League of Legends: Hero Atrox. Guide to the main aspects

A guide to Atrox will be useful to every player who decides to master this champion on the top line. The article touches on the main aspects, minuses and pluses, assembly for different cases and much more. Theoretical knowledge along with practical application will help to significantly increase the percentage of victories. The information here is fundamental to a player who has not used this character before.

Champion weaknesses

It’s reasonable to start the guide to Atrox with the minuses of the hero, which are worth remembering and try to eliminate in the match. At the initial stage, a long recharge of skills will be strongly felt, therefore it is not worth using them constantly. Passive skill is useful only when the scale is full (blood well), otherwise there will be little sense from it. In a battle against heroes with long-range attacks and abilities, there are almost no chances to win the line. Over time, losing a farm to a stronger enemy will make the hero useless, and in battles he will be easy prey for the fighters of another team.

atrox guide

Positive moments in the game

The first plus in the Atrox guide is the lack of mana. You don’t have to worry about the fact that at the right moment of the fight the hero will be left without his skills. Passive skill, which gives almost a second life, with proper calculation, will help to turn the tide of the battle or to escape from the pressure of superior opponents. You can always exchange damage, and after restoring health with simple strokes, it is easy enough to farm minions.

A long jump with a throw up is the best way to initiate fights with a convenient start for your team. At a disadvantage will help to jump over the wall and avoid death. Another significant plus is the increase in attack range when using the ultimate. Accurate calculation of the enemy’s approach will make it possible to launch one or two automatic attacks and create better conditions. In general, Atrox is a fairly thin character to use, especially after a wave of weaknesses from the developers.

atrox guide season 7

Hero abilities

In the Atrox guide, one of the most important aspects is an overview of all the skills. The passive ability is called the "Well of Blood" and consists in strengthening the character at full scale. It is filled from the use of active skills, the first of which is “Dark Flight” (Q). The hero jumps to the specified location, throws enemies and deals damage. The second ability (W) includes the ability to switch from “Bloodlust” to “Blood Price”. In the first case, Atrox regains health, in the second, from the third attack, bonus damage to the enemy goes. The third skill (E) “Blades of torment” is a skill of small width, but quite distant. Slows down the enemy and causes small damage. Ultimate (R) "Massacre" deals damage in the field of application, increases the speed and range of attack on an indicator that depends on the level of pumping. The arsenal of skills is quite impressive, there is the necessary control for the fighter and good opportunities to kill vulnerable targets.

atrox forest guide

Leveling up and selection of summoner abilities

A guide in season 7 on Atrox provides that his position will be the top line, since there he will be able to get the farm and necessary items much faster than in the forest. As the skills of the summoner, it is necessary to take the “Leap” necessarily - the escape tool in addition to the “Dark Flight” will add mobility. The variability of actions for attack and defense will increase.

The second ability is better to take "Teleport" to pressure the card and move on it, since the "Ignition" is much inferior in use. This choice is only suitable for a known winning line for additional damage. The sequence of pumping skills also plays a role, because the wrong choice can affect the damage and lead to defeat in a single battle. In the guide to Atrox, the history of games for him by professional users reports that it is best to download the second ability first. It will help with the restoration of health and will add damage. The second skill for pumping follows (E), then a jump, which will be enough to take on the first level once. Be sure to invest points in the ultimate as standard on available positions.

league of legends guide atrox

Runes Choice

A guide to Atrox in the League of Legend in the offseason with the last patch must definitely consider the optimal set of new runes. The first branch is to choose "Accuracy", which is responsible for increasing damage and immediately gives 18% to attack speed. Here, the “Decisive Offensive” rune is an ideal option for Atrox’s second skill with bonus damage and weakening after three hits. "Triumph" in the same thread will help with the restoration of health after killing an enemy champion, and gold also falls into the piggy bank. Rune "Legend: Zeal" allows you to accumulate charges, which increases the attack speed. To top it off, “Beat of Mercy” for Atrox will help with increasing damage for champions who have a health level below 40%. The second branch, select "Witchcraft", where there are useful abilities for the hero. This list includes “Speed” - a rune to increase movement indicators. At the same time, it transforms 8% of the total number into the power of skills and attack power. The last in the rune category will be “Impending Storm” to constantly accumulate damage indicators every 10 minutes.

id atrox story

Match start

A guide to Atrox into the forest is not considered in the article, since this position is completely not relevant in the current meta, where tanks predominate. On the top line, the character is more likely to gain an advantage from the first minutes. The assembly of objects should begin with the “Doran's Shield” in a more passive bunch, where the enemy has an advantage. “Doran's Sword” is suitable for aggression from an early stage. It is important to farm Atrox, and therefore in most moments it is better to focus on getting gold. In this case, do not hesitate to try to arrange a trial exchange attacks. This will allow a more thorough understanding of the enemy and his skill in playing on his hero.

Try to collect gold as quickly as possible on the “Blade of the Ruined King”. This item will help in a fight with any opponents, increase attack and restore health. For Atrox would be an ideal option. The boots are situationally selected for the opponent with the Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads. By the middle of the game, you should also have in your arsenal the "Spirit Visage" or "Randuin's Omen". Depending on the strength of the enemy team.

league of legends aatrox hero guide

Team Role and Actions

The Atrox Guide (Aatrox) must necessarily show his place in the team. The greatest benefit from him in team battles will be subject to jumping on the shooter or mage for quick killing. Under the passive skill, you can help with the control of the front line, where, thanks to the ultimate, high attack speed and vampirism, you can live long. The fourth item to collect is recommended "The Bloodthirster" or one of the hydras. Enhancing the cure for attacks is an important point in the game, as striking will be fast enough. Next, take another item to be protected from the list above or alternatively “Dead Man's Armor”.

The assembly ends situationally depending on the enemy champions. A good option would be "Guinsoo's Fury Blade" or "Guardian Angel." In battles, look after your associates, who should do the most damage. Sometimes it’s better to defend them, rather than breaking into the front ranks. Especially if they themselves cannot protect themselves from the focus of such warriors as Jarvan 4, Wai or Gnar.

atrox guide aatrox

Dangerous opponents

In the guide on the Aatrox hero in the League of Legend, it is worth noting those characters who on the top line carry the most danger. These are primarily Darius. Atrox simply does not have enough resources to fight with him. In close combat, he, in any case, will do more damage, and through passive ability and ultimate health drops a lot and quickly. The second most dangerous is Jace, who in many ways creates trouble on the top line. He is close to overpower Atrox, and also has tools for pressure from a distance. This category also includes Kenen, Li Sina, Maokai, and Chogata. Tanks are quite difficult to break through, and they themselves have good damage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32624/

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