Best Clash Royale decks with ball

Today we'll talk about the decks with balloons for the game Clash Royale. Such assemblies can give a great advantage during a battle with any opponent.

What are the decks with the ball so good for? The presence of such a powerful flying unit provides the strongest attacks on buildings. If the ball turns out to be knocked out, then it is still able to throw the last shell, which deals damage to any enemy located in a close radius from the source. The card works best when combined with Freeze.

deck with ball

The “Balloon” becomes available for use after the “Bone Pit”, which is No. 2 in the Arena. Despite the power of the damage dealt, the health level of this card is quite low, so it requires constant protection and maintenance.

Read on to learn more about the best ball decks.

Using skeletons

Such a deck with a ball should also contain "Freeze". The defense involved the "bombing tower" and skeletons. Other components are already responsible for the counterattack, which include Witch, Balloon, and Freeze.

Weak point of assembly - insufficient resistance to fight against the "Dragon" and decks with a large number of units that inflict damage on the area.

The strong point is a blow to the enemy with a counterattack, and then the use of the joint “VS” and “Freeze” combos.

Hound and Ball Deck

This is another excellent assembly, thanks to which you can reach the farthest goblets. It is intended for air attacks.

hound and ball deck

In addition to the Hellhound, the deck should include Minions, Lightning, Sorcerer, and The Musketeer. You can attack using one ball, and in the case of correct wagering there is a strong chance of destroying the whole tower.

Responsible for the protection of "Minions", which are issued first by a simple composition, and then a horde. By the way, if the enemy attacks the "Rider on the Boar", then in this case the "Tombstone" card may come in handy.

The legendary Hellhound can always be replaced with any other tank, but the Minions are exchanged only for the Megamignon.

"Giant" + ball

Another assembly that deserves attention. In this case, it is the “Giant” that is the main character who is able to distract a wave of opponents, while simultaneously attacking the tower. The main attack falls on the ball. In addition to him and Giant, the assembly includes: Demoman, Goblins, Arrows, Archer and others.

Protection is realized by combining the first two cards, on the shoulders of which lies the task of overcoming the first wave. After that, the Giant and the ball usually enter into business. The main thing is to keep the enemy’s attack, not giving him access to his own main cards, which at this time should deal with the destruction of the tower.

best ball deck

There is another strong deck with a ball and a “Giant” as the main “members”. It is recommended to add to them "Cannon", "Army of Skeletons", "Megamignon" and others. In this case, the "Giant" is best at protecting the executor. It can be used as a shield for the ball, however, it is recommended to do this only if the enemy has only a small amount of elixir. The role of a small tank can be given to the executor.


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