State medical system. Healthcare in Russia

In any country, health care is a social function of society, the purpose of which is to protect and promote human health. Elements of such a system took place even before the first states and ancient civilizations were created by people. They were expressed in a particular concern of the community, clan or tribe for their patients, as well as in measures taken to prevent injuries and diseases. This may include various medical manipulations of healers, their conduct and organization.

The history of healthcare in Russia

Our state also takes care of the health of its citizens. Moreover, it existed at all stages of the historical path of the formation of Russia. All the experience gained by our scientists and medical practitioners in the medical field allowed us to approach the conditions of social and hygienic well-being of citizens in the 20-60s of the last century. However, in the last decades of the 20th century, the entire state healthcare system in Russia was to begin to switch to a new mode of functioning. The prerequisite for such a step was the epidemiological transition.

The new conditions that arose in the social and economic sphere of the country dictated their own. However, such a transition has not been made. In addition, in the conditions of the administrative-command system, health care began to experience a kind of crisis. It has been observed in such areas as:

- health, as evidenced by a decrease in life expectancy in the country;

- financing, as indicated by the general decline in money invested in health care;

- equipment of material and technical base;

- frames.

healthcare system in Russia
In order to improve the health system in Russia, the government adopted a number of documents. All of them were aimed at solving the problem of radically changing this important social sphere. According to the adopted decisions, the healthcare system should have been radically reformed, taking into account the strengthening of its entire material and technical base and the strengthening of preventive directions. Today we can say that everything that has been done in this direction until the last decade of the 20th century. gave its positive shoots. However, the country began the transition to a new track of market relations. This led to the adoption of the legislative act on health insurance and required new approaches in order to continue to develop the national health care system in Russia. And at present, the state does not cease to actively work in this direction.

Health Principles

The whole history of the state system of medical care for the population did not develop at all spontaneously. At all times, its level depended on the socio-economic and political conditions prevailing in the country. Nevertheless, the state for many years left unchanged the basic principles of the healthcare system in Russia. All of these provisions developed after 1917 were relevant at the dawn of Soviet power, throughout the history of the USSR, and they have been preserved to the present.

healthcare system in Russia pros and cons

The list of basic principles of healthcare in the Russian Federation includes:

- The responsibility of the state and society for strengthening and protecting the health of their citizens;

- the creation of an integrated health system, which includes organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership that guarantee the maintenance of a proper level of medical services to the population;

- preservation and further development of the socially-preventive orientation of domestic health care;

- providing citizens with qualified public health care;

- integration of practice and science;

- participation of the population in the implementation of health programs;

- Active training of the necessary medical and nursing staff, adhering to the rules and norms of medical ethics.


The entire set of medical institutions operating in our country is nothing more than a system fixed by law. Health care in Russia today includes three areas:

- state;

- municipal;

- private.

Before, until the 90s of the 20th century, only the first of them performed such an important socio-social function. Three areas in the Russian healthcare system were formed only after the adoption of the necessary legislative norms. Consider each of these links in more detail.

State direction in medicine

The system of healthcare management bodies in Russia in this area is headed by the Ministry. Being an authorized federal executive body, it solves the tasks of developing and further implementing state policy aimed at protecting the health of citizens of the country. In addition, a whole network of other governing bodies includes the state system. Health care in Russia is represented by the ministries of all republics that are part of the Russian Federation. In addition, the state system includes medical management bodies located in districts, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. That is, this list includes all subjects of the country, as well as RAMS. The objectives of the healthcare system in Russia are to take all steps to implement the country's policy, as well as carry out various programs in the field of development of medicine and its science.

information base health system of the regions of Russia
All of the above governing bodies are subject to the following institutions:

- therapeutic type ;

- leading research activities;

- training medical personnel;

- sanitary type;

- pharmacy;

- pharmaceutical.

Their entire set is the state system. Health care in Russia in this area includes similar institutions created by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergencies. All of them also carry out tremendous work aimed at maintaining the health of citizens of the country.

Organizations of the state medical system are legal entities. Moreover, they carry out their activities in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the regulations of the country's subjects, as well as based on documents issued by regional and federal health authorities. At the same time, the task of managing this area and conducting various types of research activities is performed. Also, organizations of the state system carry out monitoring of the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens. People turn to them for the provision of high-tech medical care.

