Blue chrysanthemum: description, features and reviews

Since time immemorial, people have been growing flowers to decorate their homes and gardens. Flowers are given in honor of the holidays, just like that, to cheer you up. In this article, we will reveal the secrets of growing blue chrysanthemums that are not found in nature. Let's talk about what these beautiful flowers (of any color) symbolize. And also consider the variety of peony Blue Chrysanthemum, learn how to grow it correctly and the nuances of care.

What kind of flower is chrysanthemum?

are there blue chrysanthemums

Most valued are plants that not only decorate, but also benefit. These plants include chrysanthemum. Whether blue, white, yellow or another color, chrysanthemum purifies the air.

These colorful plants have been popular for three millennia. The plant is especially valued in Japan, where the image of the flower can be found on the arms, seals and even coins. In the east, sages say that people who grow chrysanthemums are happier than everyone else, since they believe that this flower brings good luck.

A cold-resistant flower is also loved at our latitudes, it is considered an autumn plant, because even with the first frost and falling snow, the chrysanthemum pleases the eyes of others with its beauty.

What colors are chrysanthemums?

Chrysanthemums are complex plants, the height of which varies from 60 to 150 centimeters. Today, there are many types of this flower, differing in terms of flowering, height, color, size and shape of the buds.

In nature, red, white, yellow, green, pink, violet, lilac, orange, burgundy and other colors of chrysanthemum are found. The most popular varieties are two-tone, where the petals of one color are framed by a border of a different color.

But even in such a variety, breeders were not able to develop a variety of real blue chrysanthemum. We will talk further about how gardeners manage to achieve this color.

Place for planting a flower

how to grow blue chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is a thermophilic, but cold-resistant plant. For planting, it is still better to choose a sunny area on a hill. With a lack of heat, the shoots of the plant will stretch, and the inflorescences will be small and weak. And the lack of sun does not affect the brightness of the color for the better.

The soil must be of good quality. Before planting chrysanthemums, it is necessary to fertilize it with a complex preparation or add already rotted manure, peat or compost.

Landing rules

Last yearโ€™s bushes waking up in the spring are perfect as planting material. But first you need to divide the sprouts so that each is individually and with a personal root.

The optimal time for planting is from mid-May to the first June days. You need to land in cool weather, ideally in the rain. If the street is shining warm sun, then start work in the late evening or early morning.

Landing sequence:

  1. The distance between the bushes should be at least 30 centimeters, and between the rows - 50 centimeters.
  2. The depth of the holes for the plant is from 35 to 40 centimeters.
  3. Well spill water pits.
  4. We lay the drain, and on top, in a ratio of 2 to 1, soil and vermicompost.
  5. We insert the sprout into the hole and drop it so that a small hillock is formed.
  6. The top of the plant must be pinched to stimulate growth.
  7. So that at first the hot sun does not harm the sprouts, install an awning, a canopy or create a shadow by placing tall, wide objects near the plants (fences, boards, lush branches, and so on).

Flower care

what does blue chrysanthemum look like

In order for the plant to be healthy, please with abundant flowering, it is necessary to properly care for it:

  • loosen the soil;
  • weed weed;
  • to water;
  • to feed;
  • spray from pests.

Chrysanthemums are very demanding on the presence of top dressings in the soil, without which the plant will be weak, and inflorescences will be small and smaller.

It is necessary to periodically feed flowers, introducing potash, phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizers into the soil - all this can be bought in specialized stores. Fertilizing should be made in the form of a solution and only in the amount recommended by the manufacturer. It is worth considering that chrysanthemum is easy to burn with fertilizers, so it is better to underfeed if in doubt about the dosage.

The amount of watering and displacement depends on the stage of development of the bush. When the plant takes root and grows plentifully, more water is needed. At the stage of bud formation, watering is reduced, and then reduced proportionally until the fall. If the summer is arid and sultry weather, then more water will be needed, this will help save the plant from pests.

The following parasites attack the chrysanthemum:

  • aphid;
  • snails;
  • spider mites;
  • caterpillars
  • root rot;
  • thrips.

They will help in the fight against spray pests with specialized drugs:

  • "Spark";
  • Actellic
  • Ratibor;
  • Fitoverm;
  • "Actara."

It is necessary to spray flowers after each rain!

"Fitosporin" is used to prevent root rot, it is added to water for irrigation.

For the presence of caterpillars, bushes should be inspected daily in order to eliminate the โ€œguestsโ€ who are capable of eating dozens of buds in one night.

How to grow bush blue chrysanthemums?

bouquet of blue chrysanthemums

As we have already said, this color does not occur in nature in the described plant. But many have a reasonable question about how blue chrysanthemums are grown when such a marvel is found on the counter of a flower shop! And the plant gains color through spraying or the use of food coloring.

We offer to reveal the secrets of growing blue chrysanthemums. According to experienced reviews, it becomes clear that this is not so difficult!

