How to insulate the house outside with penoplex do-it-yourself: step-by-step instructions

As a heater, penoplex is used quite widely today. Many consumers prefer it, because this thermal insulation can act not only as an external, but also as an internal layer. Installation technology requires the observance of certain nuances.

The master may have difficulties, which can be avoided by using the advice of experienced professionals. Before you insulate the house with penoplex outside yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the technologies, one of which you can use in practice.

What to consider before starting work

Before installing the foam, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the material, it is important to study its properties and characteristics. Penoplex is a polystyrene foam that is made by extrusion. The technology involves the use of foam. Raw materials are heat treated and gain strength.

how to insulate the house outside with penoplex do-it-yourself

A big mistake for beginners is the wrong choice of work technology. Some work with foam, as with traditional polystyrene foam. However, this does not indicate that it is not worth using wet technology. You may wonder why, instead of foam, you should not use regular foam, because it has a lower cost and high adhesion. The answer to this question will be that the material is characterized by high strength and vapor permeability, as well as low thermal conductivity.

Why choose outer insulation

In the process of building design, it is necessary to choose the correct layer of materials in the wall. When internal thermal insulation is carried out, the dew point shifts inside the house, while the walls begin to sweat, humidity increases and mold begins to form. If the insulation becomes wet, then it loses its properties due to constant temperature changes inside the walls.

How to properly insulate a wooden house from the outside with foam, you can find out if you read the article. However, if you still have not decided which type of insulation to choose - external or internal, then it is better to pay attention to the first technology, because it does not steal free space inside the premises, in addition, the formed layer will not interfere with the repair in the house.

insulate the house with foam

Formation of a wet facade

Before you insulate the house with foam by yourself with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the β€œwet facade” technology, which allows you to insulate buildings and apartments. This solution helps make the appearance of the building more attractive. But in the case of wooden structures, a wet facade does not fit. In all other cases, it is necessary to act in stages.

What materials will be needed

If you are thinking about the question of how to insulate a house with foam yourself outside, then you need to follow a certain algorithm. At its first stage, materials are prepared. It is very important to choose the right adhesive composition, it is better to use foam. The following materials will also be needed:

  • adhesive primer;
  • a primer that deeply penetrates the structure;
  • paint;
  • corners;
  • fiberglass reinforced mesh;
  • plaster.

It is necessary to insulate the facade using 50 mm material. This value is the minimum. The plates are laid in 2 layers, and it is necessary to exclude the coincidence of the seams.

how to insulate a private house from the outside with foam

Wall preparation

If you are faced with the problem of how to insulate a house with foam yourself outside, then it is important to take care of the preparation of the walls. To do this, the antennas and visors are removed, after which it is necessary to ensure the strength of the base. If there are peeling plaster sections on it, then they are removed.

The walls are primed. Work can be done using a paint roller, but a brush is also suitable. The primer is applied in a thin layer over the entire surface. After waiting for the walls to dry, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Installation of foam

If you decide to insulate the house from the outside with foam, then after the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed to gluing the material. First, the start profile is set. The bottom plates are aligned. The profile is fastened with dowel nails. During operation, it is important to position the profile as horizontally as possible, using the building level. Glue-foam is applied to the insulation sheet in the center and along the edges, after which the plate is pressed to the surface. Acting on such an algorithm, it is necessary to paste over the entire insulated surface.

insulate a brick house from the outside with foam

Plates should be located as close to each other as possible, this will eliminate the formation of cracks. It is necessary to start laying the second row with a certain offset, so that a checkerboard pattern is obtained. Corners are bandaged. When there is no free space left on the walls, it is necessary to install insulation material on the slopes. For this, the plates are cut into separate panels in size. The material is mounted on dowels called umbrellas.

If you decide to insulate the house from the outside with foam, then the fasteners in the case of slopes are mounted on the joints. The hat is recessed in the material, the slopes with dowels are not fixed. In order to increase the level of thermal insulation of the facade, it is also necessary to insulate the foundation. It must be dug up, cleaned of dirt, and then pasted over with insulation. Then the foundation is buried back.

More on sticking foam

Gluing the material followed by mechanical fastening is a more reliable approach than any other technology. Work should start from the bottom corner. To do this, prepare small and large spatulas. First you will apply the mortar to a large instrument.

If the walls are perfectly aligned, then glue can be applied with a notched trowel. If you decide to insulate the walls of the house from the outside with foam, it is important to check the level differences, they should be less than 1 cm. In all other cases, the glue is poured with thick heaps.

