Roman Chingiz Aitmatov's "Scaffold": a summary of the chapters

In this article we will consider the novel by Chingiz Aitmatov "Scaffold". A summary of this work written in 1986 is presented below.

First of all, we briefly describe the author’s biography. Chingiz Aitmatov was born in 1928, December 12, in the Kyrgyz village of Sheker. He graduated with honors from the Dzhambul Zootechnical College, and then from the Kyrgyz Agricultural Institute, after which he worked as a veterinarian. This author appeared in print in 1952. He wrote many famous works, many of which feature films were shot. Aitmatov himself took part in their creation several times, acting as a co-author or screenwriter. This writer died in 2008.

Among his other works are novels: Jamilya, Camel's Eye, White Steamboat, First Teacher, Maternal Field, as well as a collection published in 1963 (Tales of Mountains and Steppes), which he received the Lenin Prize, etc.

Chingiz Aitmatov's chopping block Summary

The first part: the death of the offspring of Tashchaynar and Akbar

The first part of the work, which Aitmatov Ch.T. created, consists of six chapters. ("Chopping block"). A summary of the chapters of events occurring in it, the following.

In the Moyunkum Reserve, the novel of interest to us begins. There lived a pair of wolves - Tashchaynar and Akbar. Wolf cubs were born in their summer. After the snow fell, the couple went hunting and found that there were a lot of people in the reserve. Hunters arrived here to fulfill the plan for the delivery of meat. These people shot saigas. The wolves living in the reserve also died during the hunt. Only Tashchaynar and Akbar managed to survive, but their wolfs were dead.

Avdiy Kallistratov

Aitmatov Chingiz Torekulovich (Scaffold) introduces a new hero - Avdiy Kallistratov. He first appears in the next episode.

Chingiz Aitmatov's chopping block short biography

Hunters arriving at the reserve piled saiga carcasses into an all-terrain vehicle. There was also a related Kallistratov Avdiy, a freelance employee of the Komsomol regional newspaper, who had been expelled from the theological seminary. This man had his own ideas about what life can be called "righteous." He openly fought with all his might against those who, as he believed, did not live as they should.

Assignment given to Avdi by the newspaper

We continue to describe the work of Chingiz Aitmatov "Scaffold". The summary conveys only the main events of the novel.

Once Avdi was given a task from the newspaper to find out how the drugs get into central Russia . Kallistratov, in order to fulfill this mission, joined one of the companies "Anasha pursuers", following to Central Asia. He understood at the station that these people had their own special rules. So, for example, they practically did not communicate with each other so that they could not give anyone out in case of capture. Kallistratov also realized during the journey that there is a person who directs everyone. It is he who develops the plan. His "messengers" were called "Sam." Kallistratov decides to go all the way for the sake of meeting this person. He collects hemp along with the other messengers, stuffs a backpack with it, and then comes back. A significant meeting takes place on the road to the field - Avdiy meets a brown-eyed blond girl who managed to leave a deep mark in the hero's heart.

Kallistratov, having finally reached the railroad, notices Grishan by the freight train and realizes that he is “Himself,” a mysterious man whom Avdiy had traveled so hard to meet.

Second part: meeting with "Himself"

We turn to the second part of the work, which was written by Chingiz Aitmatov ("Scaffold"). The summary of the novel is divided into three parts. Note that, in turn, in each of the parts there are several chapters. The first and third consist of six, and the second consists of five chapters.

Aitmatov's block in brief

“Sam” immediately realized that Kallistratov was not just a “messenger”, that he was a person with principles that were directly opposite to his own convictions. Grishan wanted Kallistratov to give him the booty and left, but he decided to stay with everyone. The "messengers" managed to jump into the carriage of a passing freight train. Here Grishan allowed them to smoke on a cigarette with grass. "Sam" did it on purpose in order to annoy Kallistratov. Grishan did not smoke, like Obadiah. Kallistratov understood that he could not do anything at the moment. However, his nerves still could not stand it. When one of the "messengers" began to pester him, demanding to join the rest of the smokers, Kallistratov grabbed his goby from his fingers and threw it into the open door of the car. Then he began to pour grass out of his backpack, urging others to do the same. As a result, Obadiah was thrown out of the car, severely beaten. We will not describe this episode in detail, since we present Aitmatov's "Scaffold" in brief.

The scene that Kallistratov dreamed of

Be sure to say a few words about the vision of Obadiah. Kallistratov, the hero of Chukhiz Aitmatov's "Scaffold", a brief summary of which we are interested in, fell into a ditch located near the railway tracks. He suddenly saw the scene of a conversation between Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate. Then, when Kallistratov came to his senses, he suddenly imagined that he was living in two worlds at once. One of them is this world, and the second is the one in which he is trying to save his Master, Jesus.

