Color temperature of LED lamps: table

LED lamps, lamps and other possible devices for lighting rooms have long taken a leading position. They gained popularity due to their efficiency. They are used for lighting cars, courtyards, streets, offices and houses.

Each lighting device has its own color temperature. And this has nothing to do with how much heat can be obtained. From the article you will learn about the concept of color temperature, get recommendations that will help you make the right decision in the process of choosing lighting devices and about what kind of light to use for the bedroom, kitchen, living room. The tips on selecting lamps and fixtures provided in this material will also be useful.

What is color temperature?

Typically, temperature is associated with heat or cold. But when determining the color temperature of LED lamps, other parameters are taken into account - this is how the human brain reacts to a particular light, how it perceives it. Psychologists say that depending on the light, a person is able to become aggressive or calm, joyful or sad. Of course, first of all, everything depends on the situation.

The closer the light is to sunlight or yellow, the warmer its rate. If the light is white or close to a blue tint, then it is considered cold. It all depends on the perception of the retina and the associations that come to mind. Yellow color is summer, sea, beach. Blue - winter, snow, rain.

This is the basic concept of color temperature or light temperature. Now you can easily determine whether the light in your room is warm or cold.

How is it measured?

This indicator is taken into account in Kelvin (K), another unit of temperature measurement. The light temperature of the lamp is determined on a scale from red to bright blue and violet.

color scale

European manufacturers divide the light into three groups:

  1. Temperature is less than 3500 K. White light. Refers to the warm part of the spectrum.
  2. The temperature regime is 3500-5300 K. This color is considered neutral white - natural. It is most enjoyable for visual perception.
  3. Temperatures above 5300 K. The coldest shades of white.

About the subtleties of lighting

The color temperature of the fixtures is an important parameter when choosing them, which determines the correct use of the device. So, it is worth remembering that lamps that have a warm light are ideal for rest, relaxation, can be placed in rest rooms and bedrooms. Cold light will help you focus on work, it gives energy, encourages activity. The best option will be for lighting interiors in business centers, offices. Natural white is the most suitable for use in workplaces, living rooms, cafes, exhibitions.

warm lamp

On each lamp, the manufacturer must indicate the color temperature parameter. It can be located both on the packaging and on the product itself. Knowing the main groups of color temperatures, you can easily make a choice.

Workplace lighting

The workplace should be equipped so that a person feels a surge of strength and energy. This can be achieved by setting the correct lighting.

Scientists have proven that it is best to use cold white light. This is necessary in order to have a higher level of concentration during the workflow. Ideal is light that has a temperature of 3500 to 5600 K. This gap is as close as possible to natural light and is easier to perceive.

Working in dim or yellow lighting is not only difficult, but also unpleasant. I want to sleep right away. Focusing in such an environment is almost impossible. Keep this in mind when equipping a workplace. This applies to the computer desk at home, and to the office. Therefore, choose the natural color temperature of LED lamps.

office lighting

Living room

The living room is the main room in the apartment. Here they meet guests, spend family evenings, gather on holidays. That is why it is very important to correctly install lighting devices and select the light.

For this room you can choose a white light. Best if it is natural. In this case, you will get an atmosphere that is conducive to outdoor activities with your family. Natural white light (often called neutral) has beneficial effects on nerve cells and brain function. That is why such lighting is recommended in schools.

If it is important for you that all households gather in the living room for relaxation and quiet conversations, then you can choose a warm color, but it should not be dim. Thus, you will be able to spend evenings with the children and be absolutely calm about the fact that after they will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

light in the living room

Also, using color temperature, you can divide the space into zones. For example, the main light is warm, and the place where you work or just read a book will be equipped with a lamp that has a cool white light.

Also, do not forget that light affects the perception of color of surrounding objects. This can both emphasize the impression of your taste, and spoil it.

Light for bedroom

Sleep, like nutrition, is very important for a person. Lack of sleep can affect not only health but also overall well-being. Incorrectly selected light in this part of the apartment can cause restless sleep or completely deprive it.

