Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The tradition of celebrating outstanding warriors with different signs originated quite a long time ago. Even in antiquity, men who distinguished themselves in battle were awarded with laurel wreaths, spears and other objects that allowed him to stand out from others and demonstrate his merits. With the development of statehood in different countries, their systems for encouraging soldiers began to form, reflecting local characteristics and traditions.

Commonwealth Strengthening Medal

The emergence of departmental signs

In 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the USSR, a procedure was introduced for awarding spacecraft military personnel with medals and orders for service. They were issued depending on the duration of the service. The medal "For Military Merit" was received by persons who had an experience of 10 years, the orders of the "Red Star", "Red Banner", "Lenin" - 15, 20 and 25, respectively. A rewarding ceremony was also envisaged. With an impeccable 30-year service, the military could receive another order of the Red Banner. Such a "massive" distribution of signs led to a decline in their prestige. In this regard, in 1957, the award system for long service was canceled. Instead, by decree of 1958, all law enforcement agencies established their own medals "For Impeccable Service." All awards were made by orders of the ministers of the interior, defense and the chairman of the KGB.

Post-Soviet space

In 1991, the USSR as a state ceased to exist. Accordingly, the award system operating since 1958 was liquidated. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of 1992, certain medals and orders of the former Union were allowed to be used. The main requirement was the exclusion of Soviet symbols.

Medal for the strengthening of the military community of the Russian Federation

New story

After the official proclamation of the Russian Federation as a sovereign state, the need arose to form its own award system. In accordance with this, Presidential Decree No. 442 was adopted in 1994. According to paragraph 25 of this document, the federal executive structure has the right to establish various types of incentives for employees, including breastplates, medals, badges, which should not be similar with state awards. The authorities also included the definition of ranks for employees. The establishment of the types of incentives should have been carried out in agreement with the state awards commission and the State heraldry under the Head of the country. Many public and veteran organizations, having carefully read the last systems of this paragraph, began to establish different medals for their participants.

The status of the medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth"

This award is departmental. It was established by Order No. 123 of March 27, 1995 of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. A few years later, in 2009, this document became invalid. Instead, a new Order No. 85 was approved. It is worth saying that in Soviet times there was a medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth." The USSR a few years after the Second World War was in a kind of political isolation. In this regard, this award was rarely given to anyone. Basically, the medal "For the Strengthening of the Military Commonwealth " was held by citizens of the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact and the military exercises of the association. For all the time from the moment of its foundation until the collapse of the Union, about 20 thousand people were awarded. People who are keen on collecting various insignia consider the Soviet-style medal β€œFor Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth ” one of the rarest of all, which were introduced in the post-war years. The establishment of the mark occurred in 1979. The award was given by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense or the chairman of the KGB on behalf of the Presidium of the Armed Forces. In order to receive the medal β€œFor Strengthening the Military Commonwealth,” the employee had to establish himself in the field of strengthening military cooperation between the countries of the socialist camp.

Medal for Strengthening Combat Community Benefits

Modern realities

Currently, at the legislative level, the conditions for obtaining this insignia are determined. The medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" of the RF Ministry of Defense can be received by military personnel and civilians, members of the Russian Armed Forces. In some cases, the award can be given to other people, including foreigners, who have made a great contribution to strengthening cooperation with our country in the field of defense. In addition, the medal "For the Strengthening of the Military Commonwealth" of the Moscow Region is awarded to citizens who contributed to solving problems assigned to the jurisdiction of the armed forces.

Features awarding and wearing

The medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth " is awarded by order of the Ministry of Defense in the manner prescribed by the local act of the ministry. Awarding is carried out in a festive atmosphere. A distinguished citizen receives a badge from the minister himself or another person authorized by him. The certificate for the medal β€œFor Strengthening the Military Community ” is also being awarded. The 1995 sample award is worn on a tunic on the left. She is placed in front of the departmental medal "For Distinction in Service". The latter is considered more "older." By a late order (from 2009), no specific rules have been established. It is worth saying that people who have the medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth" do not receive benefits for it. This distinguishes it from many other insignia. According to experts, this is quite reasonable. The fact is that not only compatriots, but also foreigners receive the medal "Strengthening the military community." Payments or any other material measures would be inappropriate in this case.

