Watchdog: breeds, features and description

Unfortunately, modern realities force people to take care of their own safety on their own. Some hire professional security guards for this, some put an alarm on the house, and some acquire specially trained dogs. In today's article, brief descriptions of the most popular dog guard breeds will be presented.

Central asian shepherd dog

This is one of the oldest breeds, having several names at once. Huge immigrants from Central Asia are called Turkmen wolfhounds or Alabai. They appeared as a result of chaotic selection and were used for grazing farm animals and protecting human housing.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a large dog, growing up to 65-70 cm at the withers and weighing between 40-80 kg. The massive head has rounded dark eyes and neat, short cropped ears. The powerful body of the animal is covered with coarse two-layer wool of piebald, tiger, red, gray, brown, black or white color.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is ideal for the role of a guard dog. She is endowed not only with tremendous physical strength and powerful jaws, but also with an appropriate disposition. She is characterized by external calm, behind which lies the readiness to immediately rush to protect the property entrusted to her.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The history of these formidable animals is rooted in the distant past. They came from ancient dog-shaped dogs and were formed with minimal human intervention. Only in the 1920s did Soviet breeders come to grips with the breed and achieved its popularization.

dog watchman

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an impressive dog growing up to 64-74 cm at the withers and weighing between 45-75 kg. On a large broad-headed head with a heavy lower jaw and a tapering muzzle there are dark oval eyes and drooping, usually short-cropped ears. The dog’s massive body is covered with a luxurious awn, under which a thick undercoat is hidden. As for the color, it varies from light gray to dark brown.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an ideal guard dog for a private home. She is endowed with a calm, balanced disposition and a perfectly developed protective instinct. She is courageous, resolute and always ready to repulse unfriendly strangers.

South Russian Shepherd Dog

These animals come from the Crimean and Kherson steppes. Their origin is still unknown. According to one of the most plausible versions, their ancestors were Spanish cattle dogs and several other local breeds. They quickly became indispensable human helpers in everything related to herding flocks and housing protection. And today they are successfully used as guard dogs in industrial enterprises and in private households.

best watchman dogs

South Russian Shepherd Dogs are large enough animals that grow to at least 62 cm at the withers and weigh 30 kg or more. On an elongated head with a wide sloping forehead and a pronounced occiput, there are dark eyes hidden under a bang and triangular drooping ears. A strong, harmoniously developed body is covered with two-layer long hair of white, gray or fawn color.

South Russian Shepherd Dog - a balanced and hardy dog, adapted for aviary. It combines such qualities as devotion and the ability to quickly make independent decisions. Therefore, she copes with the functions of a guard dog. The URO is distrustful of strangers and disapproves of familiarity.

Moscow Watchdog

The history of this breed began in the late 1950s. She was bred in the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery near Moscow by crossing St. Bernard and a Caucasian. Subsequently, blood was added to her with a Russian canine greyhound, German shepherd, Newfoundland and pinto. The breed received official recognition by Soviet dog handlers in 1985.

dog breeds watchmen

Moscow Watchdog is a large dog whose growth varies between 66-78 cm at the withers, and weight ranges from 45 to 65 kg. On a massive wide-mouthed head with strong jaws, expressive dark eyes and triangular drooping ears are located. A harmonious body with well-developed muscles is covered with a thick bilayer white coat with red, red or sable spots.

These natives of the Moscow region nursery are considered excellent watchmen. Dogs of this breed are endowed with a moderately aggressive disposition. They need early socialization and special training. These savvy animals are able to make independent decisions and are always ready to protect their owners.

Russian black terrier

This breed was bred in the USSR in the second half of the XX century. Newfoundlands, Airedale, Rottweilers and Giant Schnauzers took part in its formation.

dog watchman at home

RFT is a large dog growing up to 64-76 cm at the withers and weighing in the range of 36-65 kg. On the elongated flat-headed head with a well-defined stop, there are slanting oval eyes hidden under a thick bang, and triangular hanging ears. A strong, athletic body with a deep chest and moderately convex ribs is covered with stiff black hair.

RFT is a unique dog that combines the best qualities. On the street this is a formidable guard dog, at home - a cheerful and complaisant favorite of the family. It is easy to train and perfectly adapts to the content in a city apartment.

