What is a tomb - definition of a concept

Many people have come up with the concept of "tomb," reading books or watching historical films, but not everyone can say exactly what a tomb is. We will understand what this word means.


What is a tomb? The answer is pretty simple. The tomb is an architectural structure representing a burial place. The body of the deceased is placed in such a structure and stored there in a coffin or sarcophagus. The tomb can play, for example, a crypt.

what is a tomb

Types of Tombs

Having learned what a tomb is, we will deal with their varieties. Tombs have been known to mankind since ancient Egypt. Everyone heard about the pyramids of Giza, the ancient tombs in which sarcophagi with the bodies of the pharaohs were stored. Relatives of the rulers were buried in less luxurious places - low stone structures, rather gloomy inside. The Cheops Pyramid is the answer to the question of what is a tomb in the Ancient World.

Another type of tomb is stone. This type was used in the most ancient times, when the body of the deceased was placed in a small room built of stones.

ancient tombs

If you ask a person what the tomb is, most likely he will answer that it is a crypt. And this is right, because the crypt is really the most popular type of tomb, which is used in the modern world. The crypt is a separate building, in which there is usually only one room, where coffins with the bodies of the dead are stored. Usually crypts are family property.

The mausoleum is another kind of tomb. They usually bury famous people, politicians or artists. This kind of structure differs from the crypt in large sizes, and in that, as a rule, the remains of one person are preserved there. The mausoleum consists of a chamber where the coffin is placed, and a hall intended for commemoration.

There are other varieties of tombs, but these are considered basic.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32558/

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