Do Russians need a visa to Switzerland? List of documents for applying for a visa yourself

Switzerland is one of the most developed and expensive European countries with gorgeous mountain landscapes by tourist standards. The country is not a member of the European Union, but is included in the group of states that have signed the Schengen Agreement. Therefore, today, all Russians who dream of seeing the famous Swiss villages and sights can apply for a Schengen visa.

What visas can I apply for in Switzerland?

When planning to go abroad, a person usually thinks: "Do I need a visa?" In Switzerland, as in any other European country, a Russian must get a visa, but which one is necessary? To answer these questions, it is worthwhile to figure out which visas are generally available in this state.

Do you need a visa (Schengen) to Switzerland or not? Given the fact that the country has signed the Schengen agreement, several options have appeared. In order to understand what to apply for a visa to Switzerland for Russians, you need to decide on the date and purpose of the trip.

Russian passports

Visas can be: short-term, long-term and transit (this is one that is available to tourists). Among other things, of course, there are student, business and work visas.

Schengen visa

What is the easiest way to apply as an entry document to Switzerland: is the visa “Schengen” or not? Most often, people travel as tourists, in this case it is easier to apply for an ordinary Schengen visa of a short-term type C. You can stay in it within the Schengen zone for three months in a six-month period. In general, this should be enough to inspect the main places and attractions, since the Schengen visa to Switzerland implies the main time spent in the territory of this state.

Schengen visa example

National visa

The second option for a visa to Switzerland for Russians is a long-term type D, or national. According to such a document, the stay in the country increases, however, the list of documents is slightly expanded and the requirements are tougher. Typically, such a visa is issued by people for a trip to Switzerland to relatives who have the citizenship of this state. Work on it is strictly prohibited.

Other visas

When transferring, do I need a visa to Switzerland in case of a transit flight? It is known that transit visas of type A and B existed earlier. Today, instead of the above visas, short-term documents are issued for crossing the border marked "Transit".

Do Russians need a visa to Switzerland with a 24-hour transplant? It turns out, no. Given that the waiting time for the next flight will not exceed 24 hours, and the person does not intend to leave the transit zone of the airport, there is no need to issue any visas in advance.

Stamps in the passport

Also, visas are divided into single, double and multi, or multiple. The latter, of course, is the most tempting, because with it there are no restrictions on the number of entries in a certain period of time a visa is valid. A single entry can be used only for one entry, but a double entry, respectively, for two. Moreover, you can cross the border with these visas, and traveling on a bus tour. There are similar routes to Switzerland too.

Getting a visa

It is worth being attentive to the terms of stay in the territory of the Schengen countries. If a person submits documents for the Swiss "Schengen", then entry into Switzerland should be a priority, as well as the number of days of stay. A visa may be denied if the initial travel plan implies the least number of days in Switzerland. If during a trip there are several countries in which a person intends to spend the same time, then you need to apply for a visa at the embassy of that country through which he intends to enter the territory of the Schengen Union.

What documents must be submitted for registration?

When the answer to the question whether a visa to Switzerland is needed is clarified, you can safely take up the collection of documents. The type of documentation may differ only depending on the purpose of the intended trip. Plus, you should know that even if you successfully obtain a visa at the border, they can still selectively check for the presence of some documents and, if there are no documents, deploy them back.

If you apply for it yourself, you should submit documents to the Swiss Consulate in Moscow. His address is as follows: per. Ogorodnaya Sloboda, 2/5 p. No. 1.

The folder should contain absolutely everything relevant, and the papers indicated on the official website of the Swiss representative office in Russia.

