the identity of its owner, even the breed. However, this is true only in cases where the name of the animal is chosen by the owner. But when acquiring a thoroughbred puppy, the name is usually given by the breeder, or at least the first letter is determined by him. Often this upsets people, especially those who for the first time decide to make a four-legged friend. However, the nickname that is recorded in the documents is not at all the only possible option for how to contact the animal. Pet houses may well be called quite differently than prescribed by the pedigree.

Basic rules for choosing a home name

If in kennels and clubs nicknames are selected in accordance with the serial number of registration of puppies brought by the bitch and other similar nuances, then completely different rules are important for determining the home name.

In order for the nickname to be successful, the animal and its owner liked the animal, when choosing it, one should take into account the following points:

  • euphony;
  • brevity;
  • lightness and simplicity in pronunciation;
  • semantic emphasis;
  • conformity to breed and purpose.

As for the purpose of the dog, then this should be understood as the reason for its start. A formidable guard dog on a chain or a hunting dog cannot respond to the same name. The companion animal, who spends most of the time in the apartment, and the working dog accompanying customs officers, police officers, rescuers, require different names.

How to choose names in nurseries?

There are not so many options for what to name a German shepherd puppy, boy or girl when purchasing it in a kennel, even if the four-legged baby is given without a finished nickname.

As a rule, nursery owners follow these rules:

  • nicknames of puppies in the litter begin with the same letter;
  • full name contains fragments of parents' nicknames.

In addition, when choosing a nickname, Russian human names and city names are not used.

What name is suitable for a service dog?

The right way to name a German shepherd puppy (boy), which in the future will become a working service dog, is of interest not only to dog handlers working in customs, police or other similar departments. For example, if an animal is bred in a private house to protect the territory, then it will also be an official one. If the owners live in the countryside and want to raise a shepherd for several of their goats or a watchman for poultry - geese, chickens, ducks - then the dog also belongs to the workers. Animals serving as guide dogs also serve.

German shepherd puppies

For a working dog, the nickname needs a simple and convenient pronunciation. This is the first thing to consider when considering what to name a German Shepherd puppy (boy). Understanding why these requirements are important is quite simple with an example. If the dog performs security functions, but for some reason it needs to be urgently withdrawn, most people pronounce not only a command, but also a nickname. What is easier to shout: "Julianus" or "Rex"? In some situations, seconds are important, so you should not call a working animal a long, difficult to pronounce, pretentious name.

In addition, you will have to seriously deal with service animals, train him, train him. With an easily pronounced short name, this process will be much more interesting and productive.

Service Dog Name Options

Of course, this does not mean that the nickname should be banal or boring. Name variants for service animals are incredibly many. For example, a dog can be quite named after the characters of films, comics, and literary works.

Puppy thought

Nicknames for German shepherd dogs (boys), who have to do some work, may sound like this:

  • Max;
  • Lex
  • Rimbaud;
  • Cap;
  • Rex
  • Harry;
  • Lupus;
  • Joy;
  • Hans and so on.

The main thing in the name, along with its simplicity in pronunciation, is sympathy for the nickname of the animal itself. If the puppy does not learn the nickname during the day, ignores it, you should not think that the dog has low intelligence, you need to try a different version of the name.

What is the name of a companion dog?

In recent years, German shepherds are rarely seen on city streets, however, as are representatives of other medium and large breeds. But this does not mean at all that a friend and companion for a city dweller who spends most of the day at work will not grow out of a shepherd.

The name of a German shepherd puppy (boy) who does not have to do any service has much more freedom and less requirements than choosing a name for working dogs. In the first place of importance in this situation, completely different points are put forward, such as consonance, sympathy for the name of the owner and puppy, meaning and uniqueness. Also, the name should easily fit on the collar for puppies, because if the baby is lost, it will facilitate his capture by other people and, accordingly, accelerate the return home.

Bred puppy of a shepherd dog

Options for affiliates:

  • Theodore;
  • Willie
  • Terminator;
  • Jackson
  • Reno
  • Noah;
  • Carlos and others.

