When to open grapes in spring? Recommendations from experienced gardeners

Viticulture is increasingly attracting the interest of the average Russian gardener. For many, growing grapes in their garden is not only a peculiar tribute to fashion, but also an actual confirmation of their gardening skills. The experience of successful cultivation will not come on its own, it will take a long and painstaking work, learning from its own mistakes. The vast majority of beginning gardeners in the second year of cultivating vines are faced with the question: when to open grapes in spring?

When to open grapes in spring

When is it best to buy seedlings?

The best time to buy young seedlings is considered the May time. Seedlings in the nurseries are already new, strong, unlike last year's bushes, which are sold in April. Last year’s planting material will not work for the start of viticulture. A seedling that will take root well should have at least 7 true leaves.

When to open grapes in spring? Daily Average Temperature Conditions

Now let's pay attention to the bushes sheltered for the winter from last season. The regions in our country differ from each other in weather conditions. Where there is no danger of frost with the onset of spring, you can immediately remove the shelter. The vine is not afraid of frosts, only young buds are terrible cold. It is believed that if the average daily temperature does not fall below -5 degrees, it means that the period has already come when grapes should be opened in spring.

When to open grapes in spring
After winter, sheltered buds can begin to sprout directly in the soil, which will lead to their breakdown and crop loss.

Probable Frost Conditions

If viticulture is carried out in the conditions of regions prone to frequent spring frosts, including May frosts, it is necessary to be guided by other rules for opening the vines. To avoid premature germination of the kidneys, we will first open the so-called ventilation in the shelter. To do this, make several holes and wait for the green cone to appear on the vine. It turns out that the buds sprouted under conditions as close to natural as possible, and the moment has already come when you can open grapes in spring in regions with a harsh climate.

We get rid of stagnation of water

If the low freezing temperatures do not harm the vine, then the water accumulated at the base of the bushes can cause serious damage to the sprouts in case of frost. If stagnation of water, even insignificant, is found in the rhizomes of the bush, this signals that the time has come for decisive action. We arm ourselves with garden tools and scoop up water, and also break through grooves for draining water masses. It is in view of the extremely undesirable spring stagnation of water at the head of the vine that seedlings are recommended to be planted on small hills.

When in spring you need to open grapes after winter

We monitor the weather forecast and take measures

So, we have figured out when it is possible to open grapes in the spring, and when not, and even follow the weather forecast for the coming days. What to do if the Hydrometeorological Center still promises critical minus temperatures for the coming weekend? In extreme cases, the gardener should always have improvised means of protection in the form of acrylic, agrofibre, hay, or last year's foliage. Some gardeners, especially in case of unforeseen frosts, keep straw mats with their own hands in the summer house.

Artificial retention of opening eyes

Some skilled gardeners, talking with each other on the topic "When to open grapes in spring?", Share useful experiences. That is precisely how the tendency to artificially inhibit eye growth appeared. We know that the vine in the conditions of frost does not threaten anything, but young shoots that have just pecked from the kidneys run the risk of freezing. Therefore, immediately after opening, we first process the vine with a solution of iron sulfate at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 bucket of water. After spraying, the growth of young shoots will be delayed for at least a week.

When to open grapes in spring after winter

Polarity method

After this time, we will tie the vine to the trellis not horizontally (as usual), but vertically. When using this method, the eternal problem - when to open the grapes in spring - will disappear by itself. The vertical tying of the vine is based on the method of polarity. The kidneys cannot bloom at the same time. First of all, the eyes on the tops will open. When it comes to opening the lower kidneys, the threat of frost by that time, as a rule, subsides. Thus, sacrificing to the frost part of the uncovered shoots at the top of the vine, we preserve a significant part of the future harvest.

When to open grapes in spring? Checking the condition of the kidneys

Even if the climatic conditions of your region are almost ideal and late frosts can not threaten in any way, you can even check the condition of the buds on the bushes before the vines open. For this, they usually dig out one vine. Swollen sprouts - this is not a reason for the full opening of the bushes. But the sprouts that have begun to germinate signal that the time has come to open the grapes in spring.

When can I open grapes in spring
After winter, the buds wake up before the root system of the vine, because the soil has not yet had time to warm up. The plant will spend energy on opening shoots without receiving root support.

We begin to "wake up" the roots

So that the awakened plant does not die, wasting its strength on the upper shoots, we begin to warm the ground at the rhizome. To do this, we cover the vine with black plastic wrap. Black material conducts heat well, and in combination with the greenhouse effect, this gives accelerated heating of the soil. You can also start shedding rhizomes with warm water. When the plant gets used, you can bring the water temperature to 40 degrees.

We hope that if you did not know when to open the grapes in the spring, our article gave you all the necessary useful information.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32607/

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