Municipal system

The main task of institutions in this area is also to manage and organize medical care for patients. The municipal health care system in Russia includes health care and educational institutions. This also includes pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies. The medical authorities at the municipal level are in charge of this system.

healthcare system in the regions of Russia

Moreover, they all operate on the basis of legal and regulatory acts of not only federal, but also regional bodies that head this area.

The main task that the healthcare system of the regions of Russia solves is to provide the population with primary medical care, as well as its individual specialized types. In addition, municipal authorities in the medical field, based on the main areas of their activity, must:

- increase the level of sanitary education of the population;

- ensure access of the population to the guaranteed volume of medical care;

- exercise control over the quality of services provided not only by subordinate organizations, but also those that are part of the medical and private systems.

The healthcare system in the regions of Russia is financed from the budgets of all levels available in the country, as well as funds and other sources created for these purposes that are not prohibited by legislative acts.

Private medicine

This healthcare system includes medical and prophylactic organizations, as well as medical institutions. Their property belongs to private individuals. In the same system are research, educational, pharmacy and treatment centers, which are funded by individuals or public associations.

The activities of such institutions are within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts issued by the subjects of the country, regional and federal bodies of medical administration and local self-government.

Thus, the healthcare system in Russia is mixed. Currently, the coexistence of all three areas is considered appropriate, as it helps to increase the list and improve the quality of medical services.

Guarantees to the population

How effective is our medical system? Health care in Russia is a direct concern of the state. After all, it is interested in increasing the life expectancy of people. How does the healthcare system work in Russia? Pros and cons in this area can be found in any country. We have them.

tasks of the healthcare system in Russia

So, the positive side of the Russian system is the guarantee of receiving free medical care. This is the constitutional right of every citizen of the country. Moreover, this provision is enshrined in the Resolution adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation in September 1998. This document lists all types of such assistance, the provision of which is carried out at the expense of state funds.
What is the healthcare system in Russia? Socially oriented, aimed at maintaining and maintaining human health. As part of the general medical examination, doctors conduct active systematic monitoring of the population. The purpose of such events is:

- identification of various diseases in the early stages of their development;

- referral of patients for treatment or rehabilitation;

- the adoption of preventive measures to prevent the development of the disease, including the direction of the patient to easier labor, etc.

In addition, Russia focuses on hygienic education of the population, the formation of concepts of a healthy lifestyle in people, which is facilitated by various preventive and hygienic programs.

Disadvantages of Russian healthcare

Medical care for the population of the Russian Federation faces a number of problems that prevent it from functioning with the necessary effectiveness.

three directions in the Russian healthcare system

So, the disadvantages of Russian health care are:

- insufficient funding;

- irrational distribution of funds allocated by the treasury;

- imbalance in the ratio of the volume of medical services provided to citizens and the resources available in the industry;

- a low level of qualification, an insufficient number, as well as a high intensity of work of the average medical staff, which is especially clearly observed in outpatient practice;

- lack of attention to preventive care of citizens on an outpatient basis;

- shortcomings of the medical education system that trains medical and nursing personnel;

- the unwillingness of doctors and nurses to provide preventive medical care at the highest level.

Development prospects

In what direction will the healthcare system in Russia go in the future? The pros and cons of the current practice are being carefully studied by specialists. An analysis of the situation will tell you the right ways to develop this area. So, to improve the performance of the health system, it is necessary:

- optimization of the structure of medical services and a review of the functional responsibilities of doctors who must abandon economically costly and at the same time inefficient work;

- Changing the curriculum of medical colleges and universities while expanding the teaching of primary care to the population.

municipal healthcare system in Russia
At the same time, management of the healthcare system in Russia should abandon its controlling functions, replacing them with analytical ones.

Informational portal

The healthcare sector of the Russian Federation faces the most important task related to increasing the life expectancy of citizens of the country. One of the ways to solve it is to notify all interested parties about the performance of health organizations. And this became possible in connection with the development of the latest technologies. With their use in the Russian Federation, the latest information base “The Health System of the Regions of Russia” was created, which is necessary for:

- coverage of promising areas of work of municipal and regional government, as well as organizations and institutions in health matters;

- motivation of the population to take care of their health;

- development of additional measures for the provision of services in the medical field;

- coverage of innovative programs and projects designed to introduce the latest medical technologies;

- the formation of a positive attitude of the country's population to the entire healthcare system.

What does the information base “Health System of Russian Regions” offer to Internet users? A variety of reviews, news and articles that are posted on the portal by government authorities.


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