German Shepherd

These dogs were bred in Germany. Their ancestors were successfully used as assistants to the shepherds. Over time, this function was unclaimed, because the dogs were retrained as guards and companions.

work as a guard with a dog

German shepherds are medium sized animals. They grow to 60-65 cm at the withers and weigh between 23-40 kg. On the wedge-shaped head there are slightly slanting almond-shaped eyes and erect triangular ears with pointed tips. Moderately stretched body with well-developed musculature and a falling top line is covered with thick two-layer wool of black, black or zonar color.

German shepherds are versatile animals that cope with the functions of a companion, watchman and guard. Dogs of this breed are endowed with high intelligence and are amenable to different types of training. They quickly become attached to their masters and need constant communication with them.

Tibetan mastiff

This is one of the oldest breeds with a long history. The first mention of similar animals dates back to the 13th century. It is known that they lived at Tibetan monasteries and accompanied nomadic tribes. These huge dogs came to Europe only in the 19th century.

dog keeper for a private house

Tibetan mastiffs are large animals, the minimum growth of which is 61-66 cm at the withers and weighs at least 60 kg. On a large rounded head with a pronounced nape and powerful jaws, there are oval wide-set eyes and triangular drooping ears. A strong body with a straight back and a developed chest is covered with a thick two-layer coat of black, brown, gray, golden-red or tan color.

These are the best yard caretakers. Dogs of the breed Tibetan mastiff have long been used to protect sites. During the day they were kept on a leash, and at night they were released from the chain. These animals are endowed with a difficult character, therefore it is recommended that only experienced people get them.


The history of these animals began in the 19th century in one of the provincial German towns. Local butchers set out to get a strong, strong dog that could protect their property. As a result of targeted selection, a rottweiler was obtained that has been successfully used in various fields.

guard dogs and guards

Representatives of this breed grow to 56-58 cm in the hall with a mass of 42-50 kg. On a proportional broad-headed head with a well-marked foot, there are dark almond-shaped eyes and highly placed hanging ears. Moderately stretched body with deep voluminous chest covered with short shiny black coat with brown tan.

Rottweilers are some of the best watchmen. Dogs of this breed are endowed not only with endurance, determination and low pain threshold, but also with completely controlled aggression. They are very attentive, disciplined and efficient. In addition, these dogs are suitable for keeping in city apartments, which makes them especially popular among residents of megalopolises.


This is a relatively young breed, whose homeland is Germany. She was bred in 1880 thanks to the focused work of a local policeman named Friedrich Louis Dobermann. The Beaucerons, Pointing Dogs, and Rottweilers took part in its formation.

which dogs are the best watchmen

Doberman is an elegant tall dog, whose height is 67-72 cm at the withers, and the mass ranges from 32-45 kg. On the elongated head with strong jaws there are dark oval eyes and hanging, sometimes cropped ears. The square case with a tucked up belly and a flat top line is covered with short smooth hair of black or brown color with red or red markings.

Doberman is a strong, self-confident dog that requires special training. In order to avoid possible troubles, it is necessary to begin educational work with a guard dog from an early puppy's age. Otherwise, instead of an obedient guard, a vicious, uncontrolled dog will appear next to you, which can cause a lot of problems.

Maremmo-Abruzzo Shepherd Dog

This breed was bred in Italy about two thousand years ago. Initially, it was used for grazing sheep flocks, but over time it began to perform security functions.

dog breed yard guard

The Maremmo-Abruzzi Shepherd Dog is a rather large dog, growing up to 70-75 cm at the withers. On a large head, visually reminiscent of a bear, there are expressive dark eyes and triangular drooping ears. A strong massive body with well-developed muscles is covered with dense thick wool of a white color with a cream or yellowish tint.

Maremma is an active, cheerful and highly excitable dog in need of close contact with the owners. She is endowed with excellent security qualities and is very distrustful of strangers.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the foregoing, you can understand which dogs are the best watchmen. This list included large service dogs, endowed with high intelligence and an incredulous, incredulous character. All of them have considerable weight, a strong nervous system and powerful jaws. Each of them is good in its own way and easily copes with the duties assigned to it. Therefore, everyone who wants to get a four-legged guard will be able to choose the most appealing dog, taking into account not only their own wishes, but also the characteristics of a particular breed.


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