Installation of a gas boiler: standards and requirements

Today, the best source for heating residential premises can be called gas. An integral component is the boiler. Its efficiency is high, while it does not require large costs of care. Everyone will be able to regulate the heat in the room. But before installing a gas boiler, you need to create suitable conditions and take into account the requirements. We will talk about this in our article today.

Documentation and preparation of the boiler

There are special rules by which the equipment is installed in the house, cottage or in the country. The necessary information can be obtained by studying the available regulatory documents. For an autonomous heating system to start working, it is worth considering every step during installation. Studying the laws on the installation and operation of gas equipment, you need to understand that if you do not follow the rules, you will receive a refusal to receive gas.

installation of a gas boiler in the house requirements

There is a whole list of documents:

  • SNiP 41-01-2003 on ventilation, heating and air conditioning.
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85 on the device of the internal water supply.
  • SNiP 21-01-97 on fire safety.
  • SNiP 2.04.08-87 about the device of the boiler room.

Just because no one can connect to the central gas supply line. To do this, you will have to collect the required documents and obtain permission. Installation of a gas boiler in a private house should occur sequentially. The first step to obtaining technical specifications is to visit the local gas service. You also need to write a statement about the rate of consumption for a living space. Moreover, there are average indicators for Russia.

As soon as the application is received, it is examined by specialists. After that, TU is officially issued (where all the rules for installing a gas boiler are indicated) or refuse, determining the reason. According to the rules, there is time (about 30 days) to consider such a statement. But if necessary, this time can be reduced. It should be noted that without technical conditions it is impossible to connect equipment. This is beyond the scope of the law and also entails accidents and danger to humans.

As soon as the first step is completed, and the documents are on hand, it is time to do a project for installing a gas boiler and connecting. What it is? In a schematic view, a complete picture is drawn of how the installation will be completed. It all starts from the main highway. It also takes into account the laying of pipes, the place of entry into the house and along the room itself to the boiler.

Again - no amateur performances! This is done by accredited specialists. Having received such a project, you need to pay some money. Usually it is three thousand rubles. Further, this project is given to the gas section at the place of residence for approval. To get the answer, the necessary signatures and stamps on the project, you will have to wait 90 days. Such work begins on a personal application.

In addition, you need to supplement the package with the following documents:

  • The registration certificate and other documents for the boiler, which will be in the house.
  • Certificates
  • Confirmation that the boiler is fully functional and safe.

Sometimes a refusal comes, but a full description of the reason is attached to it. In addition, there are recommendations on what needs to be done so that gas appears in the house. It is important to understand that collecting documents is a complex process that requires money, time and patience. Without this, no one has the right to inject gas into a residential building and allow them to heat.

What should be the room? Requirements

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house should be carried out in a specific and acceptable place. But the site may be different, since each unit has its own power indicator. If it is up to 30 kW, then it can be located anywhere. After this figure, you will have to organize a special room. The boiler room is the place for all the equipment. In any private house there are cellars, pantries, a veranda, etc. It is there that you can arrange, according to requirements, a place for heating equipment and units. Sometimes it is required to attach a new room in order to organize everything according to the rules.

What should the boiler room look like:

  • The area of โ€‹โ€‹such a room is not less than four square meters, and the boiler - no more than two.
  • Ceilings - more than two meters.
  • Must have at least one window.
  • Door - with an opening of at least 75 centimeters.
  • The boiler must be at least one and a half meters from the entrance.
  • To easily carry out repairs and maintenance of the unit, there is also a distance in front of it.
installation of a gas boiler in the house

Basically, this equipment is installed horizontally to reduce noise flows and vibration. Before you put it, the floor is leveled and a protective sheet is laid. Please note that it must be made of non-combustible materials. It is recommended to protect walls in the boiler room with compositions with low flammability. It is these conditions that must be created before submitting documents and carrying out the full installation of heating equipment.

Next comes the specialist from the gas control and checks everything based on the requirements. You will also have to make an extract in accordance with the norms and requirements. There are additional recommendations. This is the presence of cold water in the boiler room. Before the installation of a gas boiler in the house is completed, everyone performs such a preparation.

