Who is better - men or women: comparison

The question of who is better - men or women, has been decided by more than one generation. Many members of the stronger sex say that they made history. On this basis, men conclude that they need to give all the honors and consider the best in everything. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

Who makes the best decisions?

ideal men for women

It is safe to say that men are leaders in this matter. Their logical chains are usually more justified, which is why they can plan not only the next week, but also the next 5 years of their lives.

However, answering the question of who is better (men or women) make decisions, we can say that in a critical situation, the weaker sex wins. Due to the fact that a woman is able to quickly generate a large number of ideas, she has the opportunity to implement one of them almost instantly. In a similar situation, a man always needs time to think. But, frankly, we must pay tribute to the stronger sex. Their decisions, according to statistics, are always more reasonable.

Who is better developed sense organs?

Women definitely win here. After all, their sense organs are more developed. Unlike men, a woman can distinguish more colors. Where the stronger sex sees pink, the girl can find fuchsia, salmon and coral. Therefore, the answer to the question of who is better - men or women, is quite obvious here.

Girls are endowed with a more subtle hearing. Probably, in every person’s life there was a situation when a woman hears a mouse scratching behind a wall, and a man ignores this sound. Many justify this by saying that the fair sex should in any situation hear the crying of her child.

Who is better at cooking?

It is believed that men cook better , but is that so? In fact, this is indeed confirmed by statistics. The most famous chefs in the world are men. But why then is the kitchen a feminine place?

It is believed that cooking is not a man's duty. After all, even a teenager can cope with this simple task. But here again, one has to give credit to the senses. In women , taste buds are better developed, and therefore girls often focus on the details. A whole picture escapes from their field of view, so they cannot completely determine the taste of the cooked dish. Definitely, the answer to the question of who is better - men or women in the culinary art, unequivocal - men. But here ladies usually inspire cooks for gastronomic delights.

who is more important than man or woman

Who is better at handling household tasks?

A woman, unlike a man, is characterized by multitasking. A Russian girl can simultaneously do cleaning, look after the child and talk on the phone. Moreover, she will focus on each of these cases.

who is stronger man or woman

A man is able to concentrate on only one action. But then, as a result, a strong half of humanity can always give an account of the work done. A woman after a day of hard cleaning may not remember all the things that she managed to do. Perhaps this is why husbands often blame wives for lounging.

In any family, sooner or later the question arises as to who is more important - a man or a woman. Usually loving wives assure their faithful that they are in complete submission to the latter. And despite the fact that the whole burden of domestic routine falls on fragile women's shoulders, a man will solve global everyday problems anyway.

Who is stronger - man or woman?

Russian girls

The stronger sex got this name for a reason. Since primitive times, the main job of men has been to guard their families and obtain food. And this required remarkable physical preparation. Since then, the ideal of a man for a woman is an intelligent and physically developed person.

But on the issue of endurance, the situation is slightly different. A woman can be exposed to physical activity longer, and this will not greatly distort her. It is worth remembering who daily carries huge bags of groceries home.

Who has better memory?

Women constantly complain about their "girl" memory, but is it so bad? Not really. Despite the fact that a man’s brain is 10% heavier, they remember information much worse. This is due primarily to poor attention.

British scientists set up experiments in which men and women were allowed to remember the same information. It turned out that the fair sex was in the lead. Moreover, women not only better memorized information at a certain moment, but they could reproduce it after 24 hours. This fact is confirmed by the fact that female students usually study better than their male classmates. But it is worth taking into account that women use information received infrequently. That is why men are the best inventors, philosophers and politicians.

Who drives a car better?

They say that Russian girls, and indeed women all over the world, are not created in order to create competition for men on the road. Is it really? Let's look at the statistics. For 5 years, 80% of accidents in New York happened precisely because of men. Women's multitasking helps the fair sex not only control the situation on the road, but also at the same time take an active part in the dialogue conducted by passengers.

who is better than man or woman

As we have already found out, men can only focus on one thing. Many can say that the statistics are unfair, because most drivers are representatives of the stronger sex, which is why they become participants in an accident. There is some truth in this, but it is worth considering that every year more and more girls receive rights, and they spend less on auto insurance contributions than their other halves.

Who handles money better?

Many people think that men are better at managing finances, is this really so? This is partly true. After all, it was the representatives of the stronger sex who were able to organize a huge number of enterprises with multi-billion dollar annual income. But there is a flip side to the coin. Men are more likely to take risks, so their chance to burn out is great. Most women do not like gambling and do not understand how to invest in a dubious enterprise.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32599/

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