Vibrating plate gasoline: a review of models, reviews

The quality of road surfaces is largely determined by the characteristics of the equipment used in the installation process. The more technologically advanced, productive, and more convenient it is to use, the more chances to make a long-lasting cover. Moreover, the tasks may be different, and in their implementation highly specialized equipment for professional operation does not always pay off. An intermediate place between the industrial and household segments of stacking machines is occupied by a gasoline vibrating plate, which is used at the stage of tamping road fillers.

General technical information

Vibrating plate with gasoline engine

Vibration plates are included in the general class of road-building equipment and are used for compaction of pavement and asphalt surfaces. This is done by tamping the coating, laid out of crushed stone, soil, sand or gravel. Some modifications successfully work with tiled materials when arranging tracks. With all the responsibility of the work performed, this technique has a fairly simple device. The metal plate (press or platform) made of cast iron or high-strength steel acts as the directly functional working body. Just under its pressure, leveling and tamping of certain layers of the road surface is carried out. The power unit drives the plate. In this case, a vibrating plate with a gasoline engine is considered, although there are also electric and battery models. The control is carried out by an operator who sets the optimal performance for a specific bulk material and directs the vibrating plate along the target site through a special handle.

Technical and operational characteristics

Power is a determining parameter for this kind of technology. Fuel engines are considered the most productive, but it should be noted that gasoline is inferior to diesel in this indicator. The average power of the unit is 4-6 kW. Such models move at a speed of the order of 20 m / min., Providing a centrifugal force of 15 kN. By the way, centrifugal force determines which layer of thickness a gasoline vibrating plate will effectively cope with. For example, for a 15-cm coating, you need a 22 kN model, and 30 cm will have to be processed with a power plant that produces 35 kN.

The degree of ramming also matters. How tight the target layer will be seated. So, lightweight models weighing up to 75 kg are suitable for working with soft fillers - sand, gravel, etc. Due to the affordable price, lightweight gasoline vibrating plates are used in private households for laying paving slabs and paving tracks. The middle segment represents universal units weighing about 90 kg. This is already a good option for the construction site and utilities. If compaction of special viscous soils, clay and crushed stone by 30 cm or more is required, then a professional vibration plate weighing 140-150 kg cannot be dispensed with.

Model Champion PC9045F

Petrol vibrating plate Champion

A unit for professional use, but of medium power. The signature four-stroke engine G200HK produces 6.5 liters. sec., which corresponds to 4.8 kW. A slab measuring 450x500 mm and weighing 90 kg allows this machine to serve 416 m2 in 1 hour. The model is suitable for compacting crushed stone, sand and special asphalt mixtures to a depth of 30 cm. In order to increase control ergonomics, the designers brought the throttle control mechanism to the handle. The creators also thought of a protective coating, which, among other things, protects the surface of the body from damage by corrosion. The optional innovations of the Champion PC9045F gasoline vibrating plate include an electronic ignition system and a device to minimize vibrations on the handle, which adds comfort when operating the equipment.

Model "Caliber BVP-13 / 5500V"

Gasoline Plate Caliber

Another representative of the middle segment, but without a hint of professional positioning. The machine has a capacity of 4.1 kW with a mass of 82 kg. The centrifugal force of 13 kN makes it possible to deepen soft building fillers by 30 cm. But the main advantages of the domestic vibrating plate of this version are not in power, but in structural ergonomics and maneuverability. This option is suitable in cases where it is required to prepare the base layers of the coating before repair work. At the same time, the β€œCaliber” gasoline vibrating plates of this series cannot be called completely budgetary in terms of optional and protection systems. For example, the modification in question received a forced cooling system with protection against overheating, a throttle valve with a lever on the handle and sliding wheels for moving on a hard surface.

Model Zitrek z3k60 Loncin

Lightweight soil compactor designed for small-scale repair and construction activities. Using the Loncin 160F engine with a power of 4 kW, the machine implements compaction up to 25 cm. Of course, this is a modest figure compared to competitors, but the lack of performance with a very low centrifugal force of 11 kN is compensated by functionality and mobility. The fact is that the design of the 63-kg vibrating plate with a gasoline engine powered by AI-92 fuel best manifests itself in compaction of granular soil and soil mixtures in local remote areas. Large machines in this case are ineffective, since a small amount of direct compaction is required, but with frequent movements.