Chimney and ventilation

It is clear that you will have to make a ventilation pipe and an exit for smoke. This is necessary not just by the rules, but also in order for the equipment to function fully. Both additional outputs are mounted separately from each other. Ventilation not only removes smoke, but also makes it possible to fill the room with oxygen. Sometimes they make a construction with injection.

Such a hole can be made both in the wall and on the door. The specific site and place depend on the boiler room itself and its capabilities. Before making such a hole, you need to know the minimum allowable dimensions. It also takes into account where the vent opens (to the next room or to the street). This distance never closes so that the air fully enters and exits.

Chimney selection should be made so that the boiler stands next to it. Most often it has two main channels:

  1. The main one is the installation of the pipe.
  2. Revision - service. It runs below the first.

The hole is cut in accordance with the pipe of the gas equipment. In addition, it must be performed so that turns and bends are fixed. What is this design made of? Do not give preference to materials of low strength. It is better to make a stainless steel construction. Installation of a gas boiler in a house cannot be performed without a branch structure - a chimney.

installation of the boiler in the house

Since the conditions must be observed, calculations and selection of material are done before installation. This will help to take into account the rules and emphasize the safety of the structure for people. In addition, the pipe has its own characteristics, so any option does not fit:

  • The distance above the roof is at least half a meter, provided that there is no ridge.
  • If such conditions cannot be created, then the tip is fixed additionally, which is 50 centimeters higher.
  • If the roof is pitched, then the pipe should go 150 centimeters from the ridge. The head is also fixed.

When ventilation and a chimney are created independently, it is worth adhering to the standards, otherwise they may not let gas to the house.

Many today have a gas boiler in the kitchen, which is very convenient. But this room also has the basic requirements:

  • The volume of the room is at least 15 cubic meters.
  • Ceilings should be a height of two and a half meters.
  • The presence of a hood is required.
  • At least one window with a window must be present in the room.
  • When installing a floor gas boiler in the door ventilation is done. It is needed for the outflow of combustion products in the event of a leak.

Without creating such conditions, gas equipment will not be allowed to connect. There are such rules that are not fixed in the standards, but sometimes they require adherence. This is the presence of a door. Some may not change the existing interior, but otherwise the permission will not be signed. Before the installation of a gas boiler in a private house is completed, the premises are accepted and an act is signed, so that any violations are unacceptable.

It is believed that the connection process occurs according to regulatory documents. Employees of the gas section or accredited persons and organizations always participate in the work. Today there are enough such people. They know the rules and regulations for installing a gas boiler. Of course, services of this kind are provided for a fee.

How to connect the boiler?

Going for the device itself, you need to understand that the choice is huge. It is built not only on personal preferences, but also on the requirements for the area of โ€‹โ€‹the living space. They are most often divided according to characteristics. Therefore, before choosing it is worth knowing:

  • Method of installation of equipment.
  • Which design is relevant and convenient.
  • How much power is required per square meter of the house.
  • How to ignite the igniter.
  • Methods of removal of combustion products and oxygen injection.
installation of a gas boiler in a private house

The stores have single and dual circuit units. They have their own characteristics and operating characteristics. If this is the first option, then it is used only to supply heat to the house. If you want to have warm water, then this is the installation of additional equipment. The double-circuit design is the injection of heat into the house, as well as heating the water to the desired temperature. There is also a separation of the water supply. This is a flow system or a built-in boiler. A boiler with a dual-circuit device is more in demand, but its cost is higher.

Types, power

Also, the units are divided by location. Distinguish:

  • wall mounted boilers;
  • floor units.
installation of a boiler in a private house

In terms of dimensions, floor devices are larger than their predecessors, so sometimes a special boiler room is made for them. But the wall ones began to be in demand more often because of their accuracy and small size. They are suitable for operation not only in private houses, but also in apartments of multi-storey buildings. They have a big plus - the lack of a full chimney. Since coaxial removal of combustion products is performed, it is done in the wall.

