Temperature and diarrhea in a child’s teeth

The period when the baby's teeth begin to cut, with fear almost every mother waits. Many of them heard the stories of their grandmothers about how hard this time is for the child and parents. Anxiety and crying, refusal to eat, violation of the stool and other symptoms.

Therefore, many mothers, wanting to help their baby, seek out a lot of information on this issue. They are especially concerned about the occurrence of temperature and diarrhea in the child’s teeth.

The article will discuss the features of the process and the necessary assistance to the baby.

Teething Ailments

The appearance of teeth in a baby is a natural physiological process. It proceeds naturally and begins at the age of 4-8 months.

When teething, gum irritation, itching. All this contributes to the appearance of anxiety and the desire to rub the gums on a solid and elastic object. Increased salivation during this period is associated with increased function of the salivary glands.

Does the child have diarrhea? During this period, the kids experience various ailments, which depend on the general state of health. In addition to diarrhea, there may be fever, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, vomiting, rashes on the skin, the baby may be capricious.

Causes of temperature

The main pediatrician Komarovsky relates the following to the main factors in the appearance of temperature and diarrhea in a child:

  • In the children's body during teething, special substances are released that soften the gums. As a result, an inflammatory process develops.
  • The immunity of the baby is reduced. The child's body is trying in this way to respond to problems with an increase in body temperature.
The child has teething and diarrhea

It can range from 37 to 39.5 degrees. In this case, the temperature is the body's reaction to local irritation. Usually it lasts no more than 3 days. Sometimes the temperature jump has a one-time character, and the heat passes after a few hours.

Teething Symptoms

Each parent at this time wants to wake up in the morning and see his child smiling with shining tiny teeth. But the process does not always go smoothly.

Diarrhea during teething in children appears most often. Therefore, they are experiencing this condition hard.

Among the signs that can distinguish teething from colds and other functional disorders are:

  • soreness and swelling of the gums;
  • increased salivation, which occurs in 70% of cases;
  • moodiness and anxiety;
  • lack of appetite;
  • itchy gums.
Diarrhea in a child’s teeth

Many pediatricians, if they do not notice a reddening of the throat or a murmur in the lungs of their child, suggest that their parents wait a little while their teeth are cut. In this situation, this approach is more correct than taking a child with antibiotics.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises to wait for 3 days. When there is no cough and the child swallows normally, then health should improve on its own.

What to do at high temperature

Sometimes, in addition to diarrhea, when teething in children, a temperature occurs that can last for several days. It is not recommended to shoot it down if the indicators do not exceed 38 degrees. If the thermometer rises higher, then this problem must be dealt with. You can do this this way:

  • water the baby as often as possible;
  • wipe the child with water at room temperature;
  • apply wet tissue to your forehead;
  • you should not wear your baby in several clothes.

As antipyretic drugs, pediatricians prescribe the following medicines:

  1. "Panadol" - lowers the temperature and relieves pain. But the inflammatory processes remain, so some symptoms with teething may intensify.
  2. "Paracetamol" - relieves pain, reduces inflammation and is able to bring down the temperature in half an hour. With indicators over 39 degrees, the effectiveness of the drug is weakening.
  3. "Cefecon D" - is available on the basis of paracetamol and has similar properties.
  4. Efferalgan. Paracetamol is present in the composition of the drug, but it is most effective at temperatures up to 39 degrees.
  5. Ibuprofen The drug not only reduces the temperature, but also has a slight analgesic effect. Not recommended for children suffering from kidney and liver diseases.
  6. Nurofen The drug contains ibuprofen. Can be given to children weighing more than 6 kg.
  7. Ibufen is another ibuprofen-based drug. It perfectly knocks down the temperature, anesthetizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Temperature diarrhea in a child's teeth

Drugs are released in the form of suppositories or suspensions. If the child’s teeth have diarrhea and a temperature that lasts for a long time and tends to fall and rise over several days, then antipyretic drugs must be alternated.