Medal for the strengthening of the military community of the ussr


The medal is made of metal alloy and has a golden hue. It has a round shape. The diameter of the award is 3.2 cm. A convex rim is present along the edge on the front and back sides. On the obverse is a shield on two swords crossed diagonally. It is also somewhat convex. The name of the medal is indicated in the center of the shield in four lines. Oak branches are located in the lower semicircle. On the reverse in the center is the emblem of the Russian Armed Forces. In the lower and upper parts there are inscriptions. They are made in capital letters and are arranged in a semicircle. Above is written "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", and below - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION". In the upper part there is an eyelet and a small ring. These elements are used to secure the award to a pentagonal block covered with moire silk ribbon. Its size is 2.4 cm. On the right there is an orange strip 1 cm wide with a millimeter black edging, on the left is a red stripe, 0.4 cm wide, edged around the edges of the blue and green two-millimeter lines.


The shield on swords from the earliest times expresses readiness to defend the Fatherland. The branches of oak denoted military glory. The orange bar indicates that the award belongs to the accepted army system of distinctions; the red, blue, green lines indicate that the award is intended to be presented to citizens who have made a special contribution to strengthening military cooperation.

How to get a medal?

The award is presented at the request of the superior. For example, a battalion, division or regiment commander may petition. According to the accepted applications, lists of the awarded are formed. Lists, in turn, are sent to higher divisions. The lists indicate all the achievements of the persons nominated for the award. The drafted document is considered by the Ministry of Defense. If violations are detected in the lists, they are sent back for revision. Awarding occurs once. Repeated receipt of the medal is not provided.

Medal Strengthening Combat Commonwealth Payments

Award History

For the first time, 82 people received the medal in 1996. Until 2000, more than 9.5 thousand people were awarded. Among the most famous personalities who received the medal, it should be noted:

  1. Singer Nikolai Noskov. He took an active part in charity events held for Russian soldiers serving in Chechnya, as well as in the Rock Against Drugs campaign. Socks many times recognized as the singer of the year. In 1999, he also received the medal "For Service in the Caucasus."
  2. Singer Alexander Buinov. In addition to the medal in question, he also has other awards: "Special Forces of Russia", "For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs", etc. Buynov was awarded for his activities in the "hot spots". The singer also boasts numerous thanks and letters of appreciation, including from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the President.
    Commonwealth Strengthening Medal Certificate
  3. The writer Nikolai Pereyaslov. He was awarded a medal for participating in the Plenum of Writers held in 2000 in Chechnya. In addition, Pereyaslov has many other signs, including RPU.
  4. Rector of the Medical Academy in Kazan Zyatdinova K. Sh. The medal was received by him for his enormous contribution to healthcare. In addition to her, he was awarded the badge "Excellent Border Service" and many others.
  5. Tatarstan Prosecutor Kafil Amirov. He was awarded a medal in 2010 by the first vice-president of the republic, R. Muratov. For many years, Tatarstan was in the leading position in terms of the level of preparation of citizens for service in the armed forces.
  6. Admiral M.A. Peyrot. This Minister of the Navy of Mexico was awarded in 2006 for his special contribution to the development of bilateral military cooperation with Russia.
  7. Fernando and Miguel Polonio. The Italian brothers were awarded the medal in 2006.

Among the awarded, meanwhile, there are not only people, but also animals. So, the Jasmine Shepherd serving in Altai has a medal.

status of a medal for strengthening the military community

Related characters

The Ministry of Defense has established other awards. To them, in particular, carry the medal "For military distinctions." At the end of March 2003, an order was signed in accordance with which it was established. The medal is awarded to employees who have shown courage and dedication in battles or during special operations. The badge "For Distinctions in Military Service" was first established in 1995. In 2009, a new Order on its introduction was signed. The medal is awarded to persons who have shown zeal in the service. There are three degrees for this mark. The first is considered the highest.


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