The best varieties of cauliflower: description, cultivation secrets, photos

Cauliflower is an unusually tasty and healthy vegetable. It contains a large number of vitamins and minerals necessary for human life. There are many varieties of cauliflower that are easy enough to grow even in difficult climatic conditions.

Chemical composition and benefits

The benefits of cabbage

Cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamin C, without which it is difficult to imagine a healthy immune system. Together with vitamin PP, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes their healing and prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, cauliflower is rich in vitamin A. This extremely important element is involved in the creation of new cells of all organ tissues. With a lack of vitamin A, the skin of the face begins to dry and peel off. Cracks often appear in the corners of the mouth, and hair and nails become weak and brittle.

This vegetable is noteworthy in that it contains extremely few kilocalories. So, one hundred grams of the product accounts for only thirty calories. A huge amount of fiber has a beneficial effect on the stomach and triggers the cleansing process. People who love cabbage, as a rule, rarely get sick, look slim and fit.

Scientists have proved the property of cabbage to prevent the oncological diseases of the stomach and rectum. It heals the mucous membrane and prevents the development of peptic ulcer. Also, cauliflower contains polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and folic acid.

Features of choice

Cabbage in the garden

First of all, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of cultivation in different climatic conditions. Today, the choice of cauliflower is quite large. There are varieties with cream, bright white and even yellow tint. The shape of the vegetable and its ripening speed are also different.

As a rule, varieties of late ripe cabbage are more productive. They, like ordinary white cabbage, are most often used for pickles and pickling. They are well stored for several months, allowing gardeners to enjoy the delicate taste of cauliflower throughout the winter.

Early varieties usually ripen within a hundred days. The most famous are Movir and Express. From mid-season, “White Beauty” and “Flora Blanca” are distinguished.

Variety "White Beauty"

Cabbage of this variety is quite dense and medium-sized. Her weight very often exceeds one kilogram. The bright white core of the vegetable is surrounded by light leaves that practically hide it. Due to the high yield of six kilograms per square meter, this variety is very popular among vegetable growers.

"White Beauty" is recommended to be grown in open ground seedlings, which are previously germinated from seeds. The total ripening period is just over one hundred and twenty days. The advantages of this variety include the following qualities:

  • Juicy and firm flesh. It can be consumed in a salty, pickled and even fresh form.
  • She has a great taste that many chefs like.
  • Due to its attractive appearance and excellent properties, this variety is often planted for sale.

The disadvantages include the tendency to diseases inherent in this vegetable.

Cauliflower Cortes F1

This attractive variety has a white color and a rather large size, sometimes weighing up to three kilograms. After transplanting seedlings, cabbage ripens within three and a half months and often catches the first frost. Cortes F1 is often planted for sale. Despite its clear advantages, Cortes F1 has its drawbacks. This cabbage is rather capricious in leaving and demanding about top dressing. It is almost impossible to grow on mineral-poor soils.

Grade "Amerigo F1"

Grade "Amerigo"

This is another popular late variety of cauliflower (pictured). Its weight is slightly inferior to the Cortes F1. As a rule, it does not exceed two and a half kilograms. This is a fairly frost-resistant variety, which is beneficial to grow in risky farming areas, where the first frosts begin early. It not only tolerates cold well, but is also resistant to high temperatures. Vegetable growers have to regularly feed him, as Amerigo F1 is quite picky about good soil and likes fertilizers.

Early ripe "Movir"

Grade "Movir"

This variety of cauliflower (pictured) has a fairly high ripening speed. This usually occurs on the hundredth day after the start of sowing seeds. Sockets are small and barely reach ninety centimeters. This variety is quite hardy and can withstand night frosts. The head is rounded and slightly flattened. Its color ranges from white to light yellow. Cabbage "Movir" is very often used raw or used for canning.

Mid-season Flora Blanco

This cabbage is quite large in size with a slightly raised outlet. Its leaves frame the white core densely. This feature of the Flora Blanco variety is very helpful in combating summer drought. Harvesting begins on the one hundred and tenth day after planting. Heads of cabbage have a rather long shelf life and perfectly tolerate transportation over long distances. She practically does not get sick and does not freeze. Small frosts can well withstand.

In addition, "Flora Blanco" has a good yield and is popular with culinary experts. This is one of the best varieties of cauliflower for an area with a short summer. Heads of cabbage ripen at the same time, making it very convenient to harvest. This feature of “Flora Blanco” is very suitable for farming.

Grade "Express MS"

Variety "Express"

This early ripe cabbage has an excellent taste. Unlike Flora Blanco, Express MS has very few leaves. The size of the head usually does not exceed half a kilogram. Already at the end of June, you can harvest the first crop. One of the drawbacks of the cauliflower variety Express MS is considered to be high demands on soil quality. Therefore, you have to regularly feed him. As a rule, the first top dressing is carried out even when growing seedlings. It is recommended to use not only mineral fertilizers, but also organic matter.

This cabbage loves the sun and moisture. It can not be planted in dark places or close to each other. There should be a small distance between the plants, since too close a head of cabbage harms them.

Cauliflower Warranty

Another good early ripe variety is the "Guarantee". For the first time it began to grow even more than fifty years ago. He has proven himself among the inhabitants of Siberia and the Far East. It is also one of the best varieties of cauliflower for Central Russia. Heads of bright white are almost completely covered by thick fleshy leaves.

The shape of the heads is semicircular and slightly flattened. Her dimensions are small, and her weight barely reaches one kilogram. It usually takes three months to mature. With proper care, this variety gives an excellent harvest.

