The most beautiful mountain in the world. "Mountain" rating of British media

It is believed that nothing so bewitches and beckons a person like mountains. Glaciers, enchanting waterfalls, canyons and quarries, flowering meadows and forests, turbulent rivers - all this, combined with mountain peaks resting against the clouds, creates a unique beauty of the surrounding nature.

Only mountains can be better than mountains

British scientists and journalists conducted independent research and interviewed millions of people on social networks, on the streets and through magazines and newspapers. As a result, a list was compiled in which the most beautiful mountains in the world took their places of honor. There are about twenty of them.

In the ranking you can see mountain peaks from all over the planet: from Norway to the Republic of South Africa, from the Himalayas to the Andean Cordilleras. Moreover, the height of the mountains did not always play an important role. The most beautiful mountain and the highest peak are two different things, according to British media.

Of course, many can challenge both the research results and the rating itself. In fact, the beauty of mountain peaks can be argued and debated endlessly. And the right in such disputes will never be. Each person has his own concept of beauty, but most will agree that the beauty of the mountains is eternal and unbreakable, beautiful and attractive.

the most beautiful mountain


The first place in the ranking is occupied by the mountain, which is part of the Cordillera Blanca massif. It was recognized that the most beautiful mountain is Alpamayo, located in the Peruvian Andes. Its height is 5947 meters. It is not the highest, not the most dangerous and not the most impregnable, but it was this peak that was recognized by people as the "queen of beauty" among the mountains.

The mountain belongs to the northern mountain range, therefore, it resembles an unusual ice pyramid in shape. Eyewitnesses who climbed this mountain say that, having seen it once, they forever preserved its image in their memory. He beckons for many years, forcing him to return. This mountain was first conquered in 1957.

Although climbing may seem easy enough, Mount Alpamayo is dangerous. Frequent avalanches have already claimed dozens of human lives. In 2003, an avalanche overtook eight climbers from various parts of the world and buried them under a terrible snow cover. In 2014, two Italian climbers went missing trying to climb the top of Alpamayo.

the most beautiful mountains photo


The most beautiful mountain in the world, which received the second place in the rating, is the Matterhorn. This beauty is located in Switzerland, belongs to the toothed mountains and has a height of 4478 m. It is believed that this is one of the rebellious peaks. Experienced climbers recognize this mountain as dangerous and deadly. According to statistics, from 1865 (date of first ascent) to the present, this mountain claimed the lives of more than five hundred people.

There are no easy ways and routes. Experts say that conquering the mountain sometimes takes a whole year. Knowing its harsh and wayward character, people are in no hurry and are preparing to conquer the summit thoroughly.

the most beautiful mountains in the world


The most beautiful mountains (photo proves this) are also in Iran. In the ranking, they occupy the third place of honor and are called Demavend. The top is known to mankind since ancient times, it is mentioned in Persian mythology.

Demavend is a volcano. The starting point for climbing is the village of Polur. Local taxi drivers know very well where climbers' camps are located, so there are never any problems with the road. A budget option is considered a bus. Climbing to the top of the mountain is a dangerous process, therefore, without special permission, local authorities will not allow you to visit it. The Federation of climbers issues a special permit, which will allow you to join the group, headed by a guide and an experienced climber.

the most beautiful mountains in the world photo


The most beautiful mountain in the ranking is located in Norway and takes fourth place. The peak is located in the northern mid-polar latitudes in the eastern hemisphere and is considered a rather slight elevation. However, its beauty a small height (1392 m) is completely unaffected. Climbers say that her appearance, resembling a broken tip of a spear, is simply mesmerizing.

The most beautiful mountains in the world, the photos of which are amazing, are located in Argentina, Italy, Iceland, the United States of America, Switzerland, Nepal, China. By the way, the rating included the Chinese mountain Kailash, which has not yet been conquered by man so far.

Mountains of Russia

Despite the British rating, Russian climbers claim that the most beautiful mountain is located in Russia. By the beauties of nature, our country is much richer than everyone else.

Of course, the highest and most charming mountain is Elbrus (5642 m). Peaks, abutting in the sky, and incredible steep slopes will amaze and captivate even the most sophisticated climber. This mountain was formed as a result of the accumulation of volcanic ash and lava. Especially amazing and attract lovers of mountain climbing are constantly changing elevations.

Also, the most beautiful mountains of Russia are located in the Urals and the Caucasus. More than fifty mountain peaks have a height that exceeds the figure of four thousand meters. About two thousand were never conquered and experienced by man.

the most beautiful mountains of Russia

The second highest mountain point is Dykhtau. In 1888, in Russia, climbers conquered this mountain, one of the great peaks of the Caucasus. But this mountain is insidious and submits only to those who have sufficient experience in mountaineering. For beginners who have never encountered climbing on snowy and rocky surfaces, Dykhtau will not obey.

A beautiful and almost inaccessible mountain with a peak resembling ice peaks is also located in the Caucasus. Kostantau has a height of 5152 m. This mountain is recognized by professional climbers as one of the most dangerous in the world. For many, it was the last unfinished test in life.


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