Guide to Nasus in the League of Legends

The guide to Nasus in this article is presented so that the user can better understand its pros and cons, so that victories are given in an easier way. This champion from the League of Legends game has huge potential to become the main factor in winning the match. The main thing is to properly position and use its unique mechanics.

Line selection

Hyde on Nasus into the woods lost relevance when matches began to last less than thirty minutes in most cases. It was during the 6-7 season, and for this champion it was a sentence. He is incredibly dependent on farm from the first skill and accumulation of attack. With forest monsters, he will not be able to do this in sufficient quantities, and as quickly as on the top line. The hero will be far behind the opponent, especially from characters like Jarvan 4, Sejuani and Maokai. There will also be a risk that counterplay will fall on the weak at the beginning of Nasus, and then it will become completely useless. That is why for him the best option is top.

guide nasus

Pros and cons of the hero

In the guide to Nasus, it is simply necessary to indicate his strengths, which should be used in every match. It is always important to remember that every second, with the successful use of the first skill, it becomes stronger. On the line, there are rarely problems with the exchange of skills, because a passive ability allows you to restore everything. A good slowdown is a tool so that the not-too-mobile Nasus manages to overtake the victim. In the late stage, this tank with huge damage will be a huge problem for enemies. Of the minuses that should be noted in the guide to Nasus, in the first place, one can feel a strong weakness at the beginning of the game. It is at this moment that they can simply destroy it and turn it off from the team. Killing a character at this moment is not too difficult, because he does not have the skills to quickly exit the battle. Champions with skill shots and long-range shots are a huge problem, because they will not allow you to calmly finish minions.

nasus guide season 7


Any guide to Nasus should indicate the skills and priority of their pumping for users. The passive Soul Eater ability grants vampirism from striking an enemy or minions. The first active skill (Q) "Shot" when using and successfully finished off an enemy monster accumulates three attack units, for a champion six. You can do this endlessly, which is the strength of the hero at a later stage. The second skill (W) “Sear” slows the enemy for five seconds with increasing percentages of running speed. The third skill (E) “Phantom Fire” is activated as a lesion area with little damage. Its main advantage is that the enemy’s rate of armor decreases from getting into it. Ultimate (R) “Rage of the Sands” is a powerful tool, because it restores health, adds a bonus in size from 300 to 600 units and increases resistance. At the same time, all enemies around Nasus will receive damage, the range of attack grows, and the "Shot Blow" reloads twice as fast.

League of Legends Guide Nasus


New runes at the end of season 7 in the guide to Nasus will help with survival, which is important at the initial stage. The “Courage” branch will provide 130 health points, and the first “Undead Grip” option will add damage from automatic attacks. Moreover, the amount depends on the maximum health of Nasus, and health is also restored - an ideal option. The “Resilience” rune adds stamina after using skills and for reloading them. “Iron Skin” from the next row will add 5 points of armor and will increase the total amount of protection with each treatment. The runaway "Overgrowth" with an increase in health by 0.2% of the maximum for eight killed minions for a farm-dependent hero is a real find. In the "Witchcraft" branch, take the "Orb of Destruction", which gives a shield if the magic skill drops the health level below 30%. “Burn” as the last rune for extra damage.

nasus forest guide

Assembly items

In season 7, the guide to Nasus provides for the start of the match with protective items. It can be “Cloth Armor” or “Doran’s Shield”, and if the line is more or less calm, then use the “Malicious Potion”. The assembly of items is quite situational, because at the beginning you will always play from defense. If an enemy with magical or physical abilities creates strong pressure, then save up for Spirit Visage or Frozen Heart. With dominance, boldly take the “Triple Alliance” and do not let the enemy come to his senses on the line. In any case, all these items are needed in the assembly, with the only difference being the purchase order. The Mercury Tread boots will help to reduce the duration of the control, and the Studded Armor is just a great item from the Super Carry with huge damage from auto shots. The final item may be Dead Man's Armor, Warmog's Armor, or Sterak's Trial.

lol nasus guide

The most dangerous opponents

A guide to Nasus in the League of Legends cannot be considered completed, not to mention his main enemies. This race is led by Darius with Renekton - characters with great damage at any stage of the match. First, they will drive you under the tower and, at best, they will deprive you of pharmacy. Worse, when they earn a few kills for themselves and the situation becomes critical. From the middle of the game you can compete with them, but until that time you need at least 200 bonus units from the first skill. Further in the degree of trouble in the guide to Nasus in LoL are Gnar and Timo. They can inflict a lot of damage from a distance, and this hero does not have the opportunity to respond to this. The first simply jumps off even under deceleration, the second hangs blindness and attack makes no sense. Jays and Chogath are also wary, as they can do too much damage instantly.


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