Russians in the USA: work and life in immigration

Many associate America with a heavenly and carefree existence and think that if a person gets the opportunity to go there for permanent residence, then he receives the main prize in his life. But at the same time, a large number of emigrants are returning to their homeland, since living in the USA is not so easy for Russians. Some Slavs who come in search of something better in this state may find it difficult to fit into the local way of life of Americans, while others claim that they feel in America, as if in their own home. How does our compatriots really live in this distant country?

Years of active migration

The first Russians in the United States appeared even after the 1917 revolution, when people began to leave Russia en masse. Then the second migration wave occurred in 1947, mainly among the immigrants were former prisoners of war with their families and representatives of the Jewish people.

Russians in the usa

In the early nineties of the last century, the emigration flow changed significantly, since not only those people who sought political asylum, but also many representatives of the Russian intelligentsia dreamed of becoming American citizens. During the years of perestroika, the expanses of the former USSR were tried to leave by talented doctors, architects, engineers and various scientists.

How many "Russian Americans"?

Already in 2004, more than twenty thousand scientists from the CIS countries worked in America . But the number of immigrants continued to grow every year. Since Russians come to the USA not only in search of work requiring special qualifications, many are arranged by various auxiliary workers in the hope of finding something better over time.

According to the latest data, in 2010 more than three million Americans declared their Russian origin. But if you also count illegal immigrants, then the number of immigrants from the CIS countries living in America will increase significantly. Therefore, no one can say for sure how many Russians live in the USA.

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Who is attracted to life in America?

Freedom-loving citizens are trying to get into this state, since human rights are highly valued here. Also, those who are persecuted by the authorities in their homeland tend to emigrate here.

In addition, many Russian businessmen and low-skilled specialists often move to America, who receive a very small monthly salary for their work in Russia.

To date, Russians in the United States have created several of their diasporas. The first years of the existence of immigrants in a foreign country, of course, cannot be called easy. But the American authorities are trying to take an active part in the life of emigrants, developing special support programs for them.

In addition, a holding company called “Russian America” operates in the territory of this state. Employees of this company are trying to make life easier for many immigrants from post-Soviet countries, assisting them in many matters related to obtaining a residence permit and acquiring real estate. More emigrants can get the help of psychologists during the period of social adaptation.

how do Russians live in the usa

Features of Living in the United States

Judging by such a large number of emigrating people to America, it is not so bad for migrants to live there. Although immigrants from post-Soviet countries encounter a large number of problems upon arrival: they must quickly learn a completely different style and rhythm of life, get acquainted with the mentality of others, and also learn a new language and a different manner of communication.

Russians in the United States, falling into Western civilization, will be required to adapt to a new way of life and learn to lead their own lives in a completely different way. In this state, everything has been done in order to make life as easy as possible for its citizens.

Here, almost everyone uses only plastic cards, each of the shopping centers is equipped with a large parking lot, and for the convenience of motorists, many-tier motorways have been built in many cities. Therefore, many immigrants with whom any American citizen is familiar since childhood, Russian emigrants see for the first time. Of course, such a standard of living is a great advantage of America over the CIS countries, and thanks to this, Russians like to live in the USA.

But there are also drawbacks to such emigration, because against the background of recent crises on the “Freedom Island” it is also not easy to find work, especially for people who do not have decent specialization.

In what state of the USA is it better to live Russian?

Adaptation period

Often, newly-minted American citizens are embraced by a sense of depression and nostalgia for their homeland. In addition to all of the above difficulties, our compatriots are faced with paid medicine. In this country, everyone has insurance, because without it there will not be enough money even for the most common laboratory tests and various examinations, and operations can cost more than one hundred thousand dollars.

Also, having started living in the United States, a Russian person should be prepared for the fact that he will have to take permanent loans, since an ordinary migrant would not be able to survive here without them. Therefore, for many, this adaptation is painful and causes a feeling of great discomfort. In order to survive this period, many are advised to settle in those areas of America where the majority of immigrants from the CIS countries live.

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Where do they live?

So, in what US state is it better to live Russian? Immigrants from Russia are trying to settle in the South and Mid Atlantic, as well as in the south-eastern and central parts of the country.

The largest number of emigrants is concentrated in such states as: New York, Maryland, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California and New Jersey. In addition, many Russians live in the districts of Bergen, Chicago, Brooklyn, Boston, the Bronx, Seattle and Miami.


Immigrants choose these states, since there is work in the USA for Russians on their territory. But we must take into account the fact that if an emigrant does not have decent qualifications, then he can only rely on a vacancy rejected by American job seekers with wages from five to seven dollars per hour.

Basically, local employers offer immigrants from post-Soviet countries to work forty hours a week and make sure that the person does not overwork in any case, which is very surprising for Russian people. This is due to the fact that in America overtime work is paid one and a half times more. Thus, a migrant who does not have special special skills can receive a weekly salary of three hundred dollars.

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Features of work

When an American employer accepts an emigrant for a particular vacancy, he first draws attention to how he speaks English. In addition, most often a position is offered that takes into account the combination of several responsibilities at once.

In almost all American firms and organizations, wages are paid once a week and issued to the employee by check, which can be easily exchanged for banknotes at any local bank.

What vacancies can I apply for?

Few can get a prestigious position in the United States. This opportunity is available only to those emigrants who came here at the invitation of the employer, or those who receive education here. The remaining immigrants, in order to get a well-paid job, will have to get various diplomas and certificates that will help them find a worthy place, as well as save them from having to work as a guard or a cashier all their lives.

In addition, in the United States you can always find a dishwasher in a restaurant, a waiter's assistant, a maid, a loader, a seller and other vacancies that do not require special abilities.

like Russians live in the usa

Visa application

In addition to all the difficulties with finding a job, the emigrant must still overcome the complicated procedure of the American visa regime, as illegal immigrants in the USA have no opportunity to get a normal job.

The applicant will have to go through many different instances and collect a large number of documents. After this person who wants to go to America for permanent residence, he will have a difficult interview, during which it will be revealed whether he can live in the American state.

Concluding the above, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question: “How do Russians live in the USA?” In this country, only those who can successfully pass the adaptation period and withstand all the trials of the first years of their emigration can succeed.


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