When choosing a name for a companion, the associations of its owner always become apparent. That is, a person who is passionate about Hollywood action movies or games in the fantasy genre usually does not name the animal in honor of the biblical characters or historical heroes of the wars of the past. However, you need to think before giving the dog a name associated with something specific. For example, Shiva, Moses - great names, sonorous, beautiful, full of meaning, but quite capable of offending someone’s feelings and provoke an unpleasant, problematic situation. Therefore, nicknames that sound unambiguously, such as Hitler, should not be given. If their meaning is important, you need to consider how to change the name so that it sounds neutral.

How to name a dog if a small child grows up in a house

What to name a German shepherd puppy, boy or girl, if he is bred for a small child? The question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The name must meet many criteria. The most important is the ability to pronounce the nickname, the convenience of its pronunciation for the child. The nature of the puppy and its breed should also be taken into account. Call the German Shepherd Dog Pupsik not worth it. This is a serious animal that is not inclined to cause emotion and desire to pat others around the ears.

It makes sense to watch the baby and puppy. As a rule, young children quickly call their pets. Even if the child is only a year old or less, he will necessarily indicate a variant of the name, for example, he will call a Bobo puppy. Accordingly, the dog can be called Bob.

German shepherd with puppies

Also, in choosing a nickname, you can start from the names of cartoon characters, fairy tales, comics, which the child likes and understands. For example, if you look for names for a German shepherd (boy), instituted for a child, among the characters of mythology, then the nickname will be beautiful, but for children living in the family - no. Suppose a dog is called Bacchus or Adonis. For children, this is an empty set of sounds, devoid of meaning and not causing associations.

Click options:

  • Dart
  • Billy;
  • Donald;
  • Wolf;
  • Huck;
  • Hercules
  • A vampire;
  • Tom;
  • Casper
  • Ron
  • Chip;
  • Chuck and others.

In any case, when bringing an animal into a house with a child, one should start from its choice of a nickname, even if it seems primitive to adults.

How to name the future champion?

Dogs from which show stars grow, as a rule, are already sold with nicknames. But this does not mean that you can not choose a home name for a German shepherd boy. A rare nickname will suit a puppy if it is easily perceived and conveniently reduced. It is impossible to name the future champion somehow corny, because at exhibitions he will have to be addressed with his home name, and not the one listed in the documents. Accordingly, such an incident as the presence of several Rex or Mukhtar nearby is always possible.

Three teenage puppies

Click options:

  • Jupiter;
  • Dexter;
  • One;
  • Loki
  • Hannibal
  • Kai
  • Remus.

The main thing that you need to build on when choosing a show dog’s home name is uniqueness.

What to call a long-haired shepherd?

Black Shepherd German Shepherd - amazingly beautiful dog, invariably impressing others. Accordingly, the nickname she needs is catchy, mysterious, unusual and at the same time convenient for pronunciation, suitable for habits.

Black german shepherd

The following options are suitable for such an animal:

  • Shaitan;
  • Gin;
  • Anubis
  • Garth;
  • Veles;
  • Jisper;
  • Khan.

It can be called a dog and simple Russian words, for example, Ghost, Demon, Fog.

How to get a puppy collar

The collar for puppies requires special designation when there is a risk of losing the animal. For example, in an urban setting or if a child is walking with him. The dog is not a robot, and there is always a chance to be in circumstances in which the puppy will give the tear in an unknown direction.

In adult animals, a token or a plate with an engraving containing the necessary information is attached to the collars. In the case of puppies, tokens and tablets are not practical. First, a hanging object will interfere with the puppy or arouse his interest. That is, the animal will constantly tug on it, be distracted by the token. Labels are not suitable due to the fact that the information on them is not visible from afar. If the puppy runs away, people will notice it, and they should immediately see that in front of them is an animal with a house. Otherwise, most people simply pass by the four-legged baby.

Puppy runs after the ball

The collar should be very bright, luminescent, that is, noticeable in the dark, wide enough and securely fixed. A short nickname should be written on it in large and contrasting and a plate with the address and contact information should be fixed. The address must be indicated necessarily, because not all compassionate people use cell phones or the Internet. For example, not every pensioner has the opportunity to contact the owner on the Network or call him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32504/

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