Standard set for a Schengen visa:

  • Registration begins by filling out a special questionnaire. You can enter your data in one of the four official languages ​​of the country: French, English, German and Italian.
  • Two color photographs measuring 3.5 by 4.5. One photo must be glued to the printed application form, and the second should be attached to the document folder. Typically, the shop knows all the necessary requirements for photos on Schengen visas.
  • No matter which visa a person applies for in Switzerland, a passport must be valid for the next three months after returning from a trip through Schengen territory. A minimum of two blank pages is also required.
  • If there are other passports in which old Schengen visas with an expired date (especially for the last three years) are pasted, then it is best to attach copies of them.
  • Insurance for a visa ("Schengen") is compulsory, it, incidentally, may be asked at the border. The medical document must comply with all Schengen requirements and, most importantly, be valid in all countries that have signed the agreement. Also, term insurance should cover the entire travel period, and the amount of insurance payments should not be less than thirty thousand euros. If a person applies for a multi-visa, then insurance should be done only for the period of his first trip. True, in the application form it will be necessary to indicate that the applicant guarantees its registration before his next entries into the Schengen zone.
  • If suddenly a person does not have the opportunity to come to the consulate or embassy of Switzerland himself and hand over the documents with his own hand, then in this case he can turn to the visa center for help. The applicant will need to sign additional paper, which refers to the consent of the transfer of his documentation by courier.
Switzerland Visa Application Request

Moreover, the applicant will need to undergo fingerprinting. It is held every five years, regardless of whether he draws up a national visa or "Schengen" to Switzerland.

Additional documents for registration of "Schengen"

When the applicant completes the visa application form, a list of additional documents will be available to him.

Those traveling for tourism purposes need to attach the following documents to the folder:

  • Printed reservation of air or other round-trip tickets. Also other papers that confirm the purpose of the applicant’s trip, for example, a planned travel route.
  • Printed hotel reservation or other confirmation of the place of residence for the period of travel.
  • A statement from the bank about the status of the account for the last 90 days or a statement of the current status of the account. The original statement must be officially certified by the bank. There must be at least 85 euros per person per day.
  • You can confirm your financial solvency with a certificate from the work in which the monthly income will be indicated. The amount must be at least 30 or 40 thousand rubles. The certificate must indicate the position.
  • If the salary is lower than the above figure, then as an option, you can issue a sponsorship letter. In this case, the sponsor will have to submit an extract from a personal bank account or a certificate of employment. Plus, you will need to attach a copy of his ID to the document folder.

Transit flight through Switzerland

Do I need a visa to Switzerland when using one of the country's airports as a transfer hub? As already mentioned, in the case of a transplant that takes place in 24 hours, a transit visa is not required for the Russians. To do this, a person should immediately get all the boarding passes necessary for a further flight and expect his flight in the transit zone.

Visa Confirmation

If this option is not suitable for travel, then you need to apply for a transit visa. To do this, the embassy should submit:

  • A passport valid for another three months after the end of the trip. The passport must have at least two blank pages for gluing a visa.
  • Copies of pages of a foreign passport with personal data.
  • Copies of previously issued Schengen visas.
  • A completed visa application form. You can fill in one of the following languages: English, German, Italian and French.
  • Two photographs are modeled on an ordinary Schengen visa.
  • Copies of all tickets for the upcoming route (Russia - Switzerland - the third country and so on).
  • A copy of a visa to a third country, if one is required.
  • Medical insurance with a coverage of at least 30 thousand euros. Its validity period must coincide with the period of stay in the Schengen area.
  • A copy of your hotel reservation or confirmation of your stay at any other place. A transit visa is valid for five full days.

How to apply for a national visa in Switzerland type D?

