Cauliflower Sheep - a craft that pleases everyone

A cauliflower lamb is a craft that can become either a table decoration or a delicious dish. The "curly-headedness" given to this type of cabbage by nature is very beneficial for those people who want to make a funny craft out of it. Making a sheep or a lamb is very simple, a preschooler will cope with the analysis of a head for inflorescences and the attachment of additional details. True, it is better not to give a knife to children!

Easiest option

Cauliflower lamb is a craft that will not take much of your time. But if you have very little free time, choose the simplest option. You will make a sheep directly from a whole head of cabbage and only come up with a funny muzzle. Take a medium-sized head of cabbage, wash and boil it. Take a large black olive and attach it with a toothpick to the body of a sheep. On the olive, attach eyes from corn kernels and ears from improvised material (for example, color cardboard). Feet you can make from celery stalks, sized and attached to the cabbage with toothpicks.

crafts made from cauliflower
Such crafts made from cauliflower may have a large champignon instead of a muzzle.

Cabbage sheep

This version of the craft is a bit complicated, but still quick and easy to execute. Separate one inflorescence from the head of cabbage - this is the future head of your sheep. Take a small cabbage, it is easier to work with. This time we will not boil it. Then take the black olive, pierce with a toothpick and attach to the head. Cut the olive in half (not completely), giving it the shape of a sheep’s ears. Eyes made from white beans planted on cropped toothpicks. Legs can be made from olives, circles of carrots or soaked raisins. Make a herd of such cute lambs, plant them on a plate and make a meadow for them from lettuce and other greens.

Cauliflower lamb

Prepare and rinse a head of cauliflower, a leaf of white cabbage, bell pepper and carrots. Cauliflower will be the body of a lamb. You need to remove the ends of the carrot and make legs out of it, on which the ram could stand. The legs are attached to the body, of course, not without the help of toothpicks. The head must be cut out of sweet bell pepper by attaching plasticine eyes to it. Cut the tail from a leaf of ordinary cabbage, and attach cherry leaves to the place of the sheep’s ears. The lamb is ready! It can please you at home, and will also serve as an excellent craft for a vegetable exhibition in a kindergarten.

cauliflower sheep

Table decoration

A cauliflower lamb is a craft that can be a great decoration on the table (especially on New Year's Eve of the Year of the Sheep). If you plan to eat this cute snack, then of course, you must first wash and boil the cauliflower. If the sheep becomes just a decoration - then do not cook it!

Take a plate of bright color and lay on it a large boiled inflorescence of cabbage - a sheep’s body. We put marinated champignon on a toothpick and fix it in place of the head. From the legs of pickled mushrooms we make a lamb leg. Ears are also cut from mushrooms. And in place of the peephole, you can stick inflorescences of cloves. It also gives a great spicy flavor to the room! Make grass under your feet from boiled broccoli inflorescences. Be sure to salt, pepper the craft! Cauliflower lamb - a craft that can be served with sauce in a separate bowl.

cauliflower lamb

If you want to make an inedible table decoration, then take a large head of cauliflower as a body. A small eggplant will become the oblong face of a sheep. And eyes can be made of paper.

A huge number of crafts and mouth-watering dishes can be made from vegetables and fruits. Turn on imagination and create more often!


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