The episode in the police

Summary of the book of the chopping block of the author Chingiz Aitmatov

Avdiy spent the night under the bridge. In the morning, he noticed that his money and passport were soaking wet. Avdiy managed to get to the station along the way. However, he looked so dirty that he was immediately arrested upon arrival and then taken to the police station. Here he saw the "messengers" with whom he was traveling. Among them was not only Grishan. Hearing that they want to let him go, Kallistratov demanded that he be put to these "messengers". He suddenly decided that he would be able to convince them to return to a “right” life. Having mistaken Kallistratov for a madman, a policeman brought him to the station and told Avdi that he had better leave. However, here Kallistratov became ill. He was taken to a local hospital by ambulance. In the hospital, Kallistratov again met with the girl who had so impressed him. Inga found out about Avdia from a doctor and came to visit him.

Inga tells Avdia about what happened in her family

Kallistratov, returning to the place where he worked (in the city of Priozersk), suddenly finds out that no one is interested in the material he collected. He tells Inge about what happened. The girl, in turn, tells him about her problem. The fact is that she divorced her husband. Inga's son lives with her parents now, and the girl wants to take him to her. Avdiy and Inga agree that he will come to the girl in the fall, and she will introduce him to her son.

Obadiah goes to Inge

However, when autumn comes, Avdiy, who came to Inga, finds a letter instead of the girl. In it, she reports that she is forced to hide, so as not to give her husband a son.

Crucifix on saxaul

Returning to the station, Kallistratov meets a man in charge of the extermination operation in the saiga reserve. He decides to join the detachment created for this purpose, but he cannot observe how animals are killed, and demands to stop this extermination. As a result, Obadiah is tied up and then beaten and crucified on saxaul. In order to leave Kallistratov alone, the detachment drives off to the side. Here, on Saksaul, Tashchaynar and Akbara notice him, looking for their wolf cubs. When the hunters at dawn return for Kallistratov, he is already dead.

A new grief for a pair of wolves

Tashchaynar and Akbara left the savannah. They decided to find another place. The wolf cubs were born again to the couple, however, when the construction of the road began, the workers set fire to the reeds in which the animals made a lair, and the cubs again died. Again the couple left, found a new place and acquired new offspring.

Third part: Bazarbai finds wolf cubs

Chingiz Aitmatov's chopping block novel

Already in the next, third, part unfolds further events of the work, which was created by Chingiz Aitmatov ("Scaffold"). A summary in parts is offered to you so that you can understand where you can read more about a particular event in the text.

Neigutov Bazarbay was returning past the foundation pit to his home. He heard strange sounds reminiscent of a child crying. Going to them, he noticed four cubs. Bazarbay, without thinking twice, put them in his bag and rode away, realizing that adult wolves would rush after him. Tashchaynar and Akbara went in search of their offspring on the trail of Bazarbai. They caught up with him and tried to make sure that he could not reach people. However, on the road was the home of Boston Urkunchiev, a collective farm editorial. In it, Bazarbai hid from the wolves. Urkunchchev's wife met him affably. And Bazarbal showed her cubs and even gave Boston's little son a play with them. Then he left.

Wolves don't go away

The summary of Scaffold is coming to an end. The author (Chingiz Aitmatov - the creator of the work) is concerned about the fate of the wolves. He could not help telling readers about it.

Chingiz Aitmat's chopping block Summary in parts

So there were wolves near the house of Boston. Urkunchiev heard their howls every night. He even went to Bazarbai and asked him to sell the cubs in order to return them to their parents. However, he flatly refused, because he hated Boston. Wolves began to roam around. They attacked people. Having gained a lot of money, Bazarbai sold the cubs. Tashchaynar and Akbara finally returned to the house of Boston. He decided to kill them, because he saw no other way out of this situation. However, he managed to shoot only Tashchaynara. Akbara decided to wait, and she waited.

The final

The she-wolf managed to sneak up to the house in the summer and grab the Boston child playing on the street. The father tried to shoot the she-wolf, but was afraid to injure the child. Nevertheless, he shot and hit. But, running to the place where the wounded Akbar lay, he realized that she was still breathing, and his son was dead. Then Boston took the gun, went to Bazarbai and shot him, after which he surrendered to the authorities.

Chingiz Aitmat's chopping block Summary of the novel

This concludes Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel “Scaffold”. The summary of the work will help to recall the events of the novel to those who read it, and to get acquainted with those who may have yet to do it. The work is quite large in volume, but it is worth reading. Many people like the work of Chingiz Aitmatov (Scaffold). A brief biography of this author was described at the beginning of the article.


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