Modern love affairs. Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Many with disdain shrug their shoulders only after hearing the phrase "ladies' romance." But there are books that are really interesting to read and not ashamed to put on the bookshelf. Yes, the authors of this genre, writing with dignity, can literally be counted on the fingers, but all the more valuable is their work. Elizabeth Phillips is one of the few novelists from whose stories she does not take her cheekbones from the excessive cloying and implausibility of what is happening. And even if her characters are rich and famous, but they are real - they love, suffer, seek their own way, and it is far from easy. That is why the books do not mind the time spent: everything is just like in life, plus the author’s amazing sense of humor will make you smile more than once.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips has both serial works connected by a common idea or heroes (the American Lady, Chicago Stars series) and separate books. Both are equally interesting. There are stronger ones, there are weaker ones, but lovers of modern romance novels who appreciate the presence of a plot in a work should like it.

"Brilliant girl"

One of the best novels by Elizabeth Phillips in the American Lady series.

The story of Fleur Savagar begins with the incredible rise of a clumsy teenager to the heights of fame. It seems that the girl has everything that everyone else can only dream of: money, career, fans. She is popular and in demand, many men are willing to give half their lives for the opportunity to be with her. But this is only a beautiful picture, in fact, Fleur’s life is not so cloudless: a difficult relationship with her parents, a difficult love for Jake Coranda - beautiful, talented, famous. It seems that they were created for each other, but the fairy tale is not destined to become a reality. And only with time, having matured and learning to be strong, Fleur will be able to compete for his love.

Elizabeth Phillips


Phillips Elizabeth writes all the books with all her heart and humor, and this is noticeable. Whatever the story - an enchanting mix of fun, drama and romance. "Sissy" is no exception.

Socialite Francesca Day, who grew up in luxury and knows nothing of failure, is forced to swallow Texas dust instead of a carefree life in New York. And no one cares about who she is, with whom she is familiar and what kind of connections she has in high society. There is no one to wait for help from, so you have to rely only on yourself. But Francesca is not one of those who will humbly go with the flow, waiting for the black streak to end. The girl decides to act, and fate, impressed by such determination, sends her a meeting with Dallas Bodin. True, for worse this meeting or for good - you won’t understand at once.

susan elizabeth phillips

“Lady, be a good guy!”

Are there real "right" ladies? So correct that they themselves feel sick of it? Meet Lady Emma Wells-Finch, a prime example of perfection. Her reputation is so perfect that the girl only dreams of how to fix it. And even a suitable gentleman looked after - Kenny Treveler, an athlete and a playboy. But bad luck, Kenny is obliged to behave like an angel, the future career of a guy depends on this. But do real ladies give up without a fight? Elizabeth Phillips is sure not.

phillips elizabeth all books

"Paradise - Texas!"

Gracie is an inconspicuous gray mouse, usually deprived of male attention. And a meeting with handsome Bobby Tom from the very beginning does not bode well for her. The eccentric and capricious football star after an injury decided to go to the actors, since her appearance allows, and she’s not going to change her habits. And Gracie was "lucky": she would have to indulge this star and please, so as not to lose her job. But is the mouse so simple when you constantly have to live next to a cat?

"Beautiful, rich and not married"

What if you suddenly find out that you are the heiress? No, not millions and mansions in Switzerland, but a modest marriage agency that your grandmother left you. Sell ​​it and do something more understandable? Or take a chance and try to establish this strange business? Annabelle Granger chose the second option. And here the client "drew": a beautiful, wealthy, successful and famous. If she can successfully pair him, then the crowd will go to the agency in droves. There is only one problem: Heath Champion does not like anyone. At all. But Annabel is not ready to lose such a client and decides to conduct reconnaissance in battle. You will learn what comes of this by reading the novel by Elizabeth Phillips.

susan elizabeth phillips all books

“Born to charm”

It seems that the famous football player Dean Robiyar has everything: fame, crowds of fans, money, success. But is it really so, if a cold handsome man begins to show emotions only with the appearance of Blue Bailey in his life? And this girl can hardly be called simple and understandable: almost every act she does is far from the behavior of an adequate adult. But the opposites attract, and the extravagant Blue will try to reach Dean, even if he considers her strange and stupid.


Susan Elizabeth Phillips has all the books - this is the life story of the heroes, and not just a simple love line. The novel about Honey Moon is no exception.

As a child, the girl became famous: shooting in the most popular series for several years made her almost the heroine of America. A beautiful love, like a fairy tale ... But sooner or later, all fairy tales end, and the ending in them is not always happy. Life gave Hani not only happiness, but also pain. And to cope with it, the girl runs away from reality and chooses her own way of healing - the restoration of the Black Thunder attraction. And it would seem that when the joys come from nowhere, Eric Dylan appears. Beautiful, mysterious, kind ... Can only Hani be able to discern this unexpected gift of fate or prefer to live in the past?

Elizabeth Phillips Heroes


One of the most controversial novels by Elizabeth Phillips. Heroes will present to readers who are accustomed to a certain development of the plot, a big surprise.

Aristocrat Suzanne Falconer, without hesitation, fled from her own wedding with Sam Gamble, a man who had nothing but an idea. The girl believed him and supported in all endeavors. But the hero of her dreams didn’t rush to offer a hand and a heart, and when he offered, something was not enthusiastic. But Susie wrote off everything to work until she saw her missus on the other. Is life over? No matter how! The girl decides to create her own company, no less successful and profitable. Difficult? Maybe. But she will try to survive in this difficult world of business and, who knows, she can meet that same, true love.


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