How to find phase and zero with an indicator screwdriver? Instructions for indicator screwdriver

Each house has electrical appliances and wiring, in the work of which there are some difficulties. Calling a professional electrician for every slightest reason will cost a pretty penny, it is much easier to solve the problem yourself. For these purposes, you may need a multimeter that measures network parameters. However, the tool is expensive, and not always its purchase is suitable for use at home. Its functions can be replaced by an indicator screwdriver. What is it and how to use it? How to determine where the phase and where is zero?

Principle of operation

How does an indicator screwdriver work? The appearance of the device is similar to an ordinary screwdriver, however, it has an indicator built into the cavity of the handle. The metal part of the screwdriver acts as a probe, while it is able to reduce the power of the supplied electricity so that the use of the device is as safe as possible. The device also has an LED, which is located at the top of the handle. In addition, the screwdriver has a contact type metal plate.

The principle of operation is quite simple - the screwdriver probe touches the electricity conductor, then, passing through it, the current decreases significantly, after which the person touches the contact plate with a finger. A circuit closes, causing the light to come on. A screwdriver is needed in order to show the presence in the network of direct or alternating current.

how to find phase and zero with an indicator screwdriver

Varieties of screwdrivers

To date, the assortment of any hardware store includes the following types of indicator screwdrivers:

  1. Multifunctional screwdriver Safeline.
  2. MS 18.
  3. Lek OP 1.
  4. Lek OP 2E.
  5. VM 1141 220 250V.
  6. Indicator screwdriver with battery.

The presented modifications of the device have some difference in functionality.

Screwdriver options

The standard device is intended for the following purposes:

  1. The indicator screwdriver indicates phase or zero.
  2. Detect hidden wiring in a non-contact way.
  3. Determination of the cable break point.
  4. Determination of polarity of batteries.
  5. Check the integrity of the electrical circuit.

Depending on the modification of the screwdriver, it may have other additional functions.

Zero and phase determination

Many novice electricians and people who have decided to independently repair electrical appliances are interested in how to find the phase and zero with an indicator screwdriver. To do this, adhere to the following algorithm of work:

  • First, the wiring is de-energized;
  • wires that need to be tested must be stripped from the insulation winding;
  • after which it is necessary to turn on the electricity;
  • with the probe, it is necessary to touch the wires one at a time, while remembering that the circuit must be closed with a finger on the contact plate;
  • that wire, when touched to which the light comes on, is the phase of the electrical circuit.

How to find phase and zero with an indicator screwdriver in a socket? To do this, you need to alternately place the probe in the openings of the outlet. When a phase is detected, the lamp will light up. There will be no glow if the screwdriver shows zero. If the lamp does not light up when touching both openings of the outlet, this indicates a break in zero.

In addition to using an indicator screwdriver, you can determine the phase by the color of the wire:

  • the yellow-green wire is a ground;
  • phase wire color - black;
  • zero has a blue wire color.

If the color distribution is not met, an indicator screwdriver will be needed to determine.

how does the indicator screwdriver work

Checking the health of incandescent lamps

When buying another incandescent bulb, it is important to check its performance right in the store. If there is no appropriate stand, you can do this with an ordinary indicator screwdriver. To do this, you need to take the lamp with one hand on the metal base, and touch the center pin on the light bulb with the probe of the indicator screwdriver in the other hand. If it is working, the LED on the device will light up.

phase indicator or zero on indicator screwdriver

Despite the fact that the method is effective, the result may be a failure if the bulb is depressurized. In this case, the electrical circuit is maintained, but the lamp still does not light up. However, this happens quite rarely.

Checking the heating element

You can check the operability of the heating element of the washing machine without even taking it out. It is enough to provide access to the contacts, while the remaining wires must be disconnected. To check, you need to touch one of the contacts of the heater with a hand, with the probe of a screwdriver - to the other. In this case, the circuit is closed by touching a metal plate on the device. If the lamp lights up, then the heating element is serviceable.

screwdriver indicator instruction

Insulated wire voltage test

How does an indicator screwdriver work? Its functionality allows not only to determine the phase and zero, but also to check the voltage in the wires with insulation. It is not recommended to bite an unknown wire, as it is often unclear whether it is energized or not. In this case, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • it is necessary to take the indicator screwdriver directly by the probe;
  • a metal plate must be attached to the wire;
  • if the cable is live, the indicator on the screwdriver will show this.

This method of determination is suitable even for wires that are under the plaster, however, the glow in this case may be less bright.

Wire break search

Instructions for the indicator screwdriver notes the versatility of the device. It is very important and convenient for home use. Having figured out how to find the phase and zero with an indicator screwdriver, you can also find a broken wire with it. If the carrying suddenly stopped working, then the first thing to check is the integrity of the electrical circuit:

  1. You need to make sure that there is no short circuit - for this you need to free the carrier from the devices included in it, take it with one hand at the contact of the plug, touch the probe with the other. If there is no glow, then there is no short circuit.
  2. To search for a damaged wire, you need to hold one of the contacts of the plug with your fingers. In this case, touch the screwdriver with the probe alternately to touch the sockets of the extension sockets. In which of the nests there will be no glow, in that there is a cliff.
    indicator screwdriver indicates phase or zero
  3. It needs to be marked with a marker. Then you need to find out the location - where is the phase, and where is zero, as soon as this is done, the plug must be inserted into the outlet so that these indicators coincide.
  4. Then a metal plate indicator screwdriver searches for a break. At this point, the LED should go out.

Similarly, a wire break is searched in the house wiring.

Electronic indicator screwdriver

You can find the phase and zero as an indicator screwdriver with LED, and electronic. The differences are only in their design. The electronic indicator screwdriver can be with or without a liquid crystal screen.

phase wire color

Instead of a light signal, such a device alerts you to the presence of voltage by an audible signal. In addition, a great advantage of such a device is the output of voltage information to a liquid crystal screen, if any. The principle of operation of the electronic device is the same as that of a conventional indicator screwdriver.

Health Check

Before determining where the phase is and where is zero, you need to check the operability of the screwdriver itself, since it, like any other device, may be malfunctioning. For this, attention should be paid to such nuances:

  1. The device case must maintain its integrity. Working with electricity requires good insulation without damage.
  2. For accuracy, check the screwdriver. To do this, use a probe to touch the conductor, which is 100% live.
  3. If the product is used on batteries, then you need to replace them in time.

Safety when using a screwdriver is extremely important, therefore, if a malfunction is detected, it is recommended to purchase a new device. The cost varies from 50 to 1000 p. depending on version.

how to determine where the phase is and where is zero

Security measures

When working with the device, the following safety measures must be observed:

  1. Do not disassemble the screwdriver, only batteries, if any, must be replaced.
  2. The use of a damaged screwdriver is strictly prohibited.
  3. Do not use the device without a screw.
  4. When the probe is in contact with electricity, do not touch the exposed part of the device with your hands.
  5. Do not use the device at voltages higher than indicated in the technical specifications.

In order to find out if the phase or zero is lit on the indicator screwdriver, you need to follow all the recommendations described above. It is important to monitor the health of the device and not to neglect the rules for the safe use of indicator screwdrivers.


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