When a child has diarrhea and fever

In some cases, parents notice that in addition to the heat, the baby has a violation of the stool. Diarrhea begins to bother the child much more than temperature. This is a completely normal reaction of the child's body. When a child's teeth are being cut, diarrhea occurs due to the following factors:

  • Increased salivation. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract receive an amount of fluid several times the required amount. And since the digestive system is quite weak, disruptions in the form of diarrhea occur.
  • Nervousness of the baby. Teething is a great stress for a baby. And the psychological state of the baby has a detrimental effect on its digestive system.

Teething in children, how long can it last? Diarrhea, which occurs up to 3 times a day, can be attributed to the norm. But this is provided that impurities are not found in the stool.

the child has teeth and diarrhea

Sometimes diarrhea is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • frequent bowel movements, more than 6 times a day;
  • dark color;
  • impurities in the form of mucus or blood;
  • duration over 3-4 days.

In this situation, the child must be urgently shown to a specialist. If the diarrhea in a child is accompanied by high fever and weakness, then in this situation, you can suspect the presence of an infection or inflammation in the intestine. Any diarrhea is dangerous dehydration of the child's body. Therefore, refusing to call a doctor is dangerous for the baby's life.

If diarrhea does not cause serious concern, then pediatricians prescribe Linex, Regidron, Smecta to the child.

Vomiting and temperature

Teething occurs less frequently than fever. The following factors can provoke it:

  1. Constant crying baby. At this time, he swallows a lot of air, which causes vomiting.
  2. Increased salivation. As a result of increased fluid in the digestive system, diarrhea occurs, and sometimes vomiting.
  3. Temperature drop. A sharp increase in performance can lead to vomiting.
  4. Binge eating. Breasts usually soothe themselves by sucking their breasts. As a result, so much milk enters the stomach that it simply leaves the body with a fountain.
Teething in children, how much

Vomiting and diarrhea in the child’s teeth continue for a short time, unless an infection or inflammation joins them. If the doctor does not detect signs of the disease, then all the symptoms will disappear in a few days.

Help mom

How many days does a child have diarrhea on their teeth? Usually diarrhea, and sometimes high fever lasts for 3-4 days. During this time, the baby requires increased attention of the mother and other family members.

The teething period is an important stage, which is characterized not only by physiological difficulties.

Feeling the discomfort that has arisen, the baby is trying to compensate for it at a psychological level. He has an increased need to constantly be in the hands of his parents. The breastfeed often asks for the breast, thus calming itself.

Diarrhea in a child’s teeth for how many days

Moms should be patient for a few days and try their best to reduce the discomfort of the child. Usually, after 2-3 days, his condition will normalize, the meal schedule will be the same.

Experts at this time do not recommend mothers to change the feeding schedule and wean the baby from the breast. This is done so as not to stress the child’s body.

Additional measures for teething

The process of the appearance of teeth makes a crumb desire to chew or chew on something. Unpleasant sensations help to remove special rings or elastic rubber toys.

Teething diarrhea in children

Parents' preferences for gum scratching devices may not coincide with the child's taste preferences. Only the baby himself will be able to choose an item with which he will get rid of itching and discomfort from teething. It is important that this is completely safe for the baby.

Many children are happy to chew a crust of bread or bagel. Parents at this time should watch that children do not swallow a big piece and do not choke.

How much diarrhea in a child can last? Usually this condition worries the baby for 2-3 days. It is good when parents will involve the baby in various interesting games during this period. Positive emotions are especially important to him during this period.

Parent Tips

Young mothers should pay attention to the following points:

  1. When teething, there is increased salivation. In order not to cause irritation of the delicate skin of the baby, you need to pat it with a soft and absorbent handkerchief.
  2. Do not give the child at this time alcohol-containing solutions, aspirin.
  3. Teething requires the organization of proper care for them.
  4. The necessary amount of calcium and fluorine should be fed into the baby’s diet.

Parents should not lick a baby spoon. This can negatively affect his health, because during the period of teething, the immune system weakens.


When a child has teeth and diarrhea, many parents, knowing about the classic symptoms, still want to play it safe. In this situation, it is not superfluous to show the baby to the pediatrician. After all, teething symptoms can be mistaken for signs of acute respiratory infections and other diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32610/

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