Air-Box Comfort - micro-ventilation valve for plastic windows: description, installation, reviews

Modern plastic windows have significantly increased the comfort of people in terms of ensuring the optimal microclimate and sound insulation, but at the same time they brought a number of negative factors. Among them, almost complete sealing, eliminating the possibility of air passing through a closed window system. This problem is solved with the help of special devices, which include the Air-Box Comfort valve for window ventilation.

Device purpose

Air-Box Microventilation System

The main objective of the valve is to create an intermediate buffer between the street surface of the window and the room where air exchange can occur with the effect of a fresh influx. The window system in this case acts as a structural and supporting base for accommodating the device. Moreover, not every design can be integrated micro-ventilation device Air-Box Comfort. A supply valve of this type is combined with PVC windows having a rotary and tilt-and-turn adjustment mechanism.

Valve design

The function of the valve is quite complex and responsible, but the device is simple. The basis of the design, in addition to accessories, is formed in two parts:

  • External visor with protective grill. Installed on the street side of the window.
  • Directly mounted valve that is mounted on the sash on the back side.

The main production material is ABS plastic, which is also reflected in the texture of the Air-Box Comfort ventilation valve - white tone is used as the main color option in the family, but the manufacturer provides the option to order in a different color scheme on the RAL scale. Also, some parts are made of polyvinyl chloride.

Among the working qualities of the design, one can note the average throughput at the level of 30-42 m3 / h, water resistance and protection from insects. Actually, the main concerns of potential users of such valves are usually associated with the negative consequences of a breach of sealing. But protection from pollution, the same insects and other undesirable objects is just provided by the grate.

Valve operating principle

How Air-Box Comfort Works

The flow of air flows under the force of atmospheric pressure in several stages. First, air enters the channel between the sash and the frame in the area of ​​the seal, which are replaced during installation. Further, directly through the valve located on the sash in its upper part, the flows are sucked into the room. When organizing a comprehensive air exchange, a plastic window will perform only part of the ventilation function. The greatest effect can be achieved if the room also has a stable outlet of warm "exhaust" air, for which special ventilation ducts are mounted. If in the exhaust system there is no additional power drive with a fan, then the circulation efficiency will completely depend on the pressure difference. Otherwise, the natural flow is supported by the efforts of the exhaust system.

For example, the optimal work of natural air exchange is observed in conditions when the street temperature is not more than 5 ° C. If emphasis is placed on airing in hot weather, then experts recommend thinking through the inclusion of a forced hood in advance.

Features of valve modifications

Air-Box Valve Kit

The Air-Box line includes several valve versions that differ in structural nuances and operational properties. In particular, the Comfort S modification is designed for installation on blind windows made of plastic, and is also suitable for frame structures made of wood and aluminum. With regard to performance indicators, the flow rate is fixed at the same level of about 41 m 3 / h, and the quality of sound insulation and filtering flows remain the same. In terms of installation options, the Air-Box Comfort S valve is more versatile, but it offers fewer options when choosing operating modes.

Another version of the supply valve of this brand is presented by the Standart design. This option is appropriate to use to provide a window self-ventilation function, in which the moisture level of incoming flows will be reduced. Thanks to this decision, the regulation of microclimatic conditions occurs with minimal risks of natural condensation.

Typical Air-Box Comfort Supply Valve Installation

Ventilation valve Air-Box Comfort

The lightest and most common way to install a valve without the need for milling. Of the working tool you will need a Phillips screwdriver, knife and marking devices. Before mounting, it is necessary to open the window sash, remove the part of the sealing gasket with a knife and put in its place the special gasket of the Air-Box Comfort valve included in the kit. Then the device is installed directly:

  • In the groove points of the seal are integrated plugs with a downward "skirt".
  • In the upper part, along the direction line of the bracket rods relative to the window, the valve is located on the leaflet inflow.
  • The device is fixed with screws with a pass through the brackets.
  • The seal is installed. It is placed in the groove points between the supporting parts.
  • A seal material is introduced into the groove between the support fixtures.

Milling Valve Installation

Air-Box Comfort

To perform work operations, an electric drill, an electric jigsaw, an installation knife, a file and a marking tool with a sealant will be required. Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • At the installation site, the marking of the contours is performed. To facilitate this procedure, it is advisable to remove the window sash.
  • Through-holes are made through holes with a diameter of 5 mm. Then, the prepared holes are drilled to a diameter of 10 mm, which will create conditions for the installation of structures with perforation.
  • Through the gap between the two extreme points of fixation, a through gap is made, the edges of which are subsequently cleaned with a file.
  • The mounting plate for the Air-Box Comfort air inlet valve is fixed to the flap surface using self-tapping screws. Before performing the fixation, the snap of the drill must be sealed, which will increase the density of the fixing unit.
  • In the place of surfacing of the frame, the groove is milled. The valve position is marked according to the template, after which the groove is cut with a jigsaw.
  • The outside of the valve is mounted on the outside of the frame. The element is also fastened with self-tapping screws with pre-treatment with sealant.
  • The sash is installed on the frame hinges.
  • Assembly events. The sash is put in place.
  • The inner part of the valve is mounted on the mounting plate with latches and clips.

Positive feedback about the model

Air-Box Comfort Supply Valve

Most users of this device note its advantages as a simple, easy to install, and relatively effective solution to the point ventilation problem. Without radical changes in the design of the window and, in principle, without major installation, the owner gets the opportunity to organize a ventilation system for a particular room. This is not the only product of this type in the domestic market, however, reviews about the Air-Box Comfort valve emphasize its advantages in terms of regulatory function. Using a special handle in the design, you can change the position of the damper, thereby controlling the intensity of the air inflow.

Negative model reviews

The main disadvantages of the valve are expressed in its low efficiency as a means of ventilation and individual ergonomic nuances of application. As for the first aspect, many point to the futility of this solution as the only ventilation channel. In other words, without a parallel forced draft, there will be little use for such an improvement in the plastic window. Initially, it should be regarded as an addition to the main ventilation system. In terms of ergonomics, critical reviews indicate the need for constant adjustment of the damper, as the valve is extremely dependent on weather conditions - temperature, wind and pressure. The situation is complicated by the fact that the valve is located high, because of which it is necessary to think over the appropriate conditions to ensure easy access to it.


Air-Box Comfort Valve

Ventilation systems today are implemented by different methods, which is facilitated by the emergence of new and increasingly diverse climate equipment. The Air-Box Comfort family of valves is the entry-level ventilation device for precisely providing airflow. Despite certain disadvantages, this solution is in high demand. In addition, the modest price tag of its set of 500-600 rubles positively affects the valve’s popularity growth.


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