Caterpillar with a horn on its tail: photo, as they are called

We all know firsthand that nature creates such masterpieces that at first glance seem quite unusual and even partly cosmic. There are more than enough examples of this among the representatives of world flora and fauna. In particular, toothed patu fish, nosy monkeys, water deer with fangs, bald cats, anteaters with huge trunks, California condors (birds that cannot be looked at without tears), drop fish resembling characters from a science fiction film with horror elements. Enumerate the phenomena of nature can be infinite.

caterpillar with horns

Incredible species of caterpillars existing side by side with a person

Today I would like to talk about the insect larva, which subsequently turns into a beautiful creature - a butterfly, in any case, this is written in all encyclopedias about wildlife and the world around us. So, we will talk about caterpillars with horns and their features, which, judging by the name, should not be so small. Looking ahead, I would like to note that such caterpillars are characteristic of many species and they even pose a certain danger to smaller insects, and some to humans. But be that as it may, such representatives of the flora only delight the person who looks at them, because they are incredibly beautiful and divinely beautiful.

The inhabitant of Russian latitudes, which is often mistaken for an alien

Of course, at the very beginning I would like to talk about those types of large green caterpillars with horns that live on the territory of our country. The most common larva of the hawthorn and all its subspecies. For example, linden shred. Its larva is a fairly long caterpillar. Sometimes it reaches a length of 10 cm. Its color, unlike other caterpillars with horns, is quite calm and not particularly attracting attention. Most often, this insect is light beige or light brown in color with a white abdomen, on which there are horny growths, which are nothing more than the rudiments of an insect's paws. To the touch they are quite hard and tenacious, thanks to these properties, the caterpillar can easily move along tree trunks. In rare cases, the larvae of the lime tree can be bright green or black in a brown speck. Whatever the colors of the caterpillars, they always have a sharp, solid spike on the tail, which many take for a horn, confusing the head of an insect with its tail.

Eye Hog

caterpillar with a horn on its tail

Speaking about the butterflies that hatch from the pupa of the caterpillar of the Hornwort, it should be noted that all members of the family of these unusual insects are considered quite rare, and many of them are listed in the Red Book. Their extermination can entail serious consequences and is prosecuted by law. For example, ovary hawthorn. By the way, his larva is one of the most unusual: green in a white strip, located symmetrically relative to each other. This is a large green caterpillar with a horn on its tail, which has a pale blue color. Speaking of the larva of the eye-eyed shred, it is necessary to say that the thorn of these insects is not at all for beauty, but for protection against annoying small brethren: ants and small bugs. It is a kind of sting, in which, like wasps, there is poison (acid) acting on the enemy. For humans, the “weapon” of the caterpillar of the hawk does not pose any danger.

Dead Head

Another bright representative of the hawks living on the territory of Russia, which is worth mentioning separately, is a dead (Adam's) butterfly. Her caterpillar is unusually beautiful. It is large, bright green, one-color or with mottled spots scattered on the body. The spike on her tail is the color of the color itself. But a butterfly of coal-black color with bright brown spots hatches from such a miracle. In general, this species resembles the leopard king of savannah with its color. Brazhnik is a dead head, without a doubt, more beautiful than the king and several times more. Now, having met any of the larvae described above in his garden, an attentive reader should not have a question how a caterpillar with a horn on its tail is called.

Poison caterpillars

In our country there are not many representatives of horned caterpillars, probably due to the harsh and cold climate, but on other continents, where it is warm almost all year round, there are plenty of such beauties. By the way, there is such an opinion regarding the color of insects that the brighter the color of the caterpillar, the more beautiful the butterfly will hatch from it. And also, if the larva is too beautiful, then it should certainly be feared. A catchy color warns of the toxicity of the insect. At the very beginning of the conversation about foreign caterpillars with a horn on their tail, photos of which can be seen in the presented material, I would like to discuss precisely poisonous species.

