How to trim the spitz?

Cute and friendly Spitz by nature have a thick, beautiful and silky coat. The tail of this breed is luxurious. In order to properly trim the spitz, you need to contact a professional, namely the groom. Having sufficient experience, the master will be able to turn your pet into a sleek and well-groomed pet of the family.

Spitz hair care

Since the Spitz has a very thick and beautiful coat, it can be cut in different ways. The hairs are characterized by a characteristic shine and stiffness, and a chic collar forms on the neck. In addition, the coat of these dogs dyes very well in various colors.

cut the spitz

There are situations when tangled areas form. To avoid this, the pet needs to be constantly combed, ideally - every day. Before starting this procedure, the wool needs to be moistened with a special spray that facilitates the process. After this, a large part is made near the head, and the combing of the hair bundles from the roots begins with their separation into strands.

How to wash a spitz?

It is often impossible to wash a dog. It is better if this procedure is carried out no more than once a month, but in case of acute need it is allowed to do this twice. Shampoos and conditioners are used for this breed of dog. It is important to remember that getting water into the ears of the Spitz is unacceptable, so before washing it is better to plug them with cotton swabs. After the procedure is completed, you need to remove the wet cotton wool and gently pat the ears of the pet with dry sticks.

where to cut the spitz

Dead hair can be removed manually immediately after bathing. Next, the dog needs to be dried with a hairdryer, while combing it. For the procedure, it is better to take the device on a rack, then both hands will be free from the owner. It is unacceptable to leave the pet dry naturally: the hair on the Spitz is very thick and will dry for a long time, so the dog can catch a cold, and wet hairs will become tangled.

where to cut the spitz

Spitz is usually trimmed with fur located around the ears and legs.

Spitzing at home: how to carry out the procedure correctly?

To begin with, Spitz belongs to such breeds of dogs that require quality hair care. But before you trim the Spitz at home, you need to prepare some tools:

  • Nail clippers.
  • Scissors are small (straight).
  • Straight scissors (large).
  • Thinning shears.
  • Potassium permanganate in case of unforeseen situations.

Haircut rules

Before the procedure, you need to cut the dog's nails, and you need to do this at least once a week.

trimmed spitz

To shorten the hair on the paws, you need to take small scissors with straight ends. Everything needs to be cut, even between the fingertips. Once the procedure is finished, take long, straight scissors and begin to adjust the hairline on the paws so that an even column appears.

Remember: it is only possible to trim the spitz correctly if the dog is standing. So, you need to fluff the wool and comb it vertically. The front and hind legs are cut in the same way. But the fur that grows between the fingers needs to be left.

How to cut spitz ears?

In order for your pet’s ears to become small and neat, you will have to work hard on them:

  • Grab the auricle between two fingers.
  • You need to move from the base up, carefully feeling the skin of the dog so as not to damage it.
  • As soon as you reach the tip of the ear, cut it in such a way that a beautiful and accurate rounding is obtained. The slice should be parallel to the head.

If you find it difficult to trim the spitz with scissors, then you can take an electric machine and the largest nozzle. In this case, the procedure will be much faster, and the result will be the same.

Dog grinder

Spitz is a breed of dog that requires special care. This is primarily due to the hair of the animal. It needs to be combed every day, and the dogs of this breed really like this attention of the owners.

trimmer spitz Price

If your pet will participate in exhibitions, then it is not recommended to shorten the hair, and it is allowed to cut only the ears under the tail, to ensure hygiene. It is possible to cut only those dogs that will not attend the competition events. There is an option to do it yourself, but there is no guarantee that it will turn out beautifully. Therefore, many have the question: where to cut the spitz?

To do this, there are special hairdressers for dogs in which professional groomers can not only trim the hair correctly, but also paint it in different colors.

Trim the Spitz: issue price

The cost of a haircut for a spitz will depend on which hairstyle you choose for your pet: hygienic, traditional or exhibition. For example, a pet haircut in the salon can cost from 1900 to 2100 rubles. And when ordering comprehensive care, the cost will be within 3 thousand rubles.

If your pet needs to be trimmed traditionally, then it will first be washed with a special shampoo, then the coat will be rinsed with conditioner, which will make it easy to comb it and dried with a hairdryer.

As a result, the trimmed Spitz will look like this:

  • The ears will take on a charming rounded shape.
  • The paws will be trimmed so that a “cat effect” is created.
  • The coat will be even.
  • Gently and shortly, for hygiene purposes, cut around the genitals and the tail root.
  • With the help of thinning create a beautiful silhouette.

It should be noted that correctly and correctly trimmed Spitz is similar to a teddy bear. The main thing is not to forget to comb it daily and look after the hair.

Many owners of this breed of dogs do not want to spend time and money on such events. But in vain - Spitz with a hairstyle looks very attractive. A beautiful, neat pet is an indicator of the owner's love and care.


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