We decorate the dress with our own hands: interesting examples with photos, material selection and decoration methods

Any, even the most unprepossessing dress, available in the wardrobe, can be transformed beyond recognition by adding a couple of little things or decorative elements. Depending on the color and texture of the fabric, they use independently made flowers and shiny pebbles in the frame, rhinestones and pearl beads, sew a bright applique or delicate lace. Any skill of the owner of the outfit can be used to give femininity and attractiveness to clothes.

If you have a talent for embroidery, then decorate the dress with your own hands with curls or stitch flowers. Know how to make patterns from beads? Stitch the bodice or cuffs of the dress with many beads of different shapes. The evening outfit sparkles with new colors with the addition of sparkles, pebbles in the frame or pearls of any color.

In the article, we will consider how to decorate a dress with your own hands. At first glance, this task is complicated and troublesome, however, after reading the article, you will see that any decor can be handled easily. The main thing is to have a desire to make your dress unique and to listen to the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Even having basic sewing skills with a regular needle and thread, you can make an original flower from fabric, sew beads or attach a corrugated edging lined with curls. If the house has a sewing machine, then the possibilities of artistic decoration increase significantly. Then decorate the dress with your own hands with lace and ribbons from fabric of a contrasting color, sew on the bodice or hem of the applique details. Having sewing skills, you can get rid of the sleeves or change the length of the product, make a deeper cutout or add frills.

Fabric roses

The simplest addition to an elegant dress is a flower made of the same fabric. If you bought an outfit in the market and you don’t have any material left after sewing, you can make roses from contrasting fabric. But keep in mind that matter should not be heavier and denser than available, otherwise the flowers will sag. It is best to use light silk or nylon ribbons.

fabric roses

So, we decorate the dress with our own hands. What does that require? To make roses, cut the same size strips of fabric, fold them in half so that the slices remain inside. Then roll a not too tight skein around the center, periodically securing the turns with stitches so that the rose does not fall apart. Bottom crafts attached to the edge of the neckline. All knots and seams remain on the wrong side. As you can see, all the work can be done manually, using a needle and thread, matched to the tone of the fabric.

Flowers from circles

If you do not know how to decorate a dress with your own flowers, then you will definitely like the next version of their manufacturing. It is necessary to cut identical circles from the fabric according to the pattern. The size is chosen as desired, however, the diameter of the workpiece should be twice as large as the flower. Sew stitches around the entire circumference, bending the fabric by 0.5 cm. At the end, tighten the thread so that there is no hole. Fold the blank in half and straighten all folds of fabric with your hands.

DIY flowers

All seams in the center are hidden under pearl beads. There will be ready-made flowers beautifully arranged on the collar of the dress and attached with threads from the back.

How to decorate a black dress

With your own hands, you can interestingly refresh even a simple black dress. Bright accent points of the dress can make lush roses of satin or silk. Choose a color scheme to your liking, so that the jewelry harmoniously combines with accessories, for example, with a beads or bag, shoes or a hat. You can make the flowers separately and attach them to the fabric of the dress with pins, then the outfit can be varied according to the mood.

lush roses along the neckline

For the manufacture of elegant decor you will need a light fabric and pearls of different sizes and shades. Also make sharp scissors, cardboard, pair of compasses and a candle. On a cardboard, several circles of different sizes are drawn using a compass to create petals. Each layer of the flower is made up of elements of the same size. Inside are small parts, then the size increases. The lower layer is represented by the largest circles. Then, the details of the fabric are cut according to the template.

So that the material on the cut does not split, the threads must be melted. Candlelight comes in handy here. Work carefully so as not to burn your fingers. It is enough just to slightly bring the fabric to the heat of the fire, and the threads will melt, giving the petal a curled edge. Collect the rose in layers, starting in the middle. At the end, stitch all the layers together. The middle is filled with beads of different sizes.

