How to obtain Georgian citizenship to Russian citizens: step-by-step description, necessary documents and reviews

There are close historical and cultural ties between Russia and Georgia. Although it cannot be said that after the collapse of the USSR relations became better, nevertheless, for many residents of our country questions remain: is it possible to have dual citizenship of Georgia and Russia, is it possible to immigrate there and how to do it?

Basic requirements for citizenship applicants

First of all, in order to become a citizen of Georgia, it is necessary to live on the territory of the country for at least the last 5 years before applying. In this case, the applicant should not leave the country for more than 90 days within one year.

If you are worried about obtaining citizenship, immigration to Georgia is possible in the following ways:

  1. You can obtain citizenship by birth, blood.
  2. By naturalization.
  3. Through the purchase of real estate.
  4. By investing in the economy.
  5. Through marriage.

The procedure for obtaining Georgian citizenship requires that the applicant must pass a test for knowledge of the state language, pass an exam on the history of the state and the foundations of law.

There are exceptions to the rules. The President of the country is vested with the right to issue citizenship to persons who, although they do not meet all the criteria, but have a profession and experience that are key to the state’s economy. It may also be a person who has special services to the state.

how to get citizenship

Getting citizenship through marriage

According to most women, how to obtain Georgian citizenship to Russian citizens is the easiest and fastest procedure.

After 2 years after marriage with a citizen of Georgia, the following package of documents should be submitted:

  • a written application, the form of which will be issued in justice;
  • copy of birth certificate;
  • copy of marriage certificate;
  • copy of the spouse’s identity card, from which it will be clear that he is a citizen of Georgia;
  • a copy of the document from which it will be clear that the applicant and the spouse have been living together for at least two years;
  • two photos.

All documents that are not written in Georgian must be translated into the state language, and they must have an apostille.

Country Georgia

Blood right

How to obtain Georgian citizenship to Russian citizens? By right of blood, citizenship can be obtained if the applicant's parents are constantly living in Georgia or have the citizenship of that country. You can read a lot of reviews on this topic, and everyone who used their “blood right” is satisfied, since getting a passport was not a problem.

This right is enjoyed by children with at least one of the parents at the time of the applicant’s birth being a citizen of the country. In such a situation, the applicant for citizenship must submit documents to justice, from which it will be clear that the second parent, a citizen of another country, does not object to the acquisition of Georgian citizenship by his child. It can also be documents that the second parent is missing or has no citizenship.

You will also have to document the citizenship of the parents or the fact of the birth of the applicant in Georgia.


Buying a property

How to obtain Georgian citizenship to Russian citizens? Like many countries of the world, Georgia offers those wishing to obtain citizenship to acquire real estate in the territory of their country. However, the purchase should not be cheaper than 35 thousand US dollars.

After registering your rights to property, you need to contact justice with a request for a temporary residence permit. In this case, a residence permit is issued for one year, with the right to extend. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the right to property and letters of recommendation from citizens or legal entities of Georgia.

After five years, you can apply for citizenship. But without fail you will have to pass exams and confirm that the applicant has official income or private business.

Where to go

How to obtain Georgian citizenship to Russian citizens and where to apply? If you are located in Georgia, then you need to contact the House of Justice directly, it is this body that considers migration issues.

If the applicant stays in the territory of another state, then he may apply to the diplomatic mission or consulate of Georgia. Also, applicants for citizenship have the opportunity to transfer documents through an authorized person or via the Internet.

On the Internet, you should find and go to the Citizenship section. This is a Georgian website of public services, which is available in Georgian and English. The same documents should be uploaded to the site that must be submitted to justice, necessarily translated into Georgian and apostilled. You can also use this service on the website of the House of Justice of Georgia.

step-by-step instruction

If we are talking about a child?

And now, how to obtain Georgian citizenship: step-by-step instructions for children aged 14 to 18. If applicants for citizenship have a child, then they are legal representatives of a minor. However, at this age, the child is already considered to be almost an adult, therefore, the child’s written consent to obtain citizenship must be drawn up and certified at the notary's office or at another authorized person.

And the rest, the package of documents is no different from those situations when an adult draws up a statement.

If only one parent with a child leaves for Georgia, then it is necessary to obtain consent from the other parent, which is also certified by a notary.

Cost of services

When thinking about how to obtain Georgian citizenship and passport, one should not lose sight of the cost of services. The cost of the consular fee for considering the application depends on the period for which you want the document to be considered. If the future citizen is in no hurry, then for 50 GEL, the application will be considered 80 days. If a person wants to go through an accelerated procedure, then this service will cost 300 GEL. There are also interim review periods, 40 and 60 days, which cost 200 and 100 GEL, respectively.

Georgian lari

When they can refuse citizenship

If you want to obtain Georgian citizenship for Russian citizens, then regardless of the thoroughness of preparation for obtaining citizenship, some factors can cause refusal:

  1. If the applicant has committed a crime against the people of Georgia and the state itself or against humanity.
  2. If the applicant has previously committed a war crime or a terrorist act, it does not matter which state the crime was committed against.
  3. If the presence of such a person threatens the security of the country.
  4. If he has ties with the intelligence or armed forces of countries that are in a hostile relationship with the country.
  5. If the applicant has connections with the underworld, he was involved in the sale of drugs, people, or weapons.
double citizenship

And if a Georgian citizen decided to become a subject of Russia?

For Georgian citizens, the Russian side offers two ways of integration in the country: on a common basis and on a simplified procedure.

So, how to obtain Russian citizenship for Georgian citizens according to a simplified procedure? Georgians who live in the Russian Federation and know the state language of the country of residence can count on this. In this situation, it does not matter how long a Georgian citizen lives in Russia. In fact, if such a person submits an application, then he skips the procedure for obtaining a residence permit.

However, only those persons who were born on the territory of the former USSR or studied at one of the universities of the former Soviets can go through this procedure. The applicant also has the right to prove that he has relatives in Russia and has the citizenship of this country, those who have at least one parent, a citizen of the Russian Federation, receive special concessions.

To obtain citizenship, you should contact the FMS or the Russian Embassy and submit the following documents:

  • application form;
  • Photo;
  • documents confirming the availability of work, earnings or business activities;
  • a document confirming the passage of testing for knowledge of the state language;
  • copy of passport;
  • copy of birth certificate;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Documents received in Georgia must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary.

In addition to the standard package, you must submit documents confirming the presence of parents - citizens of the Russian Federation, a diploma of education, in other words, papers that will allow you to count on the passage of a simplified procedure.

If a Georgian citizen does not have any benefits, then he will have to go through the standard procedure through a residence permit, the status of a permanent resident of the country, and only then citizenship. The package of documents in this case is no different, just do not need to confirm the benefits.

how to get citizenship

And if you want to have two passports on hand?

This issue worries many people who are in mixed marriages or do business in Georgia. If you read the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it becomes clear that you can have dual citizenship only with those states with which international agreements are concluded. However, the second part of the same article 62 states that if there is citizenship of another state, a person has the same rights and obligations, freedoms, as citizens with one passport.

The Law “On Citizenship” also specifies that if a person filed with Russia acquires the citizenship of another country, then he does not automatically lose his citizenship and is considered solely as a citizen of the Russian Federation. We can conclude that if you have two passports is not directly prohibited, then it is allowed. But if the host country requires a renunciation of existing citizenship, then it will have to be done.


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