In order to apply for a national visa to Switzerland, the following documents must be submitted to the embassy:

  • The visa application form in triplicate, as mentioned above, you can enter information in one of the four official languages ​​of Switzerland.
  • A foreign passport with at least two blank pages for gluing a visa and affixing a border stamp. The validity of the passport should not expire earlier than three months after the end of the trip.
  • Four photographs in a special format, as for a national visa type D.
  • Copies of pages of a foreign passport with personal data.
  • Copies of previously issued Schengen visas.
  • Certificate of good conduct. In Russia, it can now be ordered online on the public services website, but will have to be picked up at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Any references and documents confirming financial security. For example, a bank statement or certificate of employment indicating monthly income and position. If a person is not officially employed, then the option with a sponsorship letter is possible. In this case, the sponsor must provide a personal bank statement and a copy of the identity card.
  • If you intend to relocate permanently to Switzerland, you need a document explaining the reasons. This is usually a family reunion. In this case, a family member living in Switzerland must also draw up a letter of confirmation of the relocation of their relative.
  • If a visa is issued for moving a permanent residence permit for a minor child, then a notarized and apostilled duplicate of a birth certificate, as well as consent to move from a second parent, if any, must be included in the document folder.
Type D visa to Switzerland

Visas for employment and study

If it is possible to travel to Switzerland for the purpose of work, the request is also submitted for a national type D visa, however, in addition to the main documents, the applicant must attach:

  • The original copy of the contract and its copy.
  • Request for a work visa, drawn up personally by the applicant.

When traveling to Switzerland for the purpose of studying in any educational institution, the applicant must attach to the main documentation:

  • The original letter from the educational institution confirming the applicant’s enrollment in studies and two copies thereof.
  • An extract certifying that the applicant has the necessary funds to pay for tuition, accommodation and so on. Most often, a sponsorship letter is required here. In turn, the sponsor submits all the necessary documents confirming its solvency.
  • Any available certificates, diplomas and certificates. Their originals and two copies of each document are needed.
  • A detailed training program. She is sent by a Swiss educational institution.
  • Two copies of an autobiography in any of the four official Swiss languages.
  • A personal letter in which the applicant must explain to diplomatic officials why he wants to get an education in Switzerland.
  • A letter of guarantee, according to which the student agrees to leave the country after graduation.

Visa to Switzerland for children

To apply for any child visa, you will also need a separately completed visa application form, as well as:

  • Birth certificate and, if available, passport. Since 2015, the law came into force that the marks on the presence of a child in the parental passport indicate kinship and are not an official permit for a child to cross the border of another state. If father or mother have an old-style passport, paper, then children who are not yet 14 years old are able to travel through it. But in order for consular staff to be able to make a note, this document should have clean pages, and each child has its own clean sheet.
  • Insurance.
  • Two photos.
  • A certificate from a school or other educational institution if the child has reached school age.
  • If the child leaves with one parent or a third person, then a notarized authorization for export will be required. If the whereabouts of the second parent is unknown, then in court it is necessary to take a certificate of recognition of a person as missing. If the second parent has died, then his death certificate will be needed.
  • When leaving without parents, it is necessary to provide copies of the parents ’identity card, as well as an extract from their bank account, a sponsorship letter indicating the person who will bear all the costs of the child in Switzerland.

Swiss visa cost

For citizens of the Russian Federation, the cost of a Schengen visa is 35 euros (about 2700 rubles). When applying for an urgent visa, the fee is 70 euros (about 5300 rubles). When applying for a national visa, the fee is 60 euros (about 4500 rubles), for children from 6 to 12 years old - 35 euros (about 2700 rubles).

When applying to the visa center, a service fee of 1800 rubles is additionally paid. Children under six years of age and persons with disabilities do not need to pay fees.

Visa payment

Payment is made in ruble currency at the current rate. When applying directly to the embassy, ​​you must pay the visa fee at the bank. In this case, the bank may also charge a fee of 150 rubles for each individual visa. The receipt of payment should be attached to all the above documents on the day of applying for a visa. In case of refusal, visa fees are non-refundable.

Visa Application Deadline

Consideration of applications at the embassy is carried out at least within three working days. When applying to the visa center, the period increases to six days, taking into account the delivery of documents.

When submitting an incomplete set of documents, embassy employees can call the applicant for a personal interview. In this case, the processing of the application will be delayed for several more days.

It is important to apply for a visa to Switzerland no earlier than ninety days before the proposed trip (the minimum deadline is two weeks).


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