Early ripe Alpha

This medium-sized cabbage ripens within sixty days from the start of planting seedlings. It contains a large amount of sugar, so the taste of Alpha is excellent. It perfectly tolerates freezing, and after thawing it retains all its qualities. The first crop, as a rule, is received already in late spring. In addition, it is one of the best varieties of cauliflower for open ground.

Dutch variety "Goodman F1"

This hybrid has unique properties. It has a very short ripening period, usually not exceeding seventy days. This variety likes regular top dressing and watering. Nevertheless, thanks to a fairly powerful root system, Goodman F1 tolerates drought well. In addition to excellent taste, this cabbage is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases and well tolerates transportation over long distances. It is often used by processors, since during freezing and subsequent defrosting, heads of cabbage do not lose their qualities at all. The color of the cabbage is white and white.

Growing Features

Growing cabbage

This vegetable loves top dressing and is often picky about good soil rich in minerals. The following mixture is prepared for seed germination: three parts of peat, one part of sawdust and one mullein. Instead of sawdust, you can use sand. In this case, the composition of the soil will be as follows: one part of peat and ten parts of humus. Mineral fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are used for top dressing.

In most cases, in order to grow cauliflower, use the seedling method. Seeds begin to germinate in March or late February. As for mid-ripening varieties, the optimal period for them is the period from mid-April to May 10. Late varieties of cauliflower seeds are germinated from late May to mid-June.

Seedlings of early cabbage are planted in early May or in the twentieth of April. Everything will depend on weather conditions in the climatic zone where the landing takes place. From May 20th they begin to plant mid-season varieties. And already from the first of July they begin to work with the later ones.

Experienced growers are advised to plant seedlings on a cloudy day. The bed should be well-lit, without dimming. Just seven days before the start of planting, seedlings are no longer fed with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Instead, plants are watered with a solution of potassium chloride in the ratio: three grams per liter of liquid. Thanks to it, the cold tolerance of seedlings increases, and it becomes less susceptible to night frost.

What seeds to choose

Planting seedlings

Cauliflower seeds are selected depending on the region. For example, for the Urals and the Middle Strip, early frost-resistant varieties are the best options. These include Alpha, White Castle, Express, and Movir 74. First of all, the variety must be cold-resistant and not prone to fungal diseases.

The best varieties of cauliflower for the Moscow Region are still considered the same “Express”, “Movir 74” and “Alpha”. And also cabbage “Guarantee”, “Skorospelka” and “Gribovskaya early” proved to be quite good. These varieties also have several advantages. For example, “Skorospelka” has a rather high density of the head and excellent taste. She is extremely juicy and resilient. "Gribovskaya" tolerates blackout well. The inflorescences of this cabbage are somewhat loose, and the weight of the head often reaches seven hundred grams.

Among the features of growing in the suburbs, experts note the following points:

  • All varieties of cauliflower should be planted in an open area without hitting the shadows. The fact is that this vegetable is extremely fond of the sun, and in this region it is not enough. Even small shrubs can significantly reduce the quality and yield of cauliflower.
  • The composition of the soil in the suburbs leaves much to be desired. As already mentioned, cauliflower does not tolerate acidic soils and therefore vegetable growers have to alkalize it with limestone. Instead of lime, dolomite flour can be used.

To increase productivity, experienced gardeners are advised to prepare the soil in the beds in advance. To do this, in the fall from acidic soil make neutral.

Throughout the entire growing period, up to harvesting, almost all varieties of cauliflower require attention. This vegetable loves elements such as boron and molybdenum. Seedlings are recommended to be sprayed with solutions of these substances. Immediately after planting in open ground, the plants are closed for forty-eight hours with a regular film. Water the vegetable no more than once a week, provided there is no obvious heat. Extreme care should be taken when weeding and loosening the soil. The fact is that the roots of this plant are too close to the surface of the earth and therefore it is easy to damage them.

To combat diseases and insect pests use "Fitosporin", "Enterobacterin" or folk remedies.


In the description of the variety of cauliflower on the packaging with seeds, manufacturers usually prescribe the recommended dates for picking heads. Sometimes you can get two crops from one plant. If the head of cabbage did not have time to ripen before frost, then it can be planted in a pot at home. The main thing is not to damage the root while digging.

Gardeners reviews

On the Internet, you can often find various reviews of summer residents about certain varieties of cauliflower. Most gardeners prefer to grow early-ripening varieties in order to enjoy juicy, crisp cabbage at the beginning of summer. Very popular varieties "Express" and "Movir 74". Despite the fact that the head of the Express is rather small, its taste is simply magnificent. Seeds of the best varieties of cauliflower are advised to purchase in specialized stores from trusted suppliers.

Judging by the reviews, a lot of gardeners are trying to avoid mineral fertilizers when growing vegetables for their own needs. Without them, getting a good crop is almost impossible. Users are advised to use wood ash, which contains a sufficient amount of potassium. According to them, in this way they were able to achieve good results. If the first seedlings sprout up instead of gaining strength, gardeners recommend lowering the temperature slightly to stop the growth. In addition, these varieties of cauliflower are ideal for Siberia and the Urals. This is confirmed by reviews.

In addition to the Express and Movir 74 varieties, such names as cauliflower varieties such as White Beauty and the Dutch Goodman F1 variety are also popular. It is often grown for sale, as heads of this variety are excellently stored, look attractive and appetizing. Breeders have created a variety extremely resistant to disease.

Often, in reviews of the Goodman F1 cauliflower variety, vegetable growers praise him for being practically not sick and bearing excellent fruit. To protect the vegetable from caterpillars, users are advised to use burdock tincture, made at home. This tool is prepared on the water. You will need a container and leaves of burdock. They are poured with ordinary water and left under the sun. The next day, the composition is filtered and sprinkled with cabbage leaves.


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