How many children does the mother heroine have? What privileges does the family receive?

how many children mother heroine

Over the past few years, the role of women in the modern world has changed significantly. Today, she can be a politician, an astronaut, the owner of a large company - it all depends on her desire. However, almost every girl still dreams of becoming a mother. Despite the difficult financial and social conditions in the country, in many families the husband and wife decide to raise more than one child. How many children does a heroine mother have to give birth in order to receive this honorable status?

History of the title in the Soviet Union

The tradition of the honorary title of mother heroine originated in Soviet times. Thus, the authorities tried to influence the birth rate in the country, promising certain benefits and privileges to those who ventured such a serious step. The order for the award of the corresponding medal was signed in the summer of 1944. To obtain it, it was required to give birth and raise at least 10 children. At the same time, there was one more prerequisite: the youngest child should be one year old, all other children in the family should be alive.

For counting, it is also taken into account how many children the mother-heroine adopted or adopted. Among other things, if any of the oldest children died in the line of duty and is missing for the same reasons, it is also taken into account when awarding a mother with a medal and rank.

What other medals and orders are provided for mother-heroines?

Now that we know how many children the heroine mother has, it will be necessary to mention other honorary titles. So, the motherhood medal was received by women who gave birth and raised more than 5 children. There were several degrees of such an order or medal; they were awarded depending on the number of students in the family. Briefly, the scheme invented by the Soviet government was as follows:

  • 5 children - a medal of the second degree;
  • 6 children - a medal of the first degree;
  • 7 children - the order of the third degree;
  • 8 children - the order of the second degree;
  • 9 children - the order of the first degree.

New initiative of Russian deputies

Unfortunately, this good tradition has been forgotten. In modern society, a large number of children, housekeeping and home improvement has become a very unpopular occupation. However, over time, we return to many of the right values, including this one. For the first time, they started talking about reviving a good tradition in 2013. A bill was introduced in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the need to revive the honorary title - the title "Mother Heroine".

mother heroine how many children 2013
How many children do you need to give birth and raise these days in order to receive such a great honor? Deputy Mikhail Serdyuk, the initiator of a return to tradition, believes that this requires the following conditions to be met:

  • have at least 5 children;
  • the youngest age is from a year, the oldest is up to 8 years.

The first mother heroine in the USSR

how many children does the mother of the heroine have

It should be recalled that the last real order was awarded on November 14, 1991. According to dry statistics, over the years this unique title has existed, it has been awarded to more than 430 thousand women who have accomplished the great feat of motherhood. One of the most famous mothers was a woman, the first to receive an honorary order. Her name was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna. All her life she lived in the tiny village of Mamontovka, near the capital. In total, Anna Savelyevna had 12 children, 4 of whom died during the Great Patriotic War, protecting the borders of their homeland. Currently, this first order has been transferred by relatives of the mother-heroine to the State Historical Museum and is available for viewing to everyone in the numismatics department.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, as in many other republics, honorary titles, orders and medals were no longer issued. Instead, mothers of many children were awarded the Order of Friendship or the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland", but all these awards did not reflect the main essence, feat, and work done by hundreds and thousands of Russian women.

The revival of the right traditions

The revival of worthy traditions in our country began only in the 21st century. A prerequisite for this was the establishment of the Order of Parental Glory for large Russian parents. What is the fundamental difference between the new award established under President Medvedev and the previous title? How many children should a mother-heroine have to give birth to in this case? Under the new conditions, the order is awarded to both parents - both mother and father - if their family has 4 or more relatives or officially adopted children. Additionally, such a married couple can count on receiving a letter and a financial amount of 50 thousand rubles at a time.

Russia mother heroine how many children

Appearance of the new order

However, this information does not answer the question of how many children the heroine mother must have in order to receive such an honorable status. Families where parents raise more than 7 children are also awarded the badge of honor of the new order. It features a unique and stylish appearance. So, it is a blue cross on which the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located.

mother heroine how many children 2014

What benefits have been and will be laid?

In the Soviet Union, information about how many children the heroine mother had was extremely important, because in addition to the honorary titles, the owners of this title could count on a significant improvement in living conditions. So, many women received separate spacious housing, as well as financial benefits. There is no similar scheme debugged in this way in the Russian Federation. However, certain benefits are granted to large mothers by our country, Russia. Mother-heroine how many children must give birth in order to be able to take advantage of them? There is no exact answer to this question, it is determined depending on each specific allowance or benefit. So, kids from families with three or more children can go to kindergarten out of turn. In general, you can add to the list of privileges:

  • discount on utilities (depending on the region);
  • trips to camps and resorts.

State support programs for large families are constantly being upgraded. So, it is planned to provide:

  • allowances of various levels;
  • benefits for higher education for children;
  • reduction in the cost of utility bills (in those regions where there is no such subsidy);
  • the provision of minibuses, land and much more.

How many children a mother-heroine must have to receive all these benefits is not specified at the moment.

title mother heroine how many children

Mother-heroine in the CIS countries

The tradition to award such honorary titles has been preserved since Soviet times in Ukraine. So, in the territory of this country the awarding of the title "Mother Heroine" is still being held. How many children of 2013 were able to take advantage of such social support! A similar policy is followed in Belarus. Women who have given birth to 5 or more children are awarded the title Mother Heroine. How many 2014 children can count on such support, and what will it be expressed in? So, as already mentioned, a woman must have 5 or more children to receive an honorary title. All children receive a regular general allowance totaling about 700,000 rubles in local currency, in terms of dollars this amount looks much less significant and amounts to only $ 80. However, heroine mothers can count on one-time support from President Lukashenko in the amount of 2.5 million Belarusian rubles. A nice bonus is the honorary order.


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