The mixture is applied to the walls, and not to the sheets, because the latter are not so rough, so they can not grasp enough firmly. The amount of glue can be adjusted depending on the difference in the facade. The sheet is applied to the surface and well pressed to it. On foam, for the tight joining of sheets at the ends, quarters should be selected that exclude the formation of cold bridges.

how to insulate a wooden house from the outside with foam

Subsequent nailing of a heater

Mechanical fasteners are installed 3 days after fixing the sheets with glue, during which time the composition will grasp well. If you plan to do the work yourself, this time will be freed up by itself, because you will insulate the facade with sections. This is due to the fact that half of the work is done from the ground, while the other part - with the help of forests and scaffolding.

When home craftsmen decide to insulate the foundation of the house from the outside with foam, they choose mechanical fasteners. It is better to use completely plastic, because their price is lower, in addition, they do not contribute to the transmission of cold, unlike metal. However, the cheapest dowels are still not worth choosing, because they will bend when driven. Holes are drilled in the selected area using a 10 mm drill. The depth should be greater than the length of the fungus by 2 cm. About 6 umbrellas will be needed per sheet, if necessary, you can make more holes, which is especially true for zones in the corners.

Work with the surface of the material

If you are faced with the question of how to insulate a private house from the outside with foam, then you should also take care of the appearance of the facade. Since polystyrene foam has a smooth surface, it must be roughened so that the lining fits well. Work is performed in a specific sequence. First, the surface is treated with sandpaper, in addition, you can use a needle roller.

An adhesive primer is applied to the base . Joints of plates should be filled with glue-foam. Perforated corners are glued to the outer corners. During their installation, you should use the building level, then the masters proceed with the installation of the reinforcing mesh.


Exterior insulation must begin with reinforcement. First you start the slopes. To do this, Ceresit CT 83 glue is diluted in water. The resulting composition is applied to the slope, to which a grid is applied. According to the same scheme, it is necessary to act when reinforcing the walls of the facade. After that, finishing is done.

how to warm the house from the outside with foam

Decorative cladding

If you are planning to insulate a brick house with foam at the outside, then it will be necessary to carry out decorative finishing of thermal insulation. It is important to follow a certain algorithm. The facade is first treated with a primer, and after that the surface is covered with a layer of plaster. The composition is diluted in water.

After setting the plaster, the surface is rubbed small. As soon as the layer dries, you should use the roller with which the paint is applied. This finish should be two-layer. The coating should be done with special care, applying layers evenly. On this, the facade finish in a wet way can be considered complete.

Dry facade insulation

If you are faced with the task of how to insulate a wooden house from the outside with foam, then you can also use the dry method. As a result, it will be possible to get a hinged facade, which is quite common. During installation, it is not necessary to carry out wet work, so manipulations can be performed in any weather. In addition, this finishing method allows you to choose almost any method of cladding.

The system will be ready to last much longer. In the case of a wooden building, warming the house with foam by dry technology is an excellent option. At the first stage, materials are prepared, among them:

  • brackets;
  • finishing material;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • adhesive foam;
  • protective impregnation.

The brackets must have metal profiles, but you can also use wooden rails. As for the protective impregnation, it is used in the case of wooden walls.

how to insulate a house from the outside with a penlex for siding

Wall preparation

Quite often, home masters have a question about how to properly insulate a house from the outside with foam. At the first stage, walls are prepared. If the house is built of concrete blocks or bricks, then dust and dirt are removed from the surface, and after the facade is treated with special impregnation. Then you can proceed with the thermal insulation of interventional cracks that are filled with suitable material. The next step is the installation of the frame, on which the foam will be held.

Work on the frame

Before you insulate the house from the outside with penoplex for siding, you need to create a frame. Its formation is carried out in one of several ways. As an example, it is worth considering the design on the brackets. The walls are marked, which allows to indicate the location of the racks, the distance between them is 0.5 m. The brackets are fixed to the received lines using self-tapping screws.

Then the facade is sheathed with penoplex by stringing on brackets. If a wooden house is insulated, the cracks between the plates do not foam. A vapor barrier is installed on the insulation, due to which moisture will not get through the cracks on the walls. The brackets are fixed racks. On this, the process of insulation can be considered completed.


If you are still in search of the most suitable material for the facade insulation, it is better to choose penoplex, and some experts consider it an ideal option. The thermal insulation structure is unique, it provides low thermal conductivity and excellent performance.


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