Features of state power: concept and types

Features of state power lie in the ability of some entities to manage others. These functions belong to a social or social phenomenon. Society cannot fully develop without the plenipotentiary forces that serve as its full-fledged companions in order to guide and maintain normal functioning. Features of state power have been accompanying human society for millennia. Only under the influence of time and politics do corrections take place in concepts, forms, structures.

Government building

Power Management Concept

Whatever the society, it cannot exist without sustainable governance.

That means:

  • reliable organization of a complex system;
  • order in the relationship;
  • maintaining a healthy state.

The features of state power are represented by absolute sociality, where the relationship is defined by two parties:

  • ruling;
  • subject to.

The manifestation of the intellectual volitional process occurs in conscious submission. Scientific works of jurisprudence do not give exact terminology about the features of state power; there is a consensus in its real complexity.

Presidents of Powers

Different approach to the concept

A special social phenomenon is characterized by different views and depends on the source:

  1. In antiquity, power was treated as a theological indicator, therefore an unquestioning submission to a higher structure was created.
  2. On the part of the anthropological approach, there is a psychological interpretation of control, when some seek to dominate, while others are ready to obey.
  3. From the point of view of behavioral consideration of an event or behaviorism, a simple concept is given in the form of ordinary partnerships. One has all the mechanisms for influencing the other and at the same time the ability to control functions.
  4. In a systematic interpretation, explanations are accepted in the form of a tool for regulating group conflicts, ensuring social integration.

In any case, the features of the organization of state authorities are a functioning system aimed at mobilizing public resources in order to achieve a collective goal.

What is needed for reliable government?

Theoretical and legal statements give an idea of โ€‹โ€‹the supremacy of power structures, a way to keep a heterogeneous society through special mechanisms. In Russia, such functions show the features of the state power of the Russian Federation or the only instrument capable of providing society with the opportunity to peacefully and dynamically develop within the legislative framework.

To implement all focused plans, the following types of company management are used:

  • legislative;
  • executive;
  • judicial.

It is believed in international law that all civilized countries share power structures that have significant differences with specific characteristics. Features of public authorities are reflected in specific actions, functional areas.

What is an administrative apparatus?

The main levers of power are created from a team of citizens in legal status who carry out work in certain industries. Each separate branch is included and operates in the general system. It regulates the order, which is the peculiarity of managing state power, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation.

The classification of organs occurs according to the criteria:

  • educational methods;
  • characteristic parameters;
  • decision making methods;
  • functionality.
Universal vote

What is the difference between the parameters?

The concept and features of state power include the methods of formation of departments:

  • Primary. They are elected by all residents or only in the regions of the state, after which legislative regional, regional assemblies, as well as the State Duma are created.
  • Secondary. They are instructions from the primary organs. Second-level structures are not elective; in their case, they are appointed to positions.

The nature of the formations is presented in the following order:

  • a bicameral parliament is elected;
  • departments where appointments are made by the leadership of higher bodies or by the President of the Russian Federation.

Make decisions:

  • collegial vote;
  • sole indication.

The functions and features of state power in Russia include:

  1. The State Duma as the main legislator.
  2. The President is the head of state, the highest official representing Russiaโ€™s interests on all world platforms.
  3. Official structures in the form of a managerial apparatus in the general system of bodies.
The State Duma

Characteristic signs

Features of state power in Russia consist of the following indicators:

  1. Based on state coercion; law enforcement agencies and courts have been formed for this.
  2. Publicity is realized through a professional apparatus.
  3. Sovereignty is acquired regardless of political confrontations; it is the highest value; all other power structures are obliged to obey it.
  4. Versatility allows you to manage all regions.
  5. Legitimacy is recognition by the entire population.
  6. The exclusive right to create universally binding rules and regulations.
  7. Actions are continuous and continuous.
  8. Formation of the tax system.

How is the creation?

Features of the formation of public authorities in each of the types are in a different principle. Initially provided for the management of the country by the people.

But imperious functions cannot belong to everyone completely, therefore they are transferred to people:

  • the most literate;
  • with skills;
  • chosen, thanks to dignity and authority.

The purpose of the election is to determine the group and the formation of the legislative branch of government at any level:

  • federal;
  • regional;
  • regional;
  • district.

The executive officers are appointed, since ministries cannot be created by election. Judges are offered to issue qualification colleges if they have passed certain standards. The Constitutional Court determines the position of the presidential quota.

Medvedev at a government meeting

Representative management

This structure includes legislators. They are chosen by the people as delegates and their representatives with the authority to exercise state leadership. Therefore, the legislative power, along with the President, is given supremacy over other structures of power. A similar purpose follows from the folk derivative function. Deputies carry out the activity by issuing laws and legal standards. Production is carried out collectively. It is the duty of lawmakers to monitor and control the activities of performers, especially the state budget expenditures.

President of the Russian Federation

Features of the state executive branch

The executive system consists of federal and local bodies, they are formed by parliament or the head of state.

Federal government departments are composed of the Government and the ministries in which the prime minister, his deputies and ministers work. Without subordinate services and institutions, it is impossible to fulfill the state tasks of governing the country. It is their responsibility to ensure the security of the country, including the specialized departments supervised by the central government. In the regions, the local administration headed by the governor manages the districts, regions and territories.

The performers solve problems emanating from parliamentarians and the head of state of a subordinate nature on the basis of legal acts. None of the actions should be against the law.

This education belongs to the secondary by-law branch, which is endowed with the functions of:

  • universal;
  • subject;
  • organizational.

With the help of the executive branch, legal acts are being implemented, standards are being observed.

Executive branch

Tasks of the courts

Without justice, a rule of law cannot exist. International law everywhere emphasizes the development of a democratic society. This means a special system of interactions with differentiation of powers. Courts act as arbitrators in the event of disagreement with state bodies on fair principles in law enforcement practice.

Only the courts are granted the right to justice guaranteed by independence with the presence of signs:

  • publicity;
  • competitiveness;
  • collegiality.

Courts are vested with specific power, this is a separate independent branch, created to resolve issues through judicial hearings at special meetings.

Institutions and departments are created according to analogues of world-class systems, where the court takes part as elements:

  • constitutional;
  • arbitration;
  • common.

In Russian legal proceedings, three types of courts are of general jurisdiction in order of importance:

  • Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • regional, regional;
  • district.

These instances initiate cases:

  • criminal;
  • administrative
  • civilians.

In certain cases, justices of the peace, residing in certain territories and possessing theoretical knowledge, carry out actions equivalent to the powers of the first instance.

The structure of constitutional and arbitration courts is formed according to a similar scheme, when the system consists of two stages. Federal jurisdictions are in their jurisdiction and they are subordinate to higher courts. Similarity is present only in a system with a cardinal difference in authority. The duty of the constitutional structure is to review the laws and regulations adopted by lawmakers. Arbitration disputes situations, conflicts with legal entities and individuals.

Presidential authority

People's choice

Russia belongs to a centralized country controlled by the president in the status of head of state. The population elects him for 6 years by secret ballot. Dismissal takes place through the impeachment process of the president. His sphere of influence includes:

  • foreign and domestic policy;
  • executive branch;
  • expression of legislative initiatives;
  • compliance with state security.

Whatever kind of power it is, it is only a form of government. The system is designed so that each branch performs its separate functions. Monopolization in the same hands of all power structures is impossible, they can only restrain each other. At the same time, they together solve all state tasks, as an ideal option for leading the country without failures, where errors are impossible and criminal.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32587/

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