Fallout 2: save editor for the game

The post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 2 was released in 1998. A role-playing computer game with an already beloved open world suffering after a nuclear war was very popular at the time and is still considered one of the best RPG representatives to this day. “Fallout” offers a variety of variations of walkthroughs, freedom of action (until the player has entered the battle, from which he can emerge victorious or loser). Decisions made in the game affect its ending. The game contains themes of alcohol and drug addiction, sex, organized crime, prostitution, politics, slavery.

Gameplay Fallout 2

Character creation is based on the SPECIAL system, which is used in all games of the Fallout universe and determines the gameplay style of the player. In the game, the character travels openly, interacting with NPCs and their organizations, helping or punishing them, thereby determining their path. The dangerous post-apocalyptic world is unfriendly and provides the player with many tasks and ways to solve them.

The replay value of Fallout 2 is high, it is very fond of “veteran” gamers who played it back in those days when the computer games market was not oversaturated and the content really mattered. To facilitate and diversify the gameplay, there are many mods and save editors.

Character Creation in Fallout 2

Choosing the Fallout 2 Save Editor in English

There are several save editors for Fallout 2 from different authors. The best are those that support the mods installed in the game, as well as the Russian language. For example, an editor that supports Resurrection, Nevada, etc.

How to install Fallout 2 save editor

After downloading the archive, you need to right-click on it and unzip it to the folder with the .exe file that launches the mod.

  1. In the editor’s settings, specify the path leading to this folder with the mod.
  2. In the open editor, fill in 2 fields in the Override column: in the first line indicate the name of the game (FALLOUT2), in the second specify the .cfg file - the configuration of your mod (for example, fores.cfg).
  3. Click OK, then update.
  4. Make sure Fallout 2 is selected in the Game column.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3253/

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