Model DIAM VM-80 / 5.5H

Honda gasoline vibrating plate

It is also not the most powerful version in the class of professional vibrating plates, but this solution also has its advantages over productive competitors. It’s worth starting with a combination of high energy efficiency and functionality. This combination was achieved through the use of a Honda engine. The VM-80 / 5.5H gasoline vibrating plate is provided with a four-stroke modification of the GX-160 with a power of 4 kW, which at the same time produces a centrifugal force of up to 13 kN. This allows you to serve sites in 650 m 2 in 1 hour. To quickly launch the Japanese power unit, the developers also provided for a manual starter, which quickly launches the vibrating plate into operation. Convenience of transportation was achieved due to the folding handle and wheels under the housing, and the protective properties are provided by a metal casing on the housing.

Wacker Neuson BPU 2540A

Gasoline Wacker vibrating plate

A very unusual development, which combines conflicting, but, as practice shows, useful operational properties. So, the engine in this model has only 4 kW, like previous models. It would seem that even for the professional version this is acceptable, but the price tag of the Wacker Neuson gasoline vibrating plate is about 250 thousand rubles. For comparison: the above models are on average available for 25-50 thousand rubles. What justifies so much the big difference in prices? The weight of the cast-iron platform, which is 140 kg. A powerful press enables the unit to be used by companies professionally serving concrete and asphalt roads, sidewalks and high-density sites.

Positive feedback on gasoline vibrating plates

As an intermediate option between electric and diesel units, this technique shows optimal performance. Users themselves note high performance, speed and comfort when managing. The main thing is to make the right choice of a model that will meet specific requirements. As for reliability and working resource, much in these parameters will depend on the choice of one or another manufacturer. In particular, the most durable gasoline vibrating plates are produced under the Wacker and Champion brands. Reviews about Caliber products and other domestic brands are also without sharp criticism, but in this case, some nuances must be taken into account. Firstly, such a technique in itself does not rely on the complex and voluminous tasks of soil compaction. Secondly, it has a big plus in the form of maintainability, which is reinforced by the availability of spare parts on the Russian market.

Negative reviews

Gas vibrating stove

The use of gasoline technology as such gives a lot of advantages over electric motors, which is expressed, for example, in the possibility of remote work. However, owners of vibrating plates on liquid fuel note serious shortcomings. High fuel consumption when servicing large areas is expensive for services that repair pavements. For example, as owners of Wacker gasoline vibrating plates indicate, high-performance models of this company, with a fuel tank capacity of about 4 liters, consume 0.8-1 liters. Accordingly, with many hours of daily operations, impressive expense reports are generated. In the private sector, users of household models of vibrating plates also point to environmental insecurity, expressed in gas exhausts. Nevertheless, manufacturers provide most of the gasoline seals with powerful power plants with corresponding emissions into the atmosphere.

What to consider when choosing a model?

In addition to the performance characteristics already considered, it will be useful to pay attention to an additional option and small structural details. For example, there are reversible models that are equipped with two vibrational exciters on both sides of the plate. This technique is distinguished by the possibilities of forward and reverse motion. The benefit of reverse is revealed at construction sites and road pavement areas, where there is no possibility of a convenient reversal of equipment without special devices. The irrigation system will also benefit. Since the laying of road mixtures may be accompanied by their coating with bitumen solutions, wetting the working plate eliminates the risk of material sticking. In the structural part, the possibility of expanding the platform should be provided. Such an option, in particular, have professional Champion gasoline vibrating plates. Special metal plates are installed on the main module, due to which the area of ​​a single surface coverage by vibration action is expanded.


Compaction of gasoline vibrating plate

To get a good result already directly in the working process, it is not enough to make the right choice of a vibration compactor. The operator must have appropriate handling skills. So, before work, you should warm up the engine well until it is able to give maximum speed to the platform base. Depending on the thickness and characteristics of the coating filling, a gasoline vibrating plate needs to be walked through the site one or more times. In the case of viscous, hard and stagnant materials, the most productive mode of physical exposure should be selected. After the completion of work activities, the stove is cleaned, the structure is disassembled and sent to the storage location in a single set. In the future, maintenance will mainly be expressed in the repair of the engine and the replacement of consumables. Again, so that there are no problems with the search for spare parts, it is recommended to give preference to Russian-made equipment. But, on the other hand, imported models have a higher element base resource in principle.


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