Dog pug: owner reviews, breed features and characteristics

A pug is a derivative of a mastiff. Information about the foundation of the breed varies. According to one version, the roots of these pretty dogs go to China. However, despite this, the absolute merit in the final formation of the breed belongs to the English breeders. According to the second version, the pug was taken out of China by the Dutch. The breed quickly gained popularity in the Netherlands and from there it spread around the world. And finally, the third and most cruel version. Pugs were bred for meat by all the same Chinese.

Until the end of the 19th century, only sand representatives of the breed were popular. And only in 1877, pug lovers learned about the existence of other coat colors in these dogs.

Below will be a description of pugs and reviews of the pros and cons of the nature of the representatives of this breed.

Hid baby


Pug is a short dog. Growth at the withers ranges from 30 to 35 cm. Weight is 6-8 kg.

A strong-built dog, but there is some "dampness". The head is round, the skull is flat, the face is dull. The eyes are round, always dark in color. The upper jaw is shortened, the lower jaw is massive and wide. Due to the peculiar structure of the jaws, the bite is a light snack. The ears of the dog are triangular in shape, small and hanging.

The body is short, stocky. Paws are also short. The tail is short, folded in a tight ring, adjacent to the back.

Pug hair, according to the owners, is very soft. Silky to the touch, it fits snugly to the body and is quite short. As for the color, it should be as follows:

  • apricot;
  • pale yellow;
  • the black.

Silver color is also allowed. However, the color should not go white.

Cute face

a brief description of

Judging by the reviews, the pug dog is a cute and very loyal animal. Indeed, in such a small body, a brave heart beats. In case of danger for the beloved owner, the dog will bravely rush to the defense. A pug is capable of bravely fighting an opponent that is two to three times larger than it. Pug owners' reviews suggest that this dog is not only a brave defender. Despite the toy appearance, the pug has a brave heart. This is a faithful friend. In addition, a funny pug from those dogs that adapt to their owners. If the latter is a walker, a little friend will be in company. And with those who like to watch TV, sitting on a cozy sofa, a pet will sit in the neighborhood. Pug reviews, the pros and cons of the breed will be discussed in detail below.

Positive sides

Judging by the reviews of the owners of pugs, most owners are simply in love with their dogs. They are both touching and smart, and legends can be composed of devotion. However, it is worth listing the main qualities that distinguish a larger number of owners.

  • Devotion. The dog is small, and her heart is big. In the reviews of pugs are called "little lions", "dogs with a big heart", "knights among dogs" and many other epithets. Enthusiastic comments on the devotion of these doggies are not uncommon.
  • Need for communication and affection. Cute brown-eyed dogs really need attention from the owner. Without it, animals literally begin to "grow weak" and can hurt.
  • Orientation to the owner. For funny dogs, the beloved master is the whole universe. If you recall the phrase about dogs "they are for us the page of life, and we for them are the whole life", then in the relationship between the pug and its owner, this quote is 100% applicable. Pug will faithfully look at the owner, fearlessly stand up for him in case of danger, try to console when the owner is bad.
  • Loyalty to children. Pug is suitable for families with children. The latter love to show attention to dogs, and the pug is one of those breeds that constantly lack attention.
  • Goodwill. The pet is always happy to welcome guests. For him, the arrival of guests is another reason to get kindness and attract attention. On the street it is quite capable to go to get acquainted with the stranger. And if he does not mind, for a pug - happiness. And the tail begins to wag, and caress, and from a fraction of dog kisses have to evade. Or take it.
  • Coziness with other animals. If there is a cat in the house, the pug is sure to make friends with her. Of course, if there are no objections from the cat. Otherwise, the dog will attempt to draw closer to the cat more than once.
  • Pugs live quite a long time, often for 14-15 years. This is a comfort to the owner: the dog will delight him for a long time.
Ah, how fun a pug dog!

Negative sides

Despite a lot of good reviews, pugs, like representatives of any other breed, have their drawbacks. First of all, this is health. Unfortunately, this breed is very prone to various diseases.