We will paint only flowers of light shades - white, cream and beige. Reviews of people who tried to color other colors of chrysanthemums say that nothing good will come of such an undertaking: the color becomes ugly, brownish-dirty. To get beautiful blue chrysanthemums, you will need cut flowers, a jar, water, food coloring "Blue".

  1. Make an oblique cut on the stem of the bush with a sharp knife carefully so as not to damage it.
  2. Dilute the dye in water, put flowers in a jar of this water.
  3. Staining will take from 8 to 20 hours.

You can combine several shades of blue in one flower: from light blue to bright blue. For this, the stem needs to be split into several parts (depth 5-10 centimeters), put each part in a beaker with water, painted from light to dark in color.

In order to get the result as expected as possible, you need to follow the advice of people who often stain flowers in this way. The room should be warm, light, and keep humidity to a minimum.

How to collect a beautiful bouquet?

What colors does blue chrysanthemum match? A review of bouquet ideas will help to put together a real masterpiece!

You can make a bouquet only of beautiful blue chrysanthemums, but there will still be something missing here. Try to combine flowers of blue and blue shades, lilac, burgundy, green and white colors will perfectly fit. It can be not only chrysanthemums, but also roses, tulips, lilies, green leaves.

A bouquet with blue chrysanthemum may look like this:

  1. In the middle there is one chrysanthemum painted blue, three white at the edges, and the last circle - five the same as in the center, or a darker shade.
  2. Dilute three blue chrysanthemums with two yellow, or burgundy roses.
  3. Insert in the bouquet of blue chrysanthemums green foliage, which will be higher than the flowers.

Composing a bouquet is a matter of personal taste. Someone likes the more delicate option, others like colorful compositions.

To whom and what color should I give chrysanthemums?

bouquet of chrysanthemums

From Latin, chrysanthemum is translated as "golden-colored", this is due to the fact that initially the flowers were only yellow, and they symbolized power.

Only emperors and their families were allowed to wear clothes with embroidered chrysanthemum flowers. Ordinary people were allowed to attach a living chrysanthemum to their clothes only in a special case - on their wedding day! Today there are many varieties and colors of chrysanthemums, and they are available to all people. What do chrysanthemums symbolize in modern times?

They give beautiful chrysanthemums not only to women, but also to men, and there can be any reason: wedding, anniversary, birthday, March 8, without reason - to cheer up.

Spherical chrysanthemums are presented as a sign of tenderness and timid love, such are suitable for a bouquet for a young girl on a first date, or with which the boyโ€™s relationship is only just beginning to take shape.

Spherical chrysanthemums are suitable for women of mature age, but the color should be ripe, bright, these are red, burgundy, blue, yellow, red flowers.

Yellow chrysanthemum is a sign of nobility, power, strength, wealth. A bouquet of such flowers is suitable for men, business women. Cut flowers stand in a vase for a long time, so they will for a long time remind of the giver.

Soft yellow and white chrysanthemums symbolize love, sensuality, tenderness, trust, innocence, sincerity and honesty. A bouquet of such flowers can be handed to a friend or girlfriend, beloved girl.

Blue chrysanthemums are a sign of a keen mind and a cheerful disposition. This bouquet is suitable for relatives, good friends.

Passion and strong affection can be expressed with a bouquet of red or burgundy chrysanthemums.

Pink chrysanthemums are a symbol of innocent youthful love.

Peony Grassy Blue Chrysanthemum

peony blue chrysanthemum

These flowers are a real decoration of the garden and home interior. Gardeners love this plant because it is durable, can grow in one place for several years without transplanting.

Peony decoration - its terry, huge flower! The petals of this flower create a lush bud, do not fall for a long time, even under the influence of heavy rain and wind.

The aroma of peonies spreads several meters, and bright flowers are visible from afar against a background of dark green foliage.

Peony variety Blue Chrysanthemum belongs to grassy. The color of the foliage is dark green, and the buds are endowed with an attractive pale lilac color.

Peony planting

The landing site should be sunlit, but sheltered from the wind. Avoid shading, because with a lack of light, the plant will be weak and faded.

The soil should be loose, with good drainage. There should be no trees near the planting of peonies, since the flowers will compete with them for food and moisture.

Peonies need to be planted in August or May, when the average daily temperature will not be lower than +10 degrees.

Dig a hole 40-50 centimeters deep, place drainage there, a mixture of soil and peat. Bury the sprout so that the renewal buds remain 3-5 centimeters above the ground. Water the plantings abundantly.

Peony Care

What does the Blue Chrysanthemum peony look like?

Peonies need abundant watering, but you canโ€™t overdo it, because these plants do not like stagnant waters.

Feed planting with potassium phosphorus fertilizers 3 weeks before flowering and 2 weeks after flowering.

Faded buds need to be cleaned in a timely manner!

Loosening the soil will allow air and moisture to penetrate the roots, and weeding will not allow weeds to pick up nutrients.


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