Infection in the Black Sea. Water in the Black Sea. What infection was found in the Black Sea?

This year, resorts of the Black Sea coast are very popular. These are not only the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, but also sunny Bulgaria. Pleasant climate, beautiful landscapes, warm and gentle sea, reasonable prices are what attract tourists. Even during the difficult economic situation in the country, they are not ready to say goodbye to holidays, and therefore they are looking for budget alternatives to fashionable resorts. Not everything is so rosy in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, as presented by travel agencies and operators. Their goal is to sell the tour, attract the attention of vacationers. They will never take responsibility for your vacation, so you need to approach the choice of a resort more demanding and carefully, since, besides yourself, no one can provide the most pleasant, comfortable and safe conditions.

infection in the Black Sea

Shocking news

Black Sea infection detected! This news literally blew up the entire world community. Every day, local residents turn to medical institutions complaining of an intestinal infection. It became apparent that the water in the Black Sea is infected with microorganisms that cause a similar reaction. The environmental situation in the region is really unfavorable. All local residents and vacationers want to get complete and reliable information about what is happening, to protect themselves and their loved ones if possible.

Intestinal infection in the Black Sea

We understand the reasons

Intestinal infection in the Black Sea is not uncommon. On the one hand, its presence is explained by quite objective reasons. When the water temperature reaches an abnormal level of 29 degrees Celsius, it has become the reason for the active reproduction of rather dangerous algae. The geographical position of the sea can hardly be called the most successful, and all because the water circulation in it occurs very slowly. In fact, it is a closed-type reservoir, therefore pathogens, appearing in it, only increase their power. If this reason is called the main one, then, perhaps, every year a rotovirus intestinal infection will appear in the Black Sea. But over the past three years, it really gives vacationers discomfort.

There is another opinion, to which an increasing number of experts are inclined. So, an intestinal infection in the Black Sea is the result of excessive activity and huge appetite of local officials who are trying to squeeze out of the resorts at the peak of the season to the maximum. What does it mean? The fact is that the beaches of the same Adler are crowded with people, it is simply impossible to swim normally in the sea. Dirt on the beach, trash and bottles in the sea are normal for resort areas. Is this not the reason for the appearance and active spread of infection? Moreover, this year tourists noted the presence of sewage and sewage in the sea. The inaction of local authorities at a time when hospitals are simply crowded with patients is striking. With timely contact to a medical institution, the infection can be overcome, but the rest will be definitely ruined. It is unlikely that tourists who have gone through all the hell of local hospitals will want to return here again.

Is the Black Sea dangerous

Talking about infection

Let's try to answer the question, what is the infection in the Black Sea in August. Many call it rotavirus. So this is an infection caused by rotaviruses. The disease is characterized by acute onset, vomiting, weakness, fever.

An infection can be infected in several ways, so it has a rather large outbreak, often resembles an entire epidemic, which makes it even more dangerous. Adults and children on the beach can get infected while sunbathing and swimming in sea water. Infection also occurs through common objects of use, crowded places. In the heat, the infection begins to spread even faster. Most often, bacteria infect the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Of course, if you find the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a specialist and begin treatment in order to reduce the duration of the disease and prevent the development of complications.

Is there E. coli in the Black Sea

What is the situation really

At the height of the season, all hospitals in Sochi and Adler are crowded with patients who have caught the infection. The situation is really critical, some tourists decided to completely abandon the trip to the Black Sea coast, fearing for their health. This position is true, especially if the family has small children. Agree, to go at the high season on the coast, where an epidemic is raging - the height of recklessness.

Opinion of tourists

Tourists resorts in the Krasnodar Territory complain about the state of water in the sea, its pollution by sewage and sewage. There are a lot of stories on social networks that describe how, in just two days at sea, children are affected by rotavirus infections and instead of a long-awaited vacation, they go on a far from pleasant tour of local hospitals. All stories are the same.

About hospitals

All vacationers in the Krasnodar Territory infected with rotavirus are sent to Regional Hospital No. 4. If you believe the information about it, then it is designed to serve 110 thousand patients, and in the season up to a million vacationers and tourists. The scale is impressive and amazing. Perhaps this is a wonderful medical center with an impressive territory and equipped with modern technology.

In fact, there are about 350 beds in the hospital, just two infectious wards for 110 patients. One certainly cannot count on attentive and cordial attitude to patients, and even more so qualified medical care. Hospital staff complains about the lack of specialists, staff and a huge number of infected patients. In the conditions of unsanitary conditions that prevail in a medical institution, it’s not enough to recover, even to improve one’s condition. It is for this reason that many tourists prefer to be treated with their own means.

The response of the authorities

Rospotrebnadzor could not stay away and answered everyone's question whether there is Escherichia coli in the Black Sea. So, the expert commission reported that the state of water in the Black Sea is constantly monitored, no pathogens of intestinal infection were found, so there is not the slightest cause for concern. So why are the city’s hospitals literally crowded in high season with people? Rospotrebnadzor is sure that this is not an infection in the Black Sea at all, but banal food poisoning of a massive nature. According to him, during a high air temperature, it is simply impossible to avoid the spread of intestinal infection, and vacationers often visit catering establishments on the beach, resort, not observing basic hygiene requirements. Often they get sweets, fruits and food on the beach from merchants.

What is the infection in the Black Sea in August

The situation is exacerbated by the aggravated heat. Under the influence of direct active sunlight, it is quite easy to get heat stroke, the symptoms of which can be the same vomiting, fever and general weakness.

What to do in case of defeat

Is the Black Sea as dangerous as the media say? How to protect yourself and your children from infection? These questions are actually very important.

If you find the first symptoms of infection, you must immediately seek help from medical specialists, undergo a comprehensive examination to establish the exact cause of what is happening and begin to be treated. Before the doctor arrives, it is better to place the patient in a cool place, give him to drink as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration. Of course, this should be a liquid at room temperature, in no case ice water from the refrigerator.

Black Sea infection

Trying to prevent defeat

Doctors strongly recommend that parents do not take children under 3 years old to other climatic zones. A sharp change in climate can have an extremely negative effect on the still not strong baby body, making it vulnerable to various infections, including rotavirus. Today you can see a picture of how families with very tiny children spend all day on a crowded beach, trying to get the most out of their vacation. It is clear that under such conditions the probability of infection or the receipt of the same heat stroke is quite high. Children on the beach are at risk.

Going on vacation, especially with young children, take a more careful approach to choosing a hotel, give preference only to air-conditioned rooms, choose only proven cafes for your food, or cook yourself.

Kids on the beach

If you have chosen for yourself resorts of the Black Sea coast, you should not visit them at the height of the season. Even if the water in the Black Sea will not be infected, the probability of infection and infection does not decrease from the crowded people, crowded beaches and cafes. Remember that you are primarily responsible for your health and the health of your children, so you should not expose yourself to even minimal risks - it is better to completely abandon the rest.


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