Bloodworm - whose larva? Bait development

Bloodworms are a common bait that fish eagerly peck at. Using such a bait, it is important to know how to save it. Professional fishermen know the intricacies of using bloodworms and the secrets of keeping the bait, but inexperienced people often make mistakes, which is why they lose a weighty catch. Moreover, they donโ€™t even know the bloodworm whose larva. We will understand the fishing issues associated with such a bait, and find out where this small bait comes from.

Bloodworm whose larva

Bloodworm: Key Facts

Chironomus plumosus is one of the most common mosquitoes in our region . The larvae of this insect is the bloodworm. The answer to the question of bloodworm - whose larva, the photo provided in the article illustrates the most colorful.

Larvae, submerged in the muddy bottom of the reservoir, linger there, feeding on the organic component. Processing the particles of sludge with the help of the salivary glands, the larvae glue it into special tubes, which are later used as a cocoon, from which the bloodworm protrudes only the head end to perform the nutrition function. The habitats of larvae hatching from the eggs of a female mosquito include:

  • ponds and ditches with standing water;
  • ponds;
  • silted lakes;
  • saltwater estuaries.

Motyl whose larva photo

Body features

The body of the larva is worm-shaped with a bright red or ruby โ€‹โ€‹color. The bright reddish shade possessed by the bloodworm (whose larva is now clear) is from filling the body with blood with high hemoglobin. This is a natural source of iron, which serves as a tool for retaining oxygen in the body. Due to this, the larvae are able to survive in an environment devoid of oxygen.

Mosquito respiration at the larval stage is carried out using filamentous gill appendages, which the bloodworm has throughout the body. Whose larva, escaping into the thickness of the water, moves quickly through mechanical twisting of the body? Of course, only one insect. From here, by the way, the name "bloodworm" came from - the future mosquito just dangles in the water.

Under favorable climatic conditions and with appropriate temperature conditions, the larva is actively developing. With an abundance of food, within two weeks the larvae hatching from eggs can reach a size of 15-17 mm. After maturation, a large bloodworm, whose larva pupates, rises to the surface of the water, where adult mosquitoes hatch from the pupae and fly into the air.

Red bloodworm whose larva

Larva as the main fish bait

Bloodworms are an excellent bait for river fish and the basis of food for aquarium fish. A fisherman who has equipped his equipment with such a bait as a bloodworm is doomed to successful fishing. A larger dark ruby โ€‹โ€‹bloodworm is suitable for fishing, but smaller individuals are used as food. But some of the fish species with such bait / feed as bloodworms caught in the brackish estuary are still squeamish. The most common basis of the diet is a river larva, which is suitable for all types of fish, without exception.

The red bloodworm, whose larva is rich in hemoglobin, is an excellent food for aquarium fish. Having included such a product in the diet, be sure that the fish for one lure receives a full range of essential minerals and vitamins, especially iron.

Nutritional properties

Bloodworm surpasses all known types of food, but, having gone too far with it, the fish begins to eat fat. The high content of vitamin A, carotene, and B vitamins allows the fish to fully eat in the spawning period. In case of abuse of such food and feeding fish arbitrarily, representatives of the ichthyofauna exhibit a violation in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by poisoning, which subsequently leads to sudden death (this happens in 30% of cases). The named effect develops as a result of difficult etching of bloodworms. Therefore, it is necessary to feed the fish with such a hearty supplement in moderation.

How to distinguish quality bait from a bad product?

A really high-quality product should have a bright red color with a glossy sheen. Fresh larvae of bloodworms stir actively in the presence of a mechanical irritant.

Large bloodworm whose larva

The bloodworm, whose larva is not of its first freshness, is dull, brownish in color, motionless upon mechanical action, with a pronounced smell of mold. It is better not to use such food.

Where to buy bloodworms?

Itโ€™s easy to find the bait. In pet stores full of such good. If you want to purchase high-quality goods, then engaging in the extraction of bloodworms is undesirable. The bait must undergo a special treatment: disinfection and cleaning. This is a laborious and technologically complex process that requires special training.

Bloodworms are a carrier of pathogenic organisms, so it is important that feeding is specially and, most importantly, correctly processed. Unfortunately, even in pet stores there are a lot of poor-quality bloodworms, so when choosing food for fish, go only to those who have proven themselves in good health. It is best to choose not fresh, but frozen bloodworms that have undergone special processing, if we are talking about fish food. Fresh larvae are also suitable as bait.


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