A saddle caterpillar is a beauty that you better not touch

caterpillar with a horn on its tail photo

The most poisonous caterpillar in the world is beautiful just unusually: a brown head with pronounced green-colored “glasses” and a body, and on the back there is a brown rhombus resembling a horse saddle. Of course, thanks to this attribute, this larva is also called a saddle. On the head and tail of the poisonous caterpillar there are two impressive horns, completely covered with sharp spikes. They are the ones who pose a great danger to everyone who decides to touch an unearthly, bewitching gaze. By the way, if you look at the saddle caterpillar from above, it is impossible to make out where it has its head and where its tail, since the poisonous insect looks absolutely symmetrical.

This miracle of nature dwells in North America; it can be found mainly on deciduous trees. As with the other caterpillars with a horn on the tail, discussed above, in this species, the shoot contains poison. However, if nothing happens when you touch the hawk, then touching the poisonous caterpillar, the person will feel discomfort, as if a bee stung him. The consequences can be unpleasant: nausea, vomiting, headache and a rash at the site of contact. Symptoms persist for up to two days.

The "burning rose" does not grow in the garden, but eats it

caterpillar with a horn on its tail

Another caterpillar, a beauty that lives overseas and poses a certain danger to people, is a "burning rose." She got her name not for a single horn on a very small body (only 2.5 cm), but for poisonous thorns abundantly located on it. If you touch it, then you are guaranteed serious skin irritation. A distinctive feature of such a green caterpillar with horns is the longitudinal orange and black stripes, as well as bright red and yellow spots on the body. Looking at it, it becomes clear why scientists consider the most beautiful and unusual insects to be among the most dangerous.

The most beautiful caterpillar in the world

green caterpillar with a horn

Since we have already considered the most poisonous caterpillar in the world, now we would like to contrast it with the most beautiful and harmless one - the larva of the monarch’s danaida. It is worth saying that even the name of this large caterpillar with a horn speaks for itself. A truly royal creature immediately appears, enchanting with its beauty and pleasing to the eye. Its main color is white and, if it were not for the bright yellow stripes on the back, then the caterpillar would look like a zebra, because it is completely covered with black thin strips. She has already three pairs of horns: two on the head, two on the tail and the same number in the middle of the body. They are located symmetrically to each other.

Danaida monarch is one of the most famous butterflies of North America. It is easy to recognize by the characteristic pattern on the wings: black stripes located on a red background. The wingspan of the Danaida reaches 10.2 cm. This is one of the few insects that flies across the Atlantic Ocean during migration. In Russia, the species is found in the Far East.

The largest butterfly in the world hatches from a caterpillar with horns
large caterpillar with a horn

In Asia (in China, Vietnam, on the islands of Java and Borneo), real giant butterflies live. The wingspan reaches 27 centimeters. Females of representatives of this species are much larger than males. The situation for the insect world is not unique; sexual dimorphism is observed very often. The beautiful giant peacock-eye atlas is called. The color of its caterpillar is completely unremarkable: pale flesh, and sometimes gray. Mandatory attribute - numerous horns on the body. However, the larva produces a spectacular and bright butterfly. It is noteworthy that her mouth apparatus is not developed at all. The imago does not feed and lives off the resources accumulated at the larval stage.

Black is always combined with white - a rule that even nature adheres to.

Probably, many have heard of the next caterpillar with horns, but not everyone has seen such an incredible beauty created by nature. This is a swallowtail larva. The imago has a bright yellow color with four eye-like round black spots on the wings. Who would have thought that, being a caterpillar, the swallowtail is not bright. On the contrary, the larva is completely black with horns of the same color located throughout its body. However, in the later stages of the development of the caterpillar, before its pupation, the black color of the body is diluted with numerous contrasting white spots.

To summarize what was said

green caterpillar with a horn on its tail

In fact, there are a great many caterpillars with horns in nature. It simply makes no sense to list all of them within the framework of one article, because the text can turn out to be volume, like the well-known masterpiece of the Russian classics War and Peace. We introduced you only to the most striking and unusual larvae, which nature has awarded one or more horns. I would like to say that without exception, all caterpillars endowed with such an attribute use it as self-defense. They deftly take advantage of the moment, curling up during a danger, and then abruptly throw their tail with a horn towards the enemy. Remember that nature created caterpillars to admire them, and not to experiment or destroy.


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