Cream Spitz: description, features of care, photo

Cream Spitz is a very beautiful dog, however, as with any other color! This is a fun active “bell”, which is ideal for apartment maintenance. A fluffy pet is especially suitable for those families where there are children. But this breed has its drawbacks: like other small types of dogs, Pomeranian cream-colored Spitz is very hot-tempered, can lash out from scratch simply because it has a bad mood. He also does not like other animals and can constantly bark if raised incorrectly (and this will not please not only the owners, but also the neighbors).

Be that as it may, the breed is very popular among animal lovers (in particular, small dogs), despite the high cost of puppies. In the article we will take a closer look at the characteristic features of a pet of the Pomeranian type (the cream color of the breed will be in the description, since such a coloring is very popular), we learn about the features of caring for it.

Description of the nature of the breed

cream white spitz

Like all small breeds, the Spitz feels itself to be larger than it actually is, and this gives him the courage to throw himself at his opponent, even if he is oversized. Aggression of a dog with improper upbringing can result in guests at home or strangers who fall in the way while walking. The cream-colored Spitz is very nice looking, but it can really rush and even bite, so you will have to devote maximum time and effort to raising it.

A fluffy pet is great for keeping active owners who can walk with a restless dog for a long time. It is better to take the puppy to the house when the child is more than seven years old, as young children can treat him carelessly, and this leads to aggression and a nervous character in the future.

The baby should not be engaged in raising a cream spitz, so it will not be possible to present the puppy on his birthday or on another holiday and require full control of the dog from the child. Only an adult can cope with the nature of the pet, so all responsibility lies with the parents. Spitz is very devoted to his owner, is attentive to all family members, an excellent guard in the apartment!


cream spitz

The breed is not large, its distinguishing feature is a thick beautiful coat, which makes the dog more like a fox. But this is not the only standard for this type of dog. Consider the main features of his appearance:

  1. The physique of this dog is strong, but "dry", the dog looks magnificent only because of the coat.
  2. The head is medium in size, harmonious with the body. The forehead is wide, round in shape. From this point to the nose there is a pronounced transition.
  3. The muzzle should not be pointed.
  4. Regardless of the color, the lips of the animal are always black, they are tightly closed. Scissor bite, small teeth.
  5. The ears are the decoration of the dog, they are small, triangular in shape, stand, are set close together.
  6. Eyes are like beads on the background of the furry head of an animal. If you remove a little wool from them, it will be noticeable that they are a little slanted.
  7. The tail is set high, twisted into a ring.
  8. The back of the animal is straight, the lumbar is short.
  9. The paws are even, set parallel to each other.

The undercoat of the Pomeranian is thick but short. The remaining hair is quite long, straight, standing upright, and not lying, like other breeds.

Cream Spitz

two puppies spitz

As for this color, it is very similar to the red one, it is especially difficult to choose a puppy, as the fur darkens over time. Such a “fluffy cloud” can have a uniform monophonic color, but sometimes glare from other shades is visible on it. White-cream Spitz looks especially beautiful. The fur at the base is pale yellow, and the tips are whitish. There may be another type of color: the fur coat itself is cream, the breast and part of the tail are painted in a lighter, almost white color. There are spotted dogs, but they have the same spots.

Breed features


The main feature of the breed is the fluffiness, which gives the dog a vertically arranged wool. All of them are very nice pets, if brought up correctly - kind and lovely!

Pomeranian can not be left for a long time alone or in the care of strangers. This dog is very attached to its owner, so you will have to take your pet with you on vacation and any long departure, since the size allows.

To train and educate this baby is a must. Many people think that with small breeds it is easier than with large breeds, but this is not so. Cream Spitz barks very loudly and loves to do it just like that, which can be annoying. Teach the dog to the simplest commands that will silence him. This is a pet hero who, for no reason, can attack even a large dog walking peacefully nearby, and this is fraught with serious consequences. Training is the only way to prevent such events.

Pomeranian Spitz is a dominant breed, and so that he understands that the owner is far from he, this must be shown from childhood, not allowing the dog to gain leadership.

Contents and care rules

cream Spitz puppy

It seems to many that the breed requires a long and difficult daily care. Despite the luxurious coat, it needs to be given a maximum of half an hour a day. It is enough to comb a coat several times so that tassels do not form and the doggie looks neat.

As for swimming, the breed is not picky in this, and no more than 6 sessions are required per year. Of course, more washing is allowed, but only if absolutely necessary. When in the rainy season, having come from a walk, the doggie looks more like a lump of dirt than a beautiful pet. Bathing will require a specialized shampoo.

Brushing your teeth every day, ears once a week. Cut nails - as they grow back. Here is such a simple, but mandatory care.

Speaking about the content, I would like to note that cream Spitz is not a yard dog. The breed was created for home warmth and comfort, the pet needs its own place for relaxation, toys. The last paragraph is mandatory, without personal attributes, the Pomeranian will begin to bite everything.


pretty dog

Ideally feeding the Spitz a balanced dry food that can be alternated with soft canned canned food. Do not constantly stuff the baby with the same mixture (only premium, one manufacturer, one composition), otherwise there may be a problem with digestion and allergies. If there is a need to transfer to another type of food or natural food, then do it gradually.

When feeding a dog with natural food, it is worth remembering that not everything is useful, that the pet really likes it. You can not regale a dog from his table, for it you need to cook separately. The diet should contain at least 40% of meat ingredients (pulp, minced meat, offal), the rest - cereals, vegetables, fruits. You can not give sweets, salted and smoked (also fried) products, even for the purpose of feasting.

When feeding with natural food, do not forget about the need to supplement the diet with a mineral-vitamin complex. Auxiliary vitamins are not required in a diet with specialized dry food.

Cream Spitz Puppy

spitz puppies

When choosing a pet, you should not focus on size, because even the smallest of the litter can eventually become very large. Pay attention to fatness and activity.

Boys are more cocky and stubborn, girls, on the contrary, are flexible and obedient, and this also needs to be considered when buying an animal.

When choosing a dog, be guided in the kennel for what you need it for, as there is a classification in the breed:

  1. Pet is an ordinary pet who will live in the apartment "for the soul."
  2. Breeding is a class that is ideal for further breeding.
  3. Show - show dogs.

Even if you took a class from the latter, then this does not guarantee future championships, since everything depends on care, upbringing and nutrition, and this responsibility is only in public.


The cost of a cream Spitz puppy, whose photo is in the article, depends not only on the class, but also on the breeder. So, in the kennel the average price for a dog is 40 thousand rubles, from amateur breeders you can buy mice at times cheaper. The main thing - ask for all documents confirming the high breed of offspring.


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