The bedroom is intended for relaxation. To make the dream a pleasant one and you can quickly fall asleep, you should pay attention to LED lamps with a color temperature of up to 3500 K. This light will help your eyes relax and prepare for sleep. This also suggests that it is undesirable to keep a TV in the bedroom. Constantly changing colors can irritate the eyes.

bedroom lighting

Best for such rooms are floor lamps and sconces with warm light. They should be located on the walls and bedside tables. But you can completely refuse chandeliers. But there are times when the bedroom is also a workplace, so it is worth paying special attention to the equipment of such a room.

Separately highlight your dressing table and the place where makeup is applied with natural white spectrum lights. The wardrobe should also be equipped with a lamp with natural light, then the colors will not be distorted and you can be calm for your appearance.


The kitchen is a magical place that charges us with strength in the morning and allows us to discuss the past day in the evening on our territory. The mood that will accompany us largely depends on the lighting.

Light in the kitchen is an important part of the interior as a whole, as well as its individual parts. Not only the mood of the hostess, but also the appetite of the household depends on what kind of light is in this part of the house. Psychologists have long proved that in cold and warm lighting people see the color of food differently. Accordingly, food is perceived differently. With cold white lighting, the appetite decreases slightly, but with warm, on the contrary, it plays out.

light in the kitchen

Choosing a lamp, it is worthwhile to be based not only on your preferences, but also remember the rest. It is best if the light is cold white, close to natural, which will allow for a more realistic color rendering. This applies not only to food, but also to the design of the interior as a whole.

Nursery lighting

A room for children should be equipped with lamps especially carefully. Indeed, the perception of light in a child has not yet formed completely. And in order not to harm the growing body, the light should be selected correctly.

The main lighting, of course, should be warm. But the area for classes and reading should be equipped with an LED lamp, which refers to the cold color spectrum.

This combination will help maintain the balance between the games and study areas. White light has a beneficial effect on the retina and does not cause tension.

light in the nursery

Types of light and its application

The table provides information on the temperature and scope of LED lamps.

Temperature (K)

Light name

Premises where applicable


This color is characterized as warm white, may be with a reddish tint.

Most often, this color belongs to ordinary lamps, but now it is already used for LEDs. This light will help to relax. Suitable for home


This temperature also applies to warm light, but there may be a tint of yellowness.

Recommended for use at home. You can illuminate any room, but it is worth remembering that the shade can change the color perception of interior or furniture


Daytime white color.

This is an ideal universal option for most rooms, it can be used at home, in business centers, small cafes. Recommended for classroom lighting in schools.


This light is cold and just cuts its eyes with its whiteness

It is not recommended to use at home, even if you are a fan of bright lighting. Refers to industrial lighting. It is used in hospitals, metro, tunnels.


This is a daytime blue and white color.

Its use is recommended in offices, conservatories, pet stores and exhibitions. Fully replicates natural light


Cold light, has a lilac hue

Such lighting is used for street lamps, spotlights, spotlights. Often used to illuminate summer cottages and gardens

From the table below it is clear which lamps should be used to illuminate the house, and which should be left for larger use.

How to find out the color temperature of a lamp

Before buying a lamp or LED lamp, you should find out about this important parameter. If you have not found information about the color temperature on the package or price tag, do not be discouraged. Just take out the product. On it you will surely find the answer to your question "what color temperature" is above the base. Information is indicated in large numbers, so that they can be seen in any light.

LED luminaires may contain color data on the device itself or in the accompanying documentation.

lamp white light

Tips for choosing light temperature

Light in human life is a very important parameter. The right choice will make you more calm and balanced.

  1. Light sources must be from trusted manufacturers. Do not buy LED lights of dubious quality, but at an attractive price.
  2. Before choosing, always consider options for a possible combination of shade with interior design.
  3. Lamps for the nursery should be selected especially carefully.
  4. The best lighting option is neutral white, which is as close to natural as possible.

In order to create a certain atmosphere in the room, it is worth choosing the right lighting. Using the table and the advice of specialists from this article, you can accurately select the light for both yourself and your loved ones.


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