Do-it-yourself country houses: recommendations

As soon as you purchase a suburban area, the question of what country houses you can create with your own hands will become relevant. This should include not only a house that can be used for temporary or permanent residence, but also a toilet, as well as a carport. For a summer residence, it is best to choose compact buildings, because the house should have everything necessary for relaxation, but also not occupy a large amount of space.

For reference

do-it-yourself country houses

The optimal material for construction will be wood, while frame principle may be the principle. The size of the building will depend on the size of the plot, material capabilities and the number of family members. If you plan the building correctly, the project will be inexpensive, and the use of high-quality material will make the house cozy and environmentally friendly.

Foundation construction

DIY cottage building

Cottage buildings with their own hands to any home masters may well be built from improvised materials. In order to avoid heat loss, a strip foundation should be installed. If it is supposed to have a terrace, then under it you can not equip the base, there will be supporting pillars. The walls can be made of glued beams, then they will not have a lot of weight.

For the reason that you will visit the house several times during the winter, it is not at all necessary to deepen the foundation to the level of freezing of the soil. The minimum permissible depth is 60 cm. But in order to prevent freezing inside the foundation contour, insulation should be made from expanded clay, its height should not be more than 20 cm. The base at this stage is poured for the furnace, its dimensions will be 100x100x80 cm.

The construction of a country house with your own hands can include the use of a log house, for this you can use glued material, the cross section of which will be 150x150 mm. Therefore, 25 cm will be sufficient width for the foundation. Four pillars can be placed under the terrace, deepening them by 60 cm. They should have the same height as the rest of the foundation. The columns should be square, their side will be 25 cm. At the bottom of the trench prepared for the foundation, a sand and gravel bedding is set up, the thickness of which should be 20 cm. This part will be a quarter of the volume. A sand cushion will require 1 m 3 of material, while concrete will leave 3.5 m 3 .

About the amount of material

do-it-yourself country houses photo

When finished concrete is ordered, no additional calculations will be required. If you knead the solution yourself, then the amount of cement is taken according to the intended brand of concrete. For example, if cement of the M-300 brand is used, then 1050 kg of cement or 21 bags will be needed. With this amount, 5 tons of crushed stone and 3 tons of sand will be required. As soon as the foundation is dry, expanded clay is poured inside, but first the surface must be cleaned of debris, grass and soil. Thus, the insulation should be used in a volume of 4.8 m 3 .


DIY cottage toilet construction

The construction of a country house with your own hands may involve the use of a beam, which is laid on a previously insulated foundation. The log house is pulled together in the corners; to do this, it is necessary to use the โ€œinto the bowlโ€ technology. The first row is laid out taking into account the fact that the logs should go onto the columnar foundation of the terrace. At a distance of 40 cm, floor beams are laid, they must be made of square beam with a side of 150 mm.

Bars for walls are strengthened among themselves with wooden pins. For each wall you will need 20 bars, a total of 80 pieces. It is necessary to order a timber in order not to cut it on the site. Overlap beams are laid on top , the distance between which should be 1 m. The top row and corners are protected by a moisture-proof film.

Roof arrangement

DIY cottage building

Buildings on a summer cottage site with their own hands may well be erected. This applies not only to the canopy and toilet, but also to the house itself. At the next stage, you can make an attic floor over the lags . Elements are mounted in the penultimate row of the log house. Logs below are hemmed by boards on which sheets of plywood are fixed. Steam and waterproofing is mounted on top. As a heater, foam or mineral wool can act.

Specialist recommendations

do-it-yourself summer house carports

The roof is best made gable, for this rafters are installed, one end of which is located on racks located on the middle beam. The second end should be on the upper rows of the log house. The pediment is sewn up with boards that are cut along the line so that in the end a triangle is formed. A crate is arranged along the axes, on which a vapor barrier membrane is fixed, roofing material is laid on top. In this case, it is a metal tile. Do not forget that the roof needs to be decorated with wind boards and ridge elements.

Construction of a country toilet

DIY building

Do-it- yourself cottage toilet construction begins with digging a hole. It can be round or square. If you plan to install a two-chamber septic tank, the pit should have an outlet pipe, which is located in the toilet cubicle. A toilet seat will be installed on it.

The neck of the second chamber should remain outside the premises, it is required to pump out the accumulated fecal masses. The size of the pit should be 30 cm larger than the available capacity, since around the structure it will be necessary to compact the soil. If you will finish the walls of the pit with brick or concrete, the foundation pit can be made square or round. As soon as the excavation of the pit was completed, drainage from crushed stone, fragments of bricks and stones is arranged at its bottom. The walls are covered with a metal mesh, which is fixed with brackets made of steel wire. Concrete mortar is poured onto the walls, which is left to dry. The total thickness of such a layer should be between 50 and 80 mm. The walls are plastered after drying, and why are left until completely dry.

The pit is blocked by a reinforced concrete slab, which will serve as the foundation for the toilet. If you decide to create country houses with your own hands, it is recommended to consider the photo in advance. From them, you can understand that boards should be laid in the pit that extend beyond the limits of 750 mm. Drown them to the same level with the ground. The boards are treated with an antiseptic, such a wooden substrate can be replaced with concrete pillars.

On the surface there should be two holes for the toilet seat and the cesspool, which is then covered with a lid. A polyethylene film is spread on the area of โ€‹โ€‹the future foundation, the reinforcing grill, which is in the formwork, is located on top. At the next stage, you can knead the solution by pouring it on the platform and leveling, and then leaving until completely dry. A toilet booth is installed on such a platform. On that hole, which is intended for pumping, you must install the hatch.

Canopy construction

Increasingly, lately home craftsmen prefer to create summer houses, carports with their own hands. You too can follow suit by creating a parking space for your car. Why is the foundation laid. Ditches are dug around the perimeter of the site, which, after completion of construction, will serve as drainage holes. To give structural strength, supports should be installed, the lower part of which is antiseptic.

At the next stage, the frame should be erected, this can be done using vertical racks. For a uniform slope of the supports along the entire length, longitudinal beams should be arranged, the location of which is checked on the first two racks. The angle of inclination of the longitudinal beams, which fit into the grooves of the upper ends of the supports, should not be more than 3%. Such summer houses are equipped with their own hands according to a certain technology. It involves laying the rafter system, which is located on the supports. The rafters are fixed on the longitudinal beams, and the distance between them should be 70 cm.

Roof installation

The frame is covered with a crate on which the roof covering is laid. Among the most popular are wood, polycarbonate or decking. Do-it-yourself summer cottages are most often built using polycarbonate, as it has a low cost, exhibits excellent performance and can be easily installed. You can give the necessary size to the sheet with a hacksaw or a power tool.


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