Should I buy children's clothing for growth?

Traditional seasonal sales of anyone can turn into a real shopaholic, and this is not surprising. It was at this time that clothes and shoes from well-known brands can be bought twice, or even three times cheaper. Young mothers are especially “trying”, acquiring new clothes for their children, and very often “for future use and for growth”.

Needless to say, babies grow very fast? It may happen that the purchased new things will not become the child’s favorite things, because by the beginning of the next season, when the time comes to wear them, he will simply grow out of them. Can this be avoided? It is only necessary to learn how to correctly choose clothes.

You should not buy very large things, it is quite enough if they are one or two sizes larger and 6-9 centimeters longer, and that’s all. A sharp jump in growth is the norm for children. This rule is not respected when you purchase children's tights, underwear, t-shirts.

You need to monitor how your baby grows, the children of friends do not count, each child has an individual growth schedule, and the same age does not play a role. The average statistics can be taken as a basis, they are indicated in dimensional tables, and separately for boys and girls.

When purchasing winter wardrobe items, give preference to overalls with lapels, adjustable straps, elastic bands, zippers, with which the length of the thing can be changed. Optimally, if you buy a jacket or panties will be 5-6 centimeters longer, most likely, the child will be able to wear them in the next season. If not, you can only rejoice that the child is developing perfectly.

Sweaters, socks in bulk, blouses and sweaters can be bought for the future, they can be worn all year round. When buying jeans, it is more logical to give preference to models with elastic and lapels. Do not buy outgrowth pants with decor in the lower part of the legs, firstly, at first it will not be visible, and secondly, when the baby grows up and you want to expand them to full length, unpleasant scuffs will remain in the bend points.

You should not buy shoes for the future, because it is impossible to tuck and stitch it, and the child will not be able to wear huge boots or sneakers. You can purchase moccasins or shoes as large as possible. If you just can not resist the charming winter boots, then take 2-3 sizes larger and put them in the closet, let them wait in the wings.


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