Lost documents on the car: what to do, how to recover

Lost documents on the car, what to do? The loss of motor documents is a very unpleasant circumstance. This will make the inattentive owner spend some money and time. However, recovering lost documents is quite simple, following the instructions provided.


So, imagine the situation that the car owner lost the documents for the car, including the TCP, the insurance policy, a diagnostic card, registration certificate and even rights. Yes, cases of loss of documents are rare, however, no one is safe from this. Documents can not only be lost, but also lost as a result of a natural disaster, not to mention theft. Papers can be stolen for fraudulent transactions, and this is far from uncommon.

Lost documents

What to do first

First, it is worth submitting the announcement "lost documents for the car" to the newspaper and other sources of information in the city (for example, to the local public VKontakte), indicating the information that is set out on the papers. Perhaps someone will discover the loss and return the documentation. But this is a utopian scenario. You need to prepare for the worst and have a workaround with you.

Lost documents on the car, and what to do - is unknown? If the previous option did not help, you need to recover the lost paper. How to recover lost documents to a machine is discussed below.

TCP recovery

The vehicle passport is not a mandatory document for presentation to the traffic police. Therefore, many car owners prefer to leave it at home. Despite this fact, the situation will be examined from all sides, assuming the possibility of loss of this document.

Vehicle passport

What to do if I have lost my documents and passport for a car? The answer is simple - the first and last instance for the restoration of the TCP is the traffic police. When contacting the nearest department of the road service, you must write an application for the restoration of the vehicle passport and pay the state fee. Documents to be submitted:

  • passport of the owner of the vehicle;
  • contract of sale of a car.

After the end of the procedure, the owner will be given a duplicate of the vehicle passport. Yes, it will be exactly a copy and the stamp “Duplicate” and “Instead of the lost” will be on the restored passport. This is a very unpleasant circumstance, given that if the owner wanted to sell the car, as potential buyers would look suspiciously at this TCP for fear of fraud.

Together with the passport, the owner of the car will also be given a new certificate of registration, for which state duty should also be paid. A pleasant fact in the restoration of these documents is that you do not need to present a machine for technical inspection.

Registration certificate

Recovering an STS is as simple as a passport. It provides that the certificate was lost, and the TCP remained in the hands of the owner of the car. The recovery procedure is simplified by the fact that instead of the contract of sale, you will have to submit to the traffic police only the passport of the vehicle and the identity document of the owner.

Registration certificate

In general, the process of returning a document is identical to that described above - an application is written to the traffic police department, a state duty is paid, and after some time the lost document will be restored. By the way, on this document, unlike the TCP, the mark "Duplicate" is not put. Therefore, in addition to the money and time spent, this will not bring the owner any inconvenience.

CTP insurance policy recovery

This document is much easier to recover. The insurance company has acts on the execution of the policy, so from the papers you will need to present only the restored documents for the car and the passport of the owner by contacting the nearest office. For this procedure, the owner of the car does not have to pay anything - it is completely free. After a certain period of time, the policy will be returned to its rightful owner.

Insurance policy

Diagnostic card

It’s just as easy with her - to apply to the organization that is authorized to conduct inspection. Clauses 7.8 and 9 of the Federal Law "On the technical inspection of the machine" state that:

  • in case of loss or damage of the diagnostic card during the period of its validity, a corresponding duplicate is issued by any inspection operator at the request of the owner or his representative;
  • a duplicate is issued on the day the application is received;
  • for the issuance of a copy of the document a fee of one tenth of the cost of the technical inspection is charged.

It is not necessary to present a diagnostic card during normal use of the machine, so this procedure cannot be called urgent. In addition, thanks to a unified system of technical inspection, which provides for the introduction of technical information about the car into electronic databases, a copy of the insurance policy is issued without a card.

Driver License Recovery

Losing the right to drive is much easier than all other documents, since most drivers prefer to keep them always with them.

If the driver has lost the documents for the car and the rights, then the same state traffic inspectorate is the body to be contacted. To restore the driver’s license, paper on the car will not be needed, but other documents will need to be sent to the road service:

  • a statement about the loss of a driver's license;
  • identity document of a motorist;
  • driving training card;
  • new photos;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Since 2016, a medical certificate for restoration of rights is not required. It is needed only if the document has expired, which is 10 years.

Driver's license

In the usual change of rights, a driving training card is not needed, but it will be needed to restore the lost document. Before getting a renewed license, the driver will have to travel with a temporary driving permit, which has an expiration date of 2 months.

Many drivers do not know what to do - lost documents on the car, do you really have to take exams again? You should not worry about this, because Section III of the Issue of Russian national and international driver’s licenses states that upon receipt of a statement about the loss or theft of a license, re-examination is not required.

Loss of a car purchase contract

A very rare case, but it is worth considering it. A copy of the contract of sale when registering the owner of the car should always be given to MREO. Accordingly, you can restore it there by writing a statement at the department.

A more complicated case, when I lost my documents for a car and how to recover, you do not know, because I did not manage to arrange a car for myself. In the presented version, there are two ways:

  1. Search for the previous owner and ask him for a copy of the document.
  2. Challenge your right to property in court.

The first option is not always suitable, because there are difficulties with the search for the former owner. The second option is more reliable, but it will require material evidence (checks, receipt of money transfer, testimony of witnesses). The defendant must indicate the former owner of the car or its heirs (if the seller himself died).

If successful, ownership of the vehicle will be restored, and it will be possible to return the rest of the documents.

Recovery price

Now, from the recovery procedure, we turn to its cost and figure out the numbers.

The cost of returning a driver’s license will cost a total of 2800 rubles:

  • 800 rubles for temporary rights;
  • 2 thousand rubles for issuing a plastic driver’s license.

Obtaining a duplicate title will cost 800 rubles. With it comes with a certificate of registration, the restoration of which costs 500 rubles. The total amount is 1300 rubles.

Document recovery cost

If only the STS was lost, then the recovery procedure will cost 850 rubles:

  • 500 rubles per certificate;
  • 350 rubles for making changes to the vehicle passport.

The price for restoring a diagnostic card is one tenth of the cost of a technical inspection. That is, if the inspection itself cost 800 rubles, then a duplicate will have to pay 80 rubles.

The MTPL policy is restored free of charge, as well as receiving a copy of the contract of sale, if you contact the State traffic inspectorate.

Using the State Services portal gives a 30% discount on all document recovery procedures.


It is worth noting that before receiving the lost documents, you are not allowed to drive a car, since it is prohibited at the legislative level as “driving a vehicle without registration documents on a vehicle”. Such violation is punishable by a warning or a fine in the amount of 500 rubles, as well as by the seizure of the car and its placement in a special parking lot. You should not take risks - it is better to call a tow truck and drive the car to a safe place.

Documents for the car

Also noteworthy is that when stealing documents for a car, you must write a statement to the police. With a document confirming the appeal to law enforcement agencies, you must go to the traffic police department and write a letter of restoration. But the process of duplication of documents may be delayed until the decision of the investigator conducting the case.

Thus, if the driver has lost documents on the car and does not know what to do, the first authority to contact is the traffic police to restore the TCP, STS and driver’s license. The CTP policy can be re-registered at any office of the insurance company - it's free. The diagnostic card is restored in any organization that is authorized to conduct a technical inspection according to the data entered into a single information system. The contract of sale is returned either through the former owner, or through MREO or the State traffic inspectorate. Despite the ease of restoring documents, it’s worthwhile to take a closer look and never lose them, because you will not be able to get the original of some papers, and the mark “Duplicate” will appear on the returned document.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32702/

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