Energy Day: history, features and interesting facts

A thin power line separates the modern progressive world from the Stone Age. Many people work day and night, tirelessly so that there is light and warmth in the houses. From the hot south with its scorching sun and to the cold north with its frosts, from lowlands and valleys to mountains and hills - everywhere there will be a power line, and the one who leads it will be an electrician. And he has his own special, unique holiday - Power Engineer Day.

Power lines

Energy in every home

Recently, the energy consumption of a single apartment has increased significantly compared with the period of twenty years ago. Unnoticed, a lot of electrical appliances appeared, indispensable and helping with everyday household tasks. Take, for example, the average cuisine. Now in the kitchens you can see the branch of a small household appliance store: a blender, a double boiler, a slow cooker, an electric meat grinder, an induction surface, a refrigerator (sometimes a freezer) and a cherry on the cake is a TV. Of course, all this does not turn on immediately, but still without tension it would be problematic to use all these devices. Even this article you could not read without electricity.

Everyday life of power engineers

cooling towers

So that people can enjoy all the benefits of civilization, every day the power engineers go to work and take on the challenges that the weather, unforeseen circumstances and other difficulties give them. Despite strong winds, bad weather, ice, heat and severe cold, power engineers go on line, climb equipment to eliminate accidents and resume the supply of electricity to homes.

history of the holiday

Happy energy day

Now an extensive network of power lines of various voltages covers the whole country and delivers electricity to its most remote corners. But it all started much easier.

Back in 1920, the Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets approved a plan for the development and electrification of the USSR. A little later, in 1966, the Presidium of the Supreme Council issued a decree that included the official date for the celebration of the Day of the Power Engineer. It coincided with the date of adoption of the GOERLO plan (electrification plan). Since then, congratulations on the birthday of energy have been received on December 22. In addition, by coincidence, this date is a symbol: it is December 22 that is preceded by the longest night, after which daylight hours increase. It was this plan that became the first long-term plan for the development of a young state called the USSR. It was thanks to him that the country received a powerful impetus for increasing production and the economy. The plan envisaged the construction of 30 power plants and some distribution substations. Within ten years, this plan was fully implemented.

Power Engineers Day in Russia is not striking in its scope, power engineers do not strive to achieve popularity and do not celebrate their day in the Kremlin Hall. But on this day, many try to express their words of gratitude to them. On this day, the merits of power engineers in the economic development of the country are recognized.

Energy today

Currently, energy industry workers face very difficult tasks, because most equipment is both morally and technically outdated. Power engineers draw up equipment replacement plans, make equipment replacement in investment programs and implement them. The past Olympics in Sochi gave a very powerful development to the region. New substations were built, a lot of obsolete equipment was modernized, new capacities were introduced.

Cities are growing rapidly and their energy consumption is growing rapidly. Power engineers introduce new transformers, auto transformers and transformer substations. A powerful reconstruction of substations in the northern region of Russia has now begun. In addition, power engineers are solving a number of complex tasks for powering the Crimean peninsula.

People of Steel

Work days

Sometimes ordinary people, being warm and in the light, do not think about the work that is being done in order to be able to sit comfortably at home. Given the difficult weather conditions and often the old equipment, power engineers perform their work carefully and efficiently. After strong gusts, in the middle of a field, in an open area, on seven winds, overcoming all weather inclement weather, they restore damaged power lines and equipment in the cold so that people have light and heat. In addition, power engineers ensure that the unified energy network does not fall apart and is able to continuously supply consumers with electricity.

Study, study and study again!

Power engineering is preceded by a long training. Even during the main work, people in this profession are sent for training at the training centers and try to give all the necessary knowledge to work in the energy sector. In this way competent specialists are prepared who can put the acquired knowledge into practice. In addition to the training of engineering personnel at the courses of slingers, welders, batterymen, line officers, workers of a working specialty are also trained.

There are no former power engineers

Energy Day is a professional holiday for all those who, without sparing hands, work at power plants, substations, laboratories, repair shops, test sites, who travel to power lines.

But there are no former power engineers. On this festive day - the Day of Russian Power Engineers - they invite to the celebration of veterans of the energy industry who are on a well-deserved rest. When you look at them, it seems that a long time working in the energy sector has left its mark. One gets the impression that at first the veterans gave a part of themselves to this work, and now the energy industry puts life energy into their bodies, they seem so young, alive and mobile.

We bring light and joy to people!

Technology integration

The main "drawback" of electricity is that it cannot be generated and put in the far corner in reserve. Everything that is worked out - everything must be consumed. That is why dispatchers on substations, in regional dispatch centers, regional dispatch points are on duty day and night at the post. It is they who regulate the flow of energy, they are the first to respond to accidents, and the successful elimination of the accident depends on them. You can safely call all workers in the energy industry warriors of light. For them, the words "light," warmth "are not just words, they know how these" warm words "come into the house and what difficulties it is worth conveying to them.

Challenges to Energy

Green energy

Currently, energy is experiencing a real boom of "green energy". This is natural energy that is generated through renewable sources. This is solar energy, wind energy, water energy. Water has long been used to generate electricity in our country.

The very first hydroelectric power plants of the Soviet Union were built in the Leningrad and Zaporizhzhya regions - they are still in working condition.

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station

Solar energy is fraught with great potential, which means that the next era of "pure energy" is beginning for power engineers. And, perhaps, after several decades on the Day of the Power Engineer, those who made innovative breakthroughs in the direction of β€œgreen energy” will receive congratulations on their professional holiday.


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