In order for the work to be carried out fully, and there was enough heat supply, you need to correctly calculate the power of the device. Otherwise, the supply of heat to the room will occur incorrectly. An average of ten square meters requires at least 1 kW of boiler power indicator. Do not forget about a small margin of five to seven percent, otherwise the equipment will work at maximum strength, which can cause rapid wear.

When calculating, do not forget about the temperature indicators of each region separately. In warm places, 1 kW is enough, but for the north you need to bring this indicator to two. Therefore, the installation of a gas boiler in a private house should be carried out taking into account the requirements, as well as weather indicators throughout the year. Otherwise, it may happen that the room will always be cold.

What next?

When the work and the collection of documents are completed, you need to go to the gas industry to invite experts for monitoring. Some create conditions on their own - a boiler room, a place for a boiler, protective structures, etc. This saves time and money. It is believed that it is more difficult to install a gas boiler in an apartment, especially if the floor is not the first. A large footage of pipelines will be required, and this is an additional cost.

Representatives in the gas industry will recommend that a team of specialists with experience and knowledge carry out the work. Today there are such representatives in the official Gazprom company, as well as private individuals who have received accreditation. They have access to the official company, provide the necessary documents. Because today the state compensates a part of the costs of installing and connecting gas equipment to certain groups of people.

Compliance with boiler installation rules

It is important that the entire system is mounted safely and reliably. Experts with work experience will simply and quickly cope with this task. They certainly will not violate the law, after which acceptance will be carried out quickly and gas will be supplied in a short time. When a decision is made on independent work, it is worth first obtaining permission from the regulatory authorities. Preparatory work can be carried out taking into account all regulatory indicators. But starting the gas and testing the boiler is still performed by specialists.

installation of a gas boiler in a private house

The project and technical documentation should always be at hand to understand exactly what needs to be acquired. Only after the desired component is obtained, work begins. If this is a floor unit, then the most even surface is prepared under it. This is a cement-sand screed. After they put a galvanized sheet on it. Sometimes you can finish the tiles. In addition, such a surface should be not only under the boiler, but also near it. Before it should be a free distance of at least half a meter (on the sides - a little less). This data is also duplicated in the documentation.

Installation of a floor gas boiler is carried out so that it stands firmly on all its legs. Not the slightest error and staggering is allowed. In the course of work, it is better to use the construction level. Any error will lead to intermittent and poor-quality operation of the device.


The requirements for installing a gas boiler in a house have the following distance indicators:

  • From the boiler to the ceiling - not less than one and a half meters.
  • To the wall, which will not have metal protection - not less than half a meter.
  • From the chimney to the wall without protection - at least 45 centimeters.
  • If the wall is with an iron structure, then a distance of about 30 centimeters is maintained.

From this it becomes clear what requirements for the premises for installing a gas boiler are presented.

How to fix the unit to the walls?

The first requirement is the availability of special brackets or retaining bars. Usually they come with the device in the package. The required footage of one meter or more is respected from the floor. Applied device showing maximum evenness. As soon as the brackets are driven in, the boiler is fixed on them.

installation of a gas boiler in a private house photo

This is how the installation of a wall - mounted gas boiler occurs . When this is done, you need to connect the equipment and expose to the chimney. It is necessary to fasten the pipe as tightly as possible, without error and with additional sealing. After you can run the water. It is tough, so that the equipment does not fail, you can not do without a filter. Do not forget about the shut-off valves, so that, if necessary, you can send the boiler for repair. A prerequisite is a complete seal. Doing it yourself is difficult, so the experience of specialists will be appropriate.

To summarize

Of course, when the main work is done, the room is selected, you need to make a purchase and install. The apartments will have to create the most comfortable conditions for this. In a private house, it is better to allocate a special room for this. Itโ€™s convenient to do this in the kitchen, because there is water, a gas pipeline, an extractor fan and a window (you donโ€™t have to do anything else). It is only required to choose a convenient place and perform installation.

If you choose any other room, then it does not fit the parameters and the law. Gas heating is by far the best option for everyone, since heat is supplied to a house of any size. There is no smoke and dirt from simple raw materials - firewood and coal. But you need to remember that after installation every year the boiler will be checked by gas workers for safety and correct operation.


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