  • Particular attention must be paid to the eyes of the dog. Conjunctivitis, a bend of the eyelid inside the eye, and inflammation of the cornea are just a small list of eye diseases that mopsics are prone to.
  • Representatives of the breed are prone to otitis media. The disease manifests itself in the fact that the ears of the dog turn red, it constantly scratches the ears. Then an unpleasant odor from the ears may appear. To prevent otitis media, pug dogs need to clean their ears twice a month. This can be done independently or entrusted to the veterinarian.
  • Allergic rashes. Most pugs are allergic. Moreover, allergies can occur on everything from feed to shampoo for dogs.
  • Obesity. Perhaps the owners are to blame for this. It's nice to see a plump dog in the folds. However, in the pursuit of fatness, many owners feed their pets to the state of obesity. This not only looks ugly, but also causes significant harm to the body of the pet.

A little more about the bad

Reviews about the breed Pug from the happy owners are positive. However, they do not hide the negative aspects of keeping such a dog. In addition to poor health, representatives of the breed have other disadvantages.

  • Pugs snore quite a bit. This is due to the structure of their nasopharynx. And not all owners like to listen to snoring favorites, especially at night.
  • From these cute dogs comes a specific smell. Pug coat smells strongly, and the animal has to be washed at least twice a month. And due to their instability to allergies, even a shampoo that is quite suitable before can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Pugs, according to reviews, are very gullible. As mentioned above, dogs are not afraid of strangers and willingly make contact. Therefore, it is worth the owner to gape, and the pet is quite capable of leaving with an outsider.
  • Very jealous pets. Pugs are obsessed with the master. And they can protect him from all possible encroachments, which leads to numerous problems both in the family and on a walk.

Should I buy a pug

If the future owner is not embarrassed by some features of the breed and does not frighten the possible material costs of treating a pet, it’s definitely worth it. Owners reviews about the pug impress with their enthusiasm. Obviously, all those who purchased such a pet are delighted with their pets.

Black pug

Where and how to buy a puppy

There is one very important rule: in no case should you buy a puppy on the market or on ads on sites. Of course, you can begin to argue and prove that acquaintances purchased the dog by ad, and it is just a miracle. Smart, beautiful, healthy and gives good puppies. There are exceptions to the rules. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that they will sell exclusively healthy puppies with excellent pedigrees in the market, in the store or on sites. It is possible that the purchased doggie will turn out to be healthy, but there will be no good blood for it. And any dog ​​without a pedigree is a breed phenotype. In other words, a cur. Even if her parents are champions, it does not mean anything. Representatives of this level do not participate in exhibitions, do not carry cynological values, which means that they are not suitable for breeding. And you can’t get good puppies from such pugs, but you can be considered a “divorcee”.

Where to get a good puppy? In a nursery specializing in breeding specifically this breed.

Reviews of the pug kennels helped make the rating below. The names of the best nurseries of Moscow and St. Petersburg are given. In addition to these cities, pugs are bred in Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Ufa, Samara, Volgograd and Yekaterinburg.

Mom with kids

Moscow nurseries

  • Dogs in black. Since 2003, the nursery specializes in breeding elite pugs. Guaranteed help in the cultivation and care, overexposure if necessary. A puppy metric, a pedigree and a veterinary passport with vaccinations in accordance with age are issued on hand.
  • Klopsyky Pugsics. All dogs presented in the kennel are champions or young champions, the best representatives of their breed. The nursery promises assistance in growing and counseling for the care of its graduates.
  • Irmil. It specializes in beige and black dogs. On the kennel's site there are photos of male dogs and bitches, as well as graduates and puppies.
  • "Sveitan Gale." The nursery was registered in 2000, and has been breeding pugs for 22 years. During this time, breeders have achieved not only the beautiful exterior of their dogs, but also improved the characteristic qualities of the breed.
  • "Tagritania". Puppies of beige and black color as a show class, and for the soul.

