Fixed formwork: reviews and practical application

There is no need to talk for a long time about why the foundation is almost the most important part of almost any construction. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the excitement that arises in the construction environment with the mere mention of any technologies that make it possible to simplify this long and very difficult process. For example, fixed formwork has often been discussed recently. Reviews about it are contradictory, and drawing up an objective opinion is not so simple.

fixed formwork reviews
The problem is that even professional builders have both positive and not too encouraging opinions about this promising new product. So how are things really? Perhaps the fixed formwork, the reviews of which are so ambiguous, is in vain criticized in a number of cases?

Unfortunately, there are some reasons for this. Yes, its indisputable advantage is the fact that the total cost of construction in any case decreases, and sometimes significantly. But in any case, many questions remain. Most often, people are interested in fire safety: can the fixed formwork, the reviews of which we are discussing, made of polystyrene foam, withstand an open flame? Yes, this material does not burn, but what happens to it under the influence of extremely high temperatures?

fixed formwork Price
It is widely believed among amateurs that in the event of such an incident, this material begins to release a large amount of dangerous gases into the surrounding air. There is some truth in this statement, but one important circumstance is not taken into account: an ordinary flame will not give such a temperature at which polystyrene foam starts to burn and emit toxic products.

There is a risk only if you purchased low-quality fixed formwork. The projects of the building structures themselves in any case should be such that the likelihood of a fire is minimized.

Under ordinary conditions, this polymer does not oxidize and cannot be a source of problems. In a word, from the point of view of fire and environmental safety, nothing threatens you.

However, do not forget that in the case of using this type of formwork, you will have to take care of organizing normal exhaust ventilation at the facility. In addition, fixed formwork (reviews about it just say this) does not contribute to normal ventilation. On the other hand, this same feature minimizes heat loss through the base.

fixed formwork projects

One cannot but mention another important point. Unlike standard formwork from boards and other improvised materials, installation of a structure made of polystyrene foam requires increased accuracy. And the thing is not even that carelessly fixed polymer sheets can let concrete pass through: formwork of this type remains on the already constructed building constantly, so that streaks of hardened cement will not only not decorate its appearance, but will also greatly complicate the finishing work.

By the way, how much does a fixed formwork cost? Its price varies depending on the manufacturer, but most often lies within 200 rubles per block.


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