Who is considered a young family? Young Family Program

Today we have to find out who is considered a young family in Russia. And how can you participate in the eponymous program to support the cells of society. After all, this proposal interests the bulk of families. Especially those who have small children. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. And to be considered a young family is not difficult. But getting state support for the relevant program is not always possible. But this will be mentioned later.

Family and their state support

Number of family members

The program "Young Family" is aimed at helping citizens in the acquisition of housing. The offer is federal. And to use it, you need to consider many conditions.

The number of family members has almost no effect on the status of a young family. A cell of a society can consist of both two people and a larger number of members.

A family without children can be considered young. And a single parent with a minor child too. But in real life, the studied term is applied mainly to the cells of society in which there are children.

The importance of registration in the registry office

But this is only the beginning. Who is considered a young family?

Purchase of housing under the program "Young Family" childless

Under current laws, if a full cell of a society is considered, then marriage in it must be officially registered. Cohabitants are not considered a young family, even if they have children in common.

In fact, in this case, one of the parents (usually the mother of the child) may become a member of the state program "Young Family". But this alignment has its own nuances. For example, when registering a mortgage, only the income of the mother of the child will be taken into account.

Members Age

The age of a young family in Russia is also regulated. And it is important to remember this for every modern person.

The thing is that at the moment, according to the Federal Program, the age of the spouses should not be more than 35 years. Until the husband and wife have crossed this bar, they will be considered the young cell of society.

Some cities have regional support programs for young families. Regional bonuses can describe a cell of society as people under the age of 30. A similar alignment in reality is becoming less and less common.

How does having children

A young family at birth or after the adoption of a baby has a good chance of participating in the corresponding state support program. Why?

What you need to participate in the program "Young Family"

This is due to the fact that at the birth of children it is necessary to improve housing conditions. And the state of the Russian Federation contributes to this in every way.

In addition, more people will be registered in the housing of the cell of society. And then it can be recognized as needing to improve living conditions much faster.

Residence permit and its influence

From the foregoing it follows that becoming a young cell in society is not so difficult. This is considered an officially registered family in which parents / spouses are less than 35 years old. Usually, the husband and wife are supposed to have Russian citizenship. Foreigners will not be able to take part in the program of the same name.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that with the state support of young families, the registration of its members plays a huge role. Ideally, all participants should be registered in the same place.

In addition, members of the cell of the company must have registration in the region in which the subsidy will be issued. In some cities you will have to live at least 5 years. Usually, permanent residence registration is meant, not temporary.

Queue for housing

How to get the status of a "young family"? To do this, you must meet all the conditions listed above. Now let's talk about state support for the young cells of society. It, as already mentioned, allows you to purchase housing in Russia. In particular, a mortgage.

Who can be a young family

To take part in state support, you will have to register as those in need of housing. In other words, stand in line for an apartment. Otherwise, state aid will not be provided.

It is because of this condition that citizens most often use the Young Family program only after the birth of one or more children. After replenishment in the cell of society, she will need more "squares" according to the established norms for a normal life. Accordingly, queuing for housing is easier.

What does state subsidy mean?

A few words about what the program under study provides. Every potential participant should know about this.

"Young family" is a form of state support that is aimed at helping to purchase housing. The company’s cells are either offered preferential terms for mortgage lending with additional payments, or they immediately cover part of the cost of housing.

At the moment, under the state program, it is possible to receive a subsidy of 35% of the cadastral price of an apartment / house, if we are talking about a unit of society without children. Otherwise, the family is entitled to a 40% subsidy.

Important: cash is not issued. Instead of real money, a standard certificate is issued, for the use of which 9 months are allocated.

On the design of an apartment with a subsidy "Young Family"

Where can I spend money?

We found out who is considered a young family. And what can be spent on funds allocated by the state under the program of the same name?

To date, the following scenarios are offered:

  • repayment of a mortgage taken before 2011;
  • payment of contract agreements during the construction of a house;
  • use as a down payment on mortgage lending;
  • repayment of payments for the purchase of secondary or primary housing.

These are the main directions faced by modern cells of society. Just like that, for their needs, citizens can not spend the allocated funds.

Family solvency and interference with subsidies

Another point that is important to pay attention to is the income of the cell of society. They have no effect on family status. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances, the cell of the company may lose its right to participate in the state support program of the same name.

This is a situation in which the family is insolvent in the mortgage. The low level of income does not allow the cell of society to become participants in the proposal from the state called "Young Family".

Who is considered a young family in Russia

In other words, the participants must have a constant stable income, which allows them to arrange a mortgage and pay on the loan. Otherwise, you can be considered a young family, but without participating in the corresponding program.

Documents for participation

Now find out how to get the status of a young family. More precisely, how citizens can become participants in the program of the same name. It is not as simple as it seems.

Here is the main list of papers that may be useful for the implementation of the task:

  • passports of both spouses;
  • birth certificates of children or their adoption / guardianship;
  • income statements;
  • labor books;
  • application for a subsidy;
  • certificates proving the need for improving the quality of housing;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificates confirming the registration of family members.

In some cases, a divorce certificate may come in handy. But it is required for single-parent families. This is an extremely rare scenario.

How to queue for an apartment

We figured out who is considered a young family. But how to become in need of better living conditions?

"Young family" in Russia

A cell of society will have to turn to the housing administration of the region. You need to have:

  • certificates of the birth of children, marriage or divorce;
  • certificates of ownership of housing;
  • documents confirming the registration of family members;
  • applicants passports;
  • an application for recognition in need of improvement of housing and queuing for an apartment.

Usually, if there is less “square” per member of the cell of society than is established by law, the family will be recognized as needy. In addition, a similar status can be obtained:

  • if the apartment / house is in dilapidated or in disrepair;
  • in the absence of separate rooms for heterogeneous children;
  • if a family lives with a dangerous disease.

That's all. Now it’s clear how to participate in the “Young Family” program. Everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32678/

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