Nurseries of St. Petersburg

  • "Shani Shan." Puppies from this kennel live in all corners of Russia, as well as in neighboring countries. For those who want to pursue the show career of their pet, the nursery offers the services of a professional handler. The kennel promises to do everything possible to help in breeding dogs to help in this. In addition, the owners guarantee assistance and advice on the upbringing and maintenance of the puppy and the purchase of pet food at a discount.
  • "From a decent family." Pugs of this nursery are really from very decent families. The blue Polish blood flows in them. The nursery is engaged in breeding medium-sized representatives of the breed. And promises the help of a professional dog handler, advice on growing and vaccinating, selecting a pet by age, color and price. In the event that the puppies presented do not suit the future owner, the nursery will advise where else you can get a little happiness in the form of a pug.
  • Chubby Cheeks. They specialize in breeding high-breed pugs of beige and black color.
  • Solyuniks. A fairly young nursery, registered in 2006. However, despite this, he already managed to achieve certain successes in the field of breeding. Excellent exhibition results - an indicator that speaks for itself. There are four beige females, three beige and two black males in the kennel.
  • Kennel Club. The nursery assists in raising a puppy. It will help to prepare a pet for the exhibition, and will also take responsibility for selecting a partner in case the owner wants to tie his pet. The nursery also offers males for mating. Help in the design of a puppy card and pedigree. You can purchase puppies of black, apricot and beige color.
  • "Gold Nefertiti." The history of the nursery began in 1998. At the moment, all pugs are young individuals wearing the status of champions among representatives of their breed. The owner of the nursery offers assistance in the maintenance and advice on the care of their tailed graduates.


Loving owners, knowing that the pet is prone to allergies, ask the question: "What food is better for a pug? Are there any reviews about it?" Yes there is. There are special feed lines designed specifically for these cute dogs. For example, the Royal Canin feed line launches a similar line. It includes food for puppies, adults and older dogs.

Reviews of feed for pug from the category of holistic are very good. In general, such products are distinguished by their composition. They account for 80% of meat, without any by-products and other "attributes" of cheap feed. One of the best is Acana. This is an expensive product, but worth it. The series offers food for dogs of small breeds, as well as for allergy sufferers.

Should I feed my pet natural food? Given the tendency of the breed to be obese and allergic, still not. It is better to choose a good premium food or superpremium classes or holistic.

Sweet Baby

Pug Content

As for the content of such a cute breed as pug dogs, they are completely apartment dogs. Reviews on the content of the pug in the apartment are generally positive. The only drawback will be molting. Pug sheds twice a year, and during this period you will have to constantly clean the floor and carpets from wool.

What is necessary for a dog to live comfortably?

  • Walks. An adult dog is walked two to three times a day, a puppy up to 5 months - every three hours. In the summer, the duration of a walk for an adult dog is 1-1.5 hours. Of these, 15-20 minutes are allotted to physical activity. In winter, it is recommended to walk the dog for 20 minutes.
  • Lounger. Doggie should have its own place to sleep. A great option would be a dog bed.
  • Nutrition Adult dogs are fed twice a day. Puppies from 1 to 2 months - 6-7 times, from 2 to 4 months - 6-5 times, from 4 to 5 months - 5-4 times a day, from 5 to 7 months - 4 times, from 7 to 9 months - 3 times a day, and after nine months of age, they are transferred to two meals a day. You can not overfeed your pet. At one time, it is necessary to feed that dosage of food, which is indicated in the recommendation on the package, focusing on the age and weight of the animal.
  • The love of the owner. In reviews of pugs, people have repeatedly argued that the dog is overly focused on its beloved owner. And the worst punishment for her is complete neglect on the part of the owner. The owner must give the animal the necessary attention, and then the pet will bloom like a may rose.
Tsar, not otherwise


What should be remembered from the article? Pug is one of the most faithful breeds, but it does not differ in good health. The condition of the animal must be carefully monitored, in no case overfeeding the pet. Regular walks and physical activity, proper nutrition and timely visits to the veterinary clinic will help the cute pug dog to please his master for many years.


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