Pelargonium and geranium: difference, home care, types and reviews

Have you ever wondered which plant in your house pleases you with a beautiful flowering - geranium or pelargonium? What is the difference between these plants, and does it exist? Probably, many flower growers will be surprised that the beautiful flower on their windowsill is not a geranium.

From the history of plants

In the middle of the XVII century, the botanist Johannes Boorman (Holland) claimed that pelargonium and geranium, the difference between which is obvious, are not related plants. He wanted to isolate them in different births. Nevertheless, Karl Linney - a world famous natural scientist - by that time compiled his own classification, where he combined these plants into a single group. Then the bright bushes of blooming pelargonium were actively used in landscaping gardens. Florists immediately assigned her a name - geranium.

pelargonium and geranium care difference

What are the similarities between pelargonium and geranium?

Both plants are part of the same family - geraniums. This fact is considered to be the main similarity. The family unites 5 genera and 800 species of plants. The most numerous is geranium, the most famous and popular is pelargonium.

geranium or pelargonium what's the difference

In fact, pelargonium and geranium are very similar in appearance. The difference at first glance is obvious only to a specialist. In one family K. Linnaeus took them because of the similarity of the fruit box. After fertilization, the pestle stretches and begins to resemble a beak of a crane. Translated from the Greek language pelargos means "stork", and geranium - "crane". Pelargonium and geranium are very similar with erect stems and alternately growing leaves. Both plants are covered with small hairs. Most geraniums have a special aroma. These are quite tenacious plants, unpretentious in care, loving the sun and easily propagating. As you can see, there are really many similarities between these beautiful bushes. Then the question arises: "What is the difference between geranium and pelargonium?" He is even interested in experienced gardeners.

what is the difference between geranium and pelargonium

Pelargonium and geranium: the difference

These plants cannot be crossed with each other - they simply will not produce seeds. This is due to different genetic characteristics. Pelargonium is a native of the southern regions, and geranium comes from the Northern Hemisphere. That is why geranium is able to bloom even at a temperature of +12 degrees, and the southern beauty of the pelargonium for wintering only needs greenhouse or room conditions.

Pelargonium is most often grown in apartments, it adorns summer verandas and flower beds, it feels quite comfortable on the balconies, but in winter these flowers are cleaned in a warm room. Geranium also grows and develops well in gardens, while not needing shelter for the winter.

how to grow pelargonium at home

In our country, meadow and forest geraniums are found everywhere, with the exception of the Far Eastern and northern regions, where climatic conditions are too harsh for them.

How to distinguish geranium from pelargonium?

Geranium has flowers consisting of 5 or 8 petals. They are usually solitary, only occasionally gather in inflorescences. Home pelargonium is distinguished by a whisk of a flower. It has an irregular shape - the two upper petals are slightly larger, the three lower ones are smaller. Pelargonium flowers form large inflorescences. Geranium can be painted in a variety of colors (except scarlet). Pelargonium never has a blue hue.

Geranium is a garden plant. He is very fond of summer residents. Especially popular are such varieties as "magnificent", "Georgian", "Oxford". Pelargonium blooms at home throughout the year. In summer, it can be taken out to the balcony or to the garden, but with the onset of cold weather the plant should be brought into the house.

Pelargonium and geranium: difference, care

All plants from the geranium family do not require special agricultural technology. Most species prefer fertile loose soils; pelargonium can grow on acidic or neutral soil. And in this regard, pelargonium and geranium are similar. The only difference is that rocky species develop well on light sandy soil, and meadow species feel comfortable on clay, heavy soil.

Most plants from the geranium family love good lighting, but direct sunlight is contraindicated for them. Both pelargonium and geranium feel much better in partial shade. The difference (care for them is almost the same) between them is not too big, except for the fact that one plant is a garden and the second is a domestic one. This explains certain features of the care of these two beauties.

pelargonium and geranium difference

Geranium is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. After buying a dry, but lively root in a garden supermarket, it should be moistened and kept for a couple of days at a temperature of +2 degrees before planting in open ground. With the arrival of warm spring days, when the soil warms up, the plant can be planted.

If you want to share a bush that has already taken root in your area, then do it in the spring, when the flower wakes up after a winter sleep. It is not necessary to cover geraniums for the winter, most varieties do not even need to cut the foliage.

Pelargonium: care features

How to grow pelargonium at home? This question interests beginner gardeners. This flower is famous for its delicate pleasant aroma. It is published by the essential oil contained in the leaves and stem of the plant. If you decide to grow pelargonium, then you need to know that for its growth and development the following conditions are necessary:

  • proper regular watering;
  • good lighting;
  • air temperature not lower than +12 degrees;
  • pruning.

Pelargonium is very fond of warm and bright window sills. The room temperature is quite comfortable for her , but in winter the flower tolerates coolness (the permissible mode is +8 ... + 10 ). When there is insufficient lighting, pelargonium ceases to bloom or gives small, rare and not so bright flowers.

pelargonium or homemade geranium care

At home, the flower should be protected from direct sunlight. Pelargonium needs room, so make sure that other green pets do not interfere with it.

Water the flower only when the topsoil dries up. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots, which the plant will immediately tell you, showing weakened sluggish leaves. In winter, watering is reduced. Pelargonium easily enough tolerates a lack of moisture.

The soil should be nutritious, containing garden soil, sand and peat. A large layer of drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pot, occasionally the soil needs to be loosened - this will provide oxygen access to the roots of the plant. It is important to choose the right pot size. It depends on the size of the root system. Small containers are more suitable for geraniums.

We hope that after reading our article, you will figure out which flower grows on your windowsill - pelargonium or homemade geranium. Care for these plants is simple, and their external attractiveness is finding more and more admirers among flower growers.

how to grow pelargonium at home


Many lovers of flowering plants note that for a long time they were pleased with their flowering not geranium, as they mistakenly believed, but pelargonium. Despite this, they still prefer these wonderful pets. Care for them is simple, and the beautiful view of a flowering bush pleases throughout the year.


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