Easy version of a flower on a dress

With your own hands, you can decorate the collar of the dress with a small flower collected from 5 or 6 petals. Equal circles are cut from a suitable fabric color and folded to a quarter. Next, take a needle and thread and thread it along the very edge of the sector with small stitches. Pull the end of the thread towards you to make a petal with a sharp edge and the opposite side selected.

how to make a flower from fabric

Further, all the other details are put on the same thread and after the whole flower is assembled, a knot is tied. Decorate the central point where all the petals come together, decorate with a large round stone in the frame or sew a button of a contrasting color, as in the example above.

Decorate the bodice

How to decorate the bodice of the dress with your own hands? The upper part of the evening dress is often decorated. The bodice will support the weight of stones and rhinestones, a pattern of beads and rivets. In the photo below on the sleeves and on the upper part of the dress sewn with sinuous stripes stones without a rim of different shapes. Each line ends with a pointed angle and consists of small elements of the same color.

dress dress decoration

On the sleeves, the decor was placed only on thin sewn-in pieces of fabric. Colors must necessarily look harmonious together and combine with fabric. However, such jewelry is not suitable for every dress. You can’t hang heavy stones on delicate silk or chiffon, but for dense fabrics this decor is quite appropriate.

Decoration with sewn edging

How to decorate an evening dress with your own hands yet? On a monophonic outfit, a pattern twisted from a strip of decorative edging will look great. It is most convenient to first draw it on a piece of paper, and then transfer it to the fabric. Edges of different diameters were used in our sample, and the voids were filled with large bright beads.

sheathing dresses

Such an ornament can be performed even by a novice master who knows how to hold the needle in his hands. All actions are performed manually, the main thing is to choose a thread to match the edging and fabric of the dress so that it is completely invisible.


To compose a complex pattern on the entire bodice of the dress from the set of the smallest beads is a painstaking and time-consuming procedure. Basically, beadworkers work according to schemes where the number of elements in each petal or leaf of a flower is clearly indicated.


In addition, pearls of golden color are present in each rose, adding variety to the plain plot. Instead of a thread, some craftsmen use a transparent fishing line. It is completely invisible on the product and is a more solid basis for holding beads and beads in the picture.

Bead Dress Decoration

Bright white pearls look great on the dark background of the fabric of the dress. It can be an evening outfit of any style. You can add bead decor on the bodice and collar, on the upper shoulder areas or sleeve cuffs.

how to decorate a dress with pearls

Embroidery can consist of a small twig or strip around the collar, a bouquet or one small flower, floral ornament, or any other composition. To make the embroidery neat, you can draw the contours of the future pattern with thin chalk on dark fabric. The main lines are made of cylindrical golden beads. Leaflets are created by oval beads. The flower itself is represented by large details. How to decorate the dress with pearls with your own hands, each master individually chooses, depending on the preferences of the owner of the dress and its style.

Fabric applique

If you decorate a dress for daily wear with your own hands, then take into account that the pattern made of pieces of fabric made by applique will look spectacular. First, draw the future decor on a piece of paper in full size. Then from different shreds of fabric make a picture, trying it on a template. Be sure to leave 0.5 cm around each part to hem the fabric.

applique on the hem of the dress

Then, on a sewing machine, sew all the details with the same seams. Pre-iron the main fabric of the dress, so as not to accidentally sew up a fold of fabric. Depending on the style of the dress and its color, the application can be made on the hem, on the bodice, on the pockets. If it is a flower or a floral ornament, then it will be interesting to look on a turn-down collar.

The colors of the patches should be in harmony with the shade of the fabric of the dress and look aesthetically pleasing. Also, be sure to think over a drawing corresponding to the age of the owner. The application of a cartoon character or a superhero, colorful birds, funny animals or hearts is suitable for a young girl or child. For a mature lady's dress, flowers, a geometric ornament or lace along the bodice, belt or on the sleeves are appropriate.

As you can see, you can decorate a dress in a variety of ways. Some design options are simple, any novice master will do the job. There are complex elements that will have to be worked on. Try the ones